I started summer school today and am kinda freaking out!
Posted by VeganSapien on May 27, 2008 · Member since Dec 2007 · 781 posts
I know its no big deal, but I started summer school today. Three online courses and one Saturday class. They are all accelerated due to it being "summer" and all....I just read through my syllabuses and feel slightly overwhelmed(of course, I had to come to VW to deal de-stress)...I have a mass communications class that is awesome and some other computer tech courses and a database design course...arg...
I have tons of work due in 2 days...I guess I have been lazy these past couple of weeks and now need to get my tucus motivated....so much for a relaxing summer.
Ok, done whining now....anyone else in school this summer?
I am going full time for both spring and summer semesters! I'm half way through spring right now--it goes by so quickly it's crazy! I'm always over whelmed too--but then everything is due so fast I just have to do it and before I know it's done--try not to worry too much--you'll be fine!!!
and a database design course...arg...
awesome!!! databases are fun http://www.artscore.net/images/emoticons/geek.gif
Well, look at it this way, you're getting courses out of the way to lighten your semester load during the year...not much comfort, I know. Here in Europe the system is different, so no summer classes barring the occasional conference. Instead, folks have to study alone for classes they've failed and then they can take the make-up final in September to try and recoup their grade. Which means I (hopefully) will be tutoring people who've failed Lit classes...at least once...I put up flyers yesterday because my regular spring term classes are drawing to a close...no teach, no money.
Wow! 4 courses for the summer! I had summer school one time, I only took 2 courses, which was 6 hours and I was busy non-stop. Good luck to you.
Whew...ok, I feel better now knowing that I am not the only one....I always feel overwhelmed when the semester starts. Even though I've gotten all A's so far, I always get really nervous, worried and start doubting my ability, etc...
Unfortunately, taking summer courses won't lighten my load in the fall....I am working towards 2 degrees in a short time frame....so I always feel like I need to take as many credits as possible.
Best wishes to you all!
that's nuts. and online courses, i think, take more "power" to get done since you don't have "time slots" to go sit and stare.
but again, being a vwer, you are already on here enough ;D
you are so right...I should be over "there" working right now...but I'm here....
In my 4 college years + 1 grad. year....I think my WORST semester ever was a summer semester when I took Organic Chem. lecture + Organic Chem. Lab + Government. I think I was at school from like 7 or 8AM-9PM on most days...then I would have to go home and do tons of homework/studying/trying to catch up/trying to even begin to grasp O-chem. I think Gov. put me over the top..just b/c of the time it took up. I always did summer semesters though (helped me to do an extensive double major in 4 years).
You can doooo itttt! :)
being a student AND teacher suck in the summer!
My history professor was (is) a knowledge junkie. She's always earning degrees while she teaches. I don't know how you, her, and others can do that. My head would explode!
Been there, done that, lived through it and then retired. ;D I used to review my notes so much before an exam I could see them almost word for word in my head. I did all my Master's degree during summer school and had to leave home, children and husband. Ah, those were the days.....glad they're over in a way. BTW, here's wishing everyone straight A's in their educational endeavors.
It's always overwhelming at first. It took a lot of accelerated classes in my ADN to BSN degree.
I'm so jealous of you all who have already have degrees!
Of course, I love it. Its very difficult but rewarding, like most worthwhile things are...
I hope to one day get a master's in art therapy and applied nutrition...the degrees I am working on now are simply to allow myself to make enough money to take care of my kids and afford more school... :D
(((((Hugs))))) to everyone in summer school - hang in there! :)>>>
I just started a summer course yesterday, and couldn't imagine taking 4 in a summer unless I didn't work or do much of anything at all. Mad props to you VS for doing it, especially with children. Do you work now too?
Good luck to everyone in taking, and teaching classes.
i ordered my summer reader today! woot!
rock on, BP!
I just started a summer course yesterday, and couldn't imagine taking 4 in a summer unless I didn't work or do much of anything at all. Mad props to you VS for doing it, especially with children. Do you work now too?
Good luck to everyone in taking, and teaching classes.
I do computer work from home which is convenient for the summer...speaking of which I have to get to work right now and accomplish something! I am officially logging off vw for the evening. Someone slap me if I am back on here...
I'm in school year-round (1 down, 4 to go), and I like summer best in some ways - it's a lot crammed into a little time, but that means fewer things overall than I had in fall/spring. I usually have 4 classes and a clinical practicum or 2 each semester, but now I have just one class and an internship, because each requires so many hours a week, that's all the time I have. It's nice to have 9 hours be full time.
On the other hand, it's summer, and I think my culture's indoctrinated me from an early age to see that as time to slack off... I tend to read a lot more fiction (hence less of my textbooks) in summer, because, well, it's *summer* you know!