Posted by eponine254 on Sep 01, 2009 · Member since Mar 2009 · 10 posts
I apologise if this has been posted before, but since November is fast approaching, I thought I'd find out whether any other VegWeb people are planning on doing NaNoWriMo ( this year? Come and share the madness! :)
I was trying to think back to last year. Someone might have started it. It's a bit too ambitious for me. Do you participate each year? 50,000 words is a lot. It averages nearly 2,000 words a day. I think the average is about 250 words per page, so I'd have to come up with an average of eight pages a day. Eeks. I totally respect the people who are disciplined enough to finish their story.
I did it for the first time last year... It's actually not as much work as it seems (provided you can train yourself to just write instead of editing as you go). Of course, it's in my summer holiday, so I do have that advantage! I'd probably battle to find the motivation to do it if I had varsity or work at the same time. That said, it's a great experience and well worth a try!
Ha! Do you think that would work, bp?
My biggest struggle is to find a story idea. I'm a bit quirky, so story details would be okay, but the over-riding story arc would be hard. I have a month to think of a story idea, a laptop, and my hours cut at work (which means I have time), so maybe. I like the process of storytelling and unique perspective. I was headed into documentary filmmaking before I went back to school to be a biologist. I mean, there are such great short stories out there - I love Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain and Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. Ugh. The pressure.
I signed up last year, because I just missed it. So I am looking forward to a challenge this year. I just hope I end up having the time to dedicate to it.
I did it a few years ago, didn't finish but it was awesome fun... I could be tempted. Plus, I love your sign in name eponine! Les Mis love....
I told a co-worker about NaNoWriMo.
Coworker: You'd be good at it. You're... unique.
Me: What does that mean?
Coworker: Well, you... don't fit in a single category.
Me: Huh?
Coworker: You're... you.
lol. I'm pretty convinced she called me a freak, but that it'd work for me in this instance.
my cat mimi's story would be "mother is home. in nice work clothes. it is time to purr and fur her" which is what she is actually doing RIGHT NOW. she's been needy and snuggly since we put her on a stricter diet.
I forgot to mention: :)>>> mimi
I did it a few years ago, didn't finish but it was awesome fun... I could be tempted. Plus, I love your sign in name eponine! Les Mis love....
Yes! Join us! :D It's much more fun if you have a support network... I tried to do Script Frenzy in April and fizzled out completely because I didn't know anyone else who was doing it.
Les Mis is my favourite musical! You have excellent taste :)
I didn't even know they had anything like Script Frenzy! I totally want to do that. All of those odd, quirky things in life that annoy people - I make note of them because they'd be cool in a script.
All of those odd, quirky things in life that annoy people - I make note of them because they'd be cool in a script.
Yes! At least I'm not the only one. I carry around a pen and paper all the time in case somebody does something a little unusual to use in a story/novel whenever I ever decide to write something that makes sense.
I thought of a story idea for NaNoWriMo! Unfortunately, at the same time a guy knocked on my door to tell me there's a fast moving wildfire and be prepared to evacuate. So, I'm naturally fuzzy on some of the storyline I've thought up, but I at least have an idea.