Reusing ______
Posted by dessie on Oct 05, 2009 · Member since Jul 2009 · 769 posts
KMK started a thread about bottles... but I had something else in mind.
lately, everyone seems to be on this "reuse" kick, and stores sell things made from everything from used chip bags to... whatever else.
anyways, why are we buying our own garbage back from them??
does anyone know how to reuse things like chip bags, capri sun drinks, et cetera?
Could you just laminate them and turn them into a tote bag? hmmm.
I plan to google this, but I just thought it would be awesome if we all made something. :)
i know this has nothing really to do with this but do u reuse ur ziploc bags? i got the idea from my dad i just wash them out while doing the dishes, dry, and reuse!
i do when they aren't like really nasty. If it has been used a few times, or has contained soup or something then I toss em. I don't want them to breed bacteria. but if i used it to double wrap something or just for veggies I will. I re-use tinfoil too.
ya i def throw them out if they're icky... my dad would save them until they were like disintegrating
i also reuse pickle and other jars as tupperware :)
I've been saving those plastic rectangle containers that lettuce comes in-usually the organic stuff. I used them to organize tools in my laundry room (labeled the fronts) and now I just organized my under the sink bathroom clutter with them (lotion, sunscreen, first aid, etc....) Apparently, I have a lot of cosmetic type stuff.
It will be so much easier to find things now! Plus, I can't recycle those here, so I am glad they are not sitting in the landfill.
Later I might post pics of them.
I've been saving those plastic rectangle containers that lettuce comes in-usually the organic stuff. I used them to organize tools in my laundry room (labeled the fronts) and now I just organized my under the sink bathroom clutter with them (lotion, sunscreen, first aid, etc....) Apparently, I have a lot of cosmetic type stuff.
It will be so much easier to find things now! Plus, I can't recycle those here, so I am glad they are not sitting in the landfill.
Later I might post pics of them.
Oooh, good idea! I save practically every container that I buy. For example, I use an old olive oil bottle as a nooch shaker. It's got the little spouting thing at the top so the nooch just fluffs out the top. I save every bottle, jar, bin, lidded can, etc. Then I don't have to buy tupperware.
I like to store the bags of dried spices I get from ethnic stores (cardamom, cumin seeds, etc) in empty oatmeal containers. I hate that those containers are not recyclable (wax lining), and I can't bring myself to throw them away. I have them organized by type in the cabinet... Indian, Mexican, etc.
u can reuse straws as well just rinse them after using (learned this from my gma)
I reuse all of the jars/containers I get too, and wash my plastic bags.
I took my daughter's receiving blankets (which we bought used) and cut up to use as toilet paper (for number 1. I'm not brave enough to use them for number 2 yet! So we have regular toilet paper for that.) I already cloth diaper so I just dump the trash can in with the diapers when I wash. I do use disposable wipes when we are out and about, but they are so strong that I can wash, cut in half, and use them as toilet paper again 1 or 2 times.
When she starts coloring, I plan on taking apart cereal boxes, cartons of milk, and paper bags to give her to draw on.
I make grocery lists and notes on the back of junk mail and bills (that don't have our info on them.)
Bottles (water bottles, lemon juice, etc) to make shampoo in (baking soda + water in one, apple cidar vinegar + water + EOs in another.)
We use washcloths instead of paper towels...we do keep paper towels in the house just in case we need them though.
Geez, when I read that we sound like such hippies. We are really pretty normal, I promise!
I reuse jars and bottles too and wash ziplocs too . I also wash and reuse milk jugs. (My mom and my son drink regular milk so we go through a lot.)I put my laundry powder in old coffee cans and use shoe boxes to organize my undie and sock drawers.
I use the empty toilet paper rolls for three things:
Chew Toy for my rabbit, it is clean un-inked cardboard.
Cut in half and paint (optional), then use as a cord keeper for any and all cords. Simply fold the cord and slip the cardboard tube over it.
Fire Starter Material- Hey, when you heat with wood, you need a good supply of fire starter paper.
Spaghetti sauce jars are good for storing things. I also use mason jars as drinking glasses. It saves on space to have less actual glasses.
KMK started a thread about bottles... but I had something else in mind.
lately, everyone seems to be on this "reuse" kick, and stores sell things made from everything from used chip bags to... whatever else.
anyways, why are we buying our own garbage back from them??
does anyone know how to reuse things like chip bags, capri sun drinks, et cetera?
Could you just laminate them and turn them into a tote bag? hmmm.
I plan to google this, but I just thought it would be awesome if we all made something. :)
and my personal fave...
I save everything. let's take a tour around my crafting loft..
this is my craft table. featuring organized clutter and reused everything-
little storage thing that are actually old plastic sprout containers. just decoupaged them with an old text book & some mod podge. Also in the back, there's painted altoids tins, hershey cocoa container and other junk-
sprouty craftiness-
old jars used for pens, beads, clothespins, buttons, etc-
most of the jars i've recovered the top with fabric or scrap paper to make them more uniform & in accordance with the space
the blue cans in this pic are old cocoa powder containers. acrylic+sealer= ka-pow, new holders for scraps, pins, etc
the paintbrush can is an old whole food brand nooch container covered with scrap paper.
one of the walls, just cause-
pony makin' supplies from old cereal boxes, packaged food boxes, labels etc-
stampeding horses!!!
I have an entire bookmark section on my computer for stuff like this, here's some of it:
Been using my empty butter and yogurt containers as sand toys with kids.....
thanks for the links, minke! can't wait to check those out!
I get this magazine, and they always have cool crafty recycling ideas. I wish soymilk came in plastic gallon jugs, then I could make more of the stuff, but here is one cool idea.
they also have instructions for a wallet from a milk/juice carton, and a little change purse from 2 juice pouches.
i save and reuse just about anything. I even take junk mail or used paper, blend it up and make my own paper, add color and its a great way to craft with the kid and do some good. Makes the vitamix an ITCH to clean up afterwards though LOL :-D
Anyone know how to reuse yogurt cups? I usually grow stuff in them during the spring and summer but I have more yogurt cups than I can use and I need to find another use for them. I'm hoping for something practical.
Anyone know how to reuse yogurt cups? I usually grow stuff in them during the spring and summer but I have more yogurt cups than I can use and I need to find another use for them. I'm hoping for something practical.
considering donating them to your local school's art program. They can usually find some uses for them, especially younger grades, or maybe try preschools or daycares.
That goes for a lot of things you might otherwise throw away, if it could be used for crafting, try donating it! :-)
otherwise I would say if its the kind with the plastic lids, you could store spices in them or other food items. They can be used as food storage.