Posted by Heliamphora on Nov 05, 2011 · Member since Oct 2006 · 4798 posts
:howdy: Let's share our gardening experiences, triumphs and woes, questions and solutions. :^
Here's my first question, for those of you with experience growing peppers and chilies... do they grow more happily in the ground or are they okay in a pot? If so, how large a pot do I need?
Now I'm off out to plant the rest of my lettuce seedlings before it gets too sunny out there. 8)
There are a few gardening threads already here:, so I'll move this with those. Dunno if those have any of your answers!
They grow just fine in pots Heli. I grow most of my peppers in pots with a 14" diameter (~5 gallons of soil). If you go much smaller than that they will get root bound.
Thanks for answering, Storm... I knew I could count on you :)>>>
I ended up planting them in the ground, because I saw some nice, fresh jalapeno seedlings at work yesterday, and I couldn't resist em. Couldn't afford pots and potting mix, so into the garden the five of em went, in the last small patches of soil that were free. I watered them in with some nice liquid seaweed fertiliser, and will look forward to watching them grow.
I wish I could put mine in the ground but my soil is too sandy and they just don't do well.
Next up: bhut jolokia! I spotted some seedlings at work (stopped in my tracks, in a real OMG!!1! moment) and pounced upon them. I didn't even know they were available in NZ! I am intensely curious to see if I can grow them well... though I doubt I will ever have the heat tolerance to actually try one. ;D
Good luck with the Bhuts! I failed miserably the first time I tried to grow them and managed one healthy plant the second time. I'm told they do best in slightly acidic soil (~6.0 - 6.5), but I'm lazy and rarely check my soil pH.
:hrmm: perhaps I should get a soil pH test kit... orrr I could just leave em in the ground and see how they go. ;D