Companion Animals:
44 free range hens and roosters - ButtButt, Whisper, Yeti, Kirby, and Furby (silkies); Angel, Mother Hen, Black Dot, and Fluffy, (Orpingtons), Pretty Boy, Goliath, Friendship and Razor (Reds); McChuckins, Goddess, Cutie, Blondie, and Crookdnose (d'Uccles) , Flying Dutchman, Diamond Dutchess, Harry Potter, Jiller, and Bean (Phoenixes) Chinn, Emu, and Spirit (naked necks), Kitten, Dark Kitten, Princess, Little Princess, Moon Tigress (Ameracaunas), ); Third, Eye, Brain, +2 (Polish), Marble +1 (P Rock) 5f Sebrights + 2 horses- Jess (big horse) and Pegasus (mini horse)