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The Unfinished Project Project: In Which We Finish Our Projects.

I wanted to create a thread to help us finish the projects that we start and forget about.

Each week, I'm going to pick an unfinished project to work on.  It can be something in-progress or something I have wanted to start.  I'm going to work on it a little bit each day and then post about it with pics.

What do you all think?  I hope you'll play too!  Projects can be household projects, art projects, craft projects, etc.

Tomorrow I will post about my first project.  I'm still deciding what it will be.

D'oh. I totally forgot to update this as I did things. My project of organization is won. I have a file cabinet to organize unfinished sewing/knitting projects. And another thing like a file cabinet that has different drawers for crafty things.

Now time to make things to start up an Etsy store. I have about 4 things done. I want to have around 15 items when I put them up.

Way to go undersarah!  That sounds really cool doing the Etsy thing.  Good luck and I can't wait to see your store:)


I hope I can make myself get this stuff done! Good luck with your quilt also!


love those bibs!
do they velcro?
the only bad thing about velcro is that they can pull them off easily.
snaps might hold better.
we could never use a bib on lyle. he would always get them off so we just gave up.

i have a downstairs hall is FILLED with crap i need to get rid of. Either it is being mailed to people, freecycled, or sold. It MUST be done by mid march when my bff from middle school comes to visit!

It's such an embarrassing pile. I will try to upload a pic if I feel like it. :)


love those bibs!
do they velcro?
the only bad thing about velcro is that they can pull them off easily.
snaps might hold better.
we could never use a bib on lyle. he would always get them off so we just gave up.

i have a downstairs hall is FILLED with crap i need to get rid of. Either it is being mailed to people, freecycled, or sold. It MUST be done by mid march when my bff from middle school comes to visit!

It's such an embarrassing pile. I will try to upload a pic if I feel like it. :)

Thanks:)  Yes, they're velcro - easier for me and I can sew a snap or button on if need be.  I only made 3 - who knows if she'll keep them on, plus they're cheap to buy elsewhere.  It was just a fun little project though.

Good luck on cleaning out your "crap":)!  It always feels good to get rid of clutter to me.


Finished these hand-embroidered "medicine bags" for Maia and I recently.  Eventually I'm going to use my bead loom to do different handles for them though.

Also, pic of all of my more recent projects: tomato soap, avocado-rose soap, the bags again, and homemade fruit spreads canned

The quilt I'm finishing next is stuffed in that bag in the background.  Hopefully within a couple weeks that'll finally be done!  So much for getting that done by March! ::)


berry, those bags are so pretty! I absolutely love hand embroidery. Also, avocado-rose soap sounds amazing.


I need to finish a scarf. I need to put the fringe on one side and I'll be done.

Still. One side needs fringe. I'm just lazy.


berry, those bags are so pretty! I absolutely love hand embroidery. Also, avocado-rose soap sounds amazing.

Thanks!  The soap is amazing, it leaves my skin so soft and clear.


So, 6 months after the last post, I will try to revive this thread. 

DH and I leave tomorrow morning for a 12 hr/2 day drive to Yosemite.  I have several UFOs packed to work on while DH drives.  The star afghan I started when I found out DD was expecting is top priority.  Grandson is 6 months old.  I have several shopping bags started from old plastic bags and one from yarn and at least one quilt top is going along for me to embroider along the seams.  We are staying 1 1/2 hr drivw from Yosemite so I will get some time in to work on something every day for a week.

Last time I counted, I stopped at 24 quilts started and assorted other projects I did not list.


I'm finally almost done with my project to get all of my art and things on my walls and taking down stupid things. Classy digs!
I just have to re-work my main wall of art that I finally got up. Move around my stuff from concerts/shows to make a spot for this vintage nudie poster because it deserves to be in the middle, and then hang up one other thing that I already have a spot for and wire on.
Yay almost being done!

I also have a project to get rid of most of my clothes. I have a dresser full, closet full, and a massive pile that I could pretty much live in along with 2 baskets full of clothes. Goal is to get it down to my dresser/closet.


I had issues with the afgan so I have to find a new pattern to work with.  However, I did get 4 bibs and 4 grocery bags (2 from plastic bags, 2 from odds and ends of yarn)


the other bags and a bib.  Next projects are on my craft shelves and to get the garden finished


All I have left is the buttons and button holes and I just can't seem to make myself do it!  Arg!  :(


All I have left is the buttons and button holes and I just can't seem to make myself do it!  Arg!  :(

Storm, wanna race?  Your buttons and button holes vs. my grandson's Suese quilt.  The pieced top is on two pieces, needs borders, layered, machine quilted and binding done.


Okay, you're on!


OK, I am off work today.  Taking grandson and DH to the farmer's market this morning while DD's friend cuts her hair for a beauty school test.  Then it is to the sewing machine. ;)b


I did actually finish the shirt a couple of weeks ago but I haven't taken pics yet so I guess it doesn't count as finishing until I do.  Now I'm working on a sundress and quilt #4.


Sundress completed and now I have yet another shirt that needs buttons and buttonholes. 


I got distracted from the almost done quilt.  We have new cloth napkins, several pairs of hemmed pants, another shopping bag, and other family mending done including a hole fixed in a stuffed Mickey Mouse.



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