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How do you feel about Farting (or tooting as I like to call it)?

We already have a poop thread going, so I thought it might be nice to discuss another near and dear topic relating to veganism.

I've found mine to vary wildly, from the extremely rare floral aroma, to the rancid roadkill type.  I do tend to enjoy it when a significant other toots.  ;)

What do you like, or god forbid, dislike about the vegan communities'  affinity for flatulence?

I figured I had to write something since I voted for the last option.
I have to say that while some are quite...erm... scented ... and the scent may be of the stinky variety at times... and sometimes unpleasent if it's my husband... but the scent is far less toxic than omni-farts.


For the most part, I don't mind "toots" as long as people 'fess up to them. It's kind of interesting to see how different foods are digested and what kind of gas results--kind of like a chemistry project :)

Josh is infamous in our house for the "silent but deadly" variety and ALWAYS denies it! There are only two of us living here, and it wasn't me, so that leaves...? And he's an omni, so they aren't of the somewhat intriguing variety  :P


Damned fruit gets me every time.  ;D


ha ha. this is a great thread.
i fart a fair amount. and they are generally very 'stinky'. i say this in quotes because i don't care... i mean they are my own farts, but my roomies hate it. they always call them 'vegan farts'. so i don't get how ours are better than omni's? i mean we eat lots of fiber so we should fart/poo more, yeah?


I figured I had to write something since I voted for the last option.
I have to say that while some are quite...erm... scented ... and the scent may be of the stinky variety at times... and sometimes unpleasent if it's my husband... but the scent is far less toxic than omni-farts.

Yes... I have exquisite memories of a fart battle I had with a rather gassy omni, that resulted in the near death of two other members of the small car in which we were traveling.  Needless to say, I ended up losing, and literally almost vomiting.


While I don't enjoy the smell of any fart I have ever smelled, I do find them quite amusing! However, my roommate--hwo eats a lot of fat food--has some seriously nasty farts--if they could bottle his--they could drop them on our enmies as a weapon! He does a least have the wisdom to look shamefull after one of those...*eww*


I thoroughly enjoy gassing my boyfriend to death, showing him who's boss! It's a funny conversation piece when someone can actually stop time with the stench of their farts!! My mother frequently gases my dogs off her chair she shares with them when she eats falafel.


so i don't get how ours are better than omni's? i mean we eat lots of fiber so we should fart/poo more, yeah?

I would say ....

vegan farts = potent and plentiful... but not rancid rank foul

omni farts = rotten death in gaseous form

(and dairy eaters farts are also nasty, sorry)


i do have to comment on cat farts. jesus!

OMG! Those are the worse! My beautiful little girl has the nastiest--they could rival my roommates "farts of mass destruction"!!


I thoroughly enjoy gassing my boyfriend to death, showing him who's boss!

Yeah, I don't get the girly run to the bathroom thing. I always save mine for my husband to enjoy when I can... my motto is, "why waste it?"  8)


That is a good motto, I should start showboating more instead of keeping them all to myself.


I am not a huge fan of gas being shared.  Extra baggage from a not so nice Ex.  Farts are not spoken of in my home, they many take place in the bathroom or all alone.  Neither hubby nor I are into "bathroom humor".

Luckily about 50% of my toots are soundless and scentless.  Of the remaining amount half of that smells like my own body scent more than anything else.  The rest can be smelly but not like an omnis.  *holds nose* 


I have only run into maybe 2 people who fart as much as I do. I love it mostly (sucks on dates, stomach pains...having to sneak off to release giant farts in the bathroom)

but other than that, I enjoy blasting friends, family, random people

I ruined some poor lady eating lunch in Chicago on tour, it wasnt intentional but just bad timing...but her reation as I walked by and it hit her as she was lifting a fork full of lunch to her mouth was priceless. While I do feel bad for this, Id probably do it again for the pure humor. Besides she was probably eating an animal anyways

never said I was polite I guess

also the farts have increased with going vegan...and tofu dogs will make me a veritable sewage pit


I'm really not that into bathroom humor but sometimes it's pretty funny. My favourite is "farting" near your family in a public place and just walking away so it looks like they do it. haha. gross, i know.  :P

Yeah, crop dusting people is pretty darn fun.  ::)


My husband eats almost NO fruit and veg so he never has gas of any kind. I do, and he likes to make an issue of it. But as my old mother used to say, "There's more room in the world than there is in me!" Even Queen Elizabeth has been heard to say, "It's better out than in." ;D


Ahhh, beans, beans. Our beloved musical fruit. 'Nuff said.  :D


My brother used to be the family fart champion, but having gone vegetarian I am now in a position to challenge him for the title! ;D


I have only run into maybe 2 people who fart as much as I do. I love it mostly (sucks on dates, stomach pains...having to sneak off to release giant farts in the bathroom)

but other than that, I enjoy blasting friends, family, random people

I ruined some poor lady eating lunch in Chicago on tour, it wasnt intentional but just bad timing...but her reation as I walked by and it hit her as she was lifting a fork full of lunch to her mouth was priceless. While I do feel bad for this, Id probably do it again for the pure humor. Besides she was probably