added this 18 years ago
Spicy Buckwheat
What you need:
3.5oz buckwheat groats
1 cup water
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon basil, dried
handful of fresh basil
What you do:
Finely grate ginger and garlic. *The core of the garlic is the stinky part, so it is adviced to remove it.*
Heat oil in large frying-pan. Add garlic, ginger, nutmeg and soy sauce. After a few seconds add buckwheat groats. Stir for about 20 seconds until heated through, then add water and stir.
Cover and cook on low for about 15-20 minutes until done.
When cooked, mix in dry basil. Serve decorated with fresh basil and tofu cubes.
This is a European dish with a spicy Chinese-like kick.
Preparation Time:
30 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
It tasted alright, but a lot of it burnt to for me. Maybe I had the temperature a bit too high. Definitely will be trying again!
:D ;D :) :o I'm cooking this tonite. I love ginger, garlic, and kasha. There's no way
this wont' be good. Was that a double negative :-X
this was really good! i love buckwheat (kasha) and i am always trying to get others on the Q&A board to try it :)