What song is stuck in your head today?
Posted by yabbitgirl on Aug 23, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
WHY oh why is it that the song that gets stuck in your head and goes roundandround all day is never one you actually LIKE? In fact, it's usually one you hate!
And if not, you hate it by the end of the day.
Today I'm stuck with a song from "Guys and Dolls": Sit down you're rocking the boat.
What's in your head today?
i had never even heard of him but that song just sticks!
I think that song is kinda cute, but I can't help loving this one to bits:
Aw man, it's disabled.
Vacations - The Go-Gos.
Je love that song. :)>>>
I read an article about songs that get stuck in your head and on the list was Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy." *tears* Now it's stuck in my head.
Awesome. 8)
I read that too, they call them earworms....creepy.
Aw man, it's disabled.
If you're curious, you should be able to watch it ON YouTube. It's called Happy Ending. :)
eta: anyone know how to make it not show up twice?
All you have to do is paste the youtube video URL into the box, you don't have to add anything, or put it anywhere special.
Get it on (Bang a Gong) - Power Station
You want catchy Mika?! THIS is catchy Mika!
haha love it.
wow, that is catchy!
I just heard this song on TV and I hadnt heard it in forever. It's called Leech by Eve 6
Disabled :(
Everytime I post one it does that. The YouTube Gods have something against me!
I watched on youtube :D
<----------Is procrastinating ;)b
You want catchy Mika?! THIS is catchy Mika!
haha love it.
Lollipop is adorable and catchy, to an almost evil degree. I once had it stuck in my head for two entire days. :o ;D
Yea it does that! It's one of those songs.
The Knights of Cydonia (Muse)
I love Muse!
CK there's a sports bar in Columbus, Ga called Coaches Corner. Weird....