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homocide is not vegan, homocide is not vegan, homo.....

Some of you may remember how much trouble I have been having with my neighbors. First they were complaining that there was too much dog waste on my propert, then it was too much noise, I resolved each of theses issues as they came up. I even sent two of my foster dogs to another foster home. I do not leave my house unless all the waste int eh backyard is cleaned up....My two dogs are Australian cattle dogs, a breed specifically developed to be quiet...So my dogs don't bark. I have two fosters right now that are border collie mixes and they do bark...but only when someone comes into the house/rings my doorbell/etc....

But my neighbor has something against me and continues to call animal control like every other week...I'm well acquainted with animal control now....Then she called to complain that my house was run-down looking and that I have a n antique car in my backyard. So, I guess she ran out of things to complain about so it was reported that I have not been home in weeks and my animals were abandoned....So animal control stopped by mid-day and voila, I was not home. SO they put a note on my door saying the animals had been reported as a abandoned and that the Tucson Police were going to enter the house forcibly so animal control could remove the animals "for their own safety" and that the only way I could resolve the issue was to meet with an animal control officer to prove I was still in town. So, I met with them last night.

So they gave me a citation for animal noise (based on my neighbors complaints- not them actually being aware of it themselves) and I have to go to court on the 21st. The funny thing is...My neighbor got one of the other neighbors to write a complaint too...they are friends...but the time logs for when they say my dogs were barking...don't match one another's at all...So, I have to get all my other neighbors to write statements saying that my dogs DONT bark. I want to know why they think its MY dogs barking...the neighborhood is one of the loudest Ive ever been in (granted Ive lived in the country much of my life) but there are dogs barking constantly, parties till 1am, we live near an airforce base that just failed noise tests from flying to low...24 hours a day....there are constant sounds of traffic....GAH! I'm so frustrated!!!

I really feel like being mean to these people. (cant help but think how so many random acts of vandalism happen on halloween that they would never suspect me....) but I know thats all wrong and not the best way to handle this...I'm just so frustrated because this has been going on for a number of months and keeps escalating....

OMG! I am soooooo sorry Zealia! I can't believe this shi*t is still going on! This neighbor is just plain out to get you! You should compile all the times she has called animal controll or the police or who ever on you and then present that in court--I think once the judge see how many times its happend (like what? 1000 times a month?) I think he will understand it's her problem, not you and your doggies!

I hope you are doing well despite the problems! Many hugs and kisses for you!



*hugs Zealia*

I agree Homicide is NOT vegan! hehe  But documentation is!  Do get a listing of all of their complaints & the findings of each report.  Get statements from your OTHER neighbors about the noise level & lack of your dogs barking.  Heck I would set up the computer to record the noise going on in and around your house one day.  Call home and talk over the answering machine to note the date, time, and lack of you being present.  If nothing else this may give you an idea of how quiet or loud the dogs are during the day.  Also snap pictures (with the date stamp) of your clean back yard to show in court.  Make sure you have at least several to show.  This may or may not be admissible but at least you are covering your own rear.

Should you show up, with a huge folder of documentation your obnoxious neighbors may realize they are outclassed.  They already are now but simply are too blind to know it! 


Since you live next to an assh*le who is not going to give up making your life hell....maybe (and this may not be want you want to hear right now) should see if there is someone else who can take in your 2 fosters. I know you mentioned that you are going to be leaving there soon.... maybe fostering dogs in a suburban setting is not the best thing to do (with a psycho neighbor added into the equation). I could never imagine being able to live with my herd in the suburbs. For one...they are much quieter without the distractions of a suburban setting, if they see or hear nothing...they don't make any noise. It's a shame you have to live next to this person....but from everything you've posted for months now about her....even if you beat her on this (dogs barking, old car in yard)...she's going to move onto something else...and then onto something else..etc. She obviously has nothing better to do in her life, and she likes the drama. She likes seeing the officers show up at your door... (I can almost picture her pulling up a chair to her window while she stuffs her face with Frito's waiting for them to arrive once she's called to complain). The second they arrive, she probably makes a bee line for them and gives them an earful about you. You have become a big part of her life....from the peeking over the fence, to making a log of how many times your dogs bark, at what time they bark, and now wants to get the rest of the neighborhood against you as well.

