added this 15 years ago
Healthy Chocolate Banana Shake
What you need:
1 to 1 1/2 frozen bananas
1/2 to 1 tablespoon 100% cocoa powder
1/2 cup plain soymilk
What you do:
1) In a good blender, blend the banana and soymilk until it is smooth. You may need to add more or use less soymilk depending on how large the banana(s) you are using are. Stir or blend in the cocoa power and drink!
Source of recipe: I was craving chocolate and wanted to be healthy at the same time.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
Have not made this in a while! And as of this morning I have six or seven way too ripe banana in a basket on the counter. Looks like I'll be making this shake and some vegweb banana bread in the next twelve hours
Thanks for the recipe!
Quick and healthy and tastes good, so I make this often with either cocoa powder or carob powder.
(I'd make one right now but my bananas are too green haha:p)
I just made this with vanilla coconut milk and it was delicious! The shake was a great consistency and super easy to make!
I use Guiredelli (or however you spell it). Yum :)
it is absurd how good this is. i've been using hershey's dark cocoa powder and it is killer.