If you are moving soon....just put on blinders.....ignore her the best you can...and move on with your own life. She's SOOO not worth it.

If you had the $$$$$....I'd tell you to get an attorney and sue her for harassment... a I'd have them file new motion every month...and ammend their complaint every she had to hire her own attorney and get billed every time she had to reply......until she was bankrupt.... ::)

good luck!


VHZ... Sorry you're still dealing with her crap.  


oh, zealia. that is so terrible. i hope everything goes well in court.


My neighbours are jerks too... but I think you get the super shiny trophy.

Karma will get her eventually...



So sorry Zealia.  You have got some real loser neighbors. 

Do they, by chance, have any pets of their own??   Just wondering if they even have any sense of compassion at all in their self-centered lives, any common ground- if even in the slightest- with you.  They, obviously, cannot seem to relate to you or your ideals.  Maybe finding some small crack in their detached, unsympathetic attitudes can get them to see you as a real, feeling person.  ... Then again, maybe not; they sound so utterly hateful.   ??? 


If you had the $$$$$....I'd tell you to get an attorney and sue her for harassment... a I'd have them file new motion every month...and ammend their complaint every she had to hire her own attorney and get billed every time she had to reply......until she was bankrupt.... ::)

Yes, this is absolute harassment at this point.


Sign your neighbour up to receive the SPCA/local animal shelter/rescue newsletter..maybe a little education would help her out!



good luck with it all...

homicide is not vegan, homicide is not vegan. repeat it like a mantra.


Aww Z that stinks!

This is EXACTLY what happened to my mom's neighbor. A old lady on her block was a nutjob.
The neighbor (who only had 1 dog) moved away (after living there for 50 years!) and the old woman moved on to my mom, it was about her yard or parking, or whatever. My mom is very involved in the city and it was clear no citations would be made against her escpecially for no reason.... so the woman moved on to the next neighbor!!
The were installing a pond in the front yard and a lot of black mud went down the gutter all the way down the street... the woman told the neighbors farther down that it was OIL!! SO THEY called the police! They felt embarassed and silly in the end when it was mud.
The last straw was when the woman escorted 2 young children into, the same house that was installing the pond, over a fence, through an unlocked back door... because "their grandmother used to live there"... HELLO??? New people live there now! And have for 15 years! That is not OK!
Pretty much the entire neighborhood ended up with restraining orders against her. This is a NICE neighborhood too. It's just crazy. 
The point is I agree with Dave, they will continue to bother you regardless. It's too bad they have nothing better to do.


The point is I agree with Dave, they will continue to bother you regardless. It's too bad they have nothing better to do.

I agree with Dave at this point too. Unfortunately, because these are the two dogs that were abandoned on my property, they are not associated with an actual rescue, Ive had a hard time finding a new foster for them. I even contacted the AZ border collie rescue and they said they didn't look border collie enough.  ???  Ive had a lot of people interested in adopting one of the two dogs but these dogs are so attached to one another that they get like manic when they are separated. I even had one break out of a dog kennel (the type you use on airplanes) to get to her sister....I don't think they could be separated. they are about 5 or 6 yeas old...Well- I'm still trying really hard to find homes for them and I'm not taking in any more fosters once they are gone---at least not for now. With the autumn there comes a decrease in the number of puppies ending up in the pound...therefore the no-kill shelter might have room. I'll check that out if I still haven't found a home for them in the next week or two. I just hate to do that!! Thankfully none of the complaints have mentioned my chickens-- so they must be okay. She might not even be aware that they re there- my other neighbors weren't. Technically I only took the chickens ona  temporary basis when their new home fell through...but Ive fallen in love with them- I'm going to try to keep them if I can. We shall see....

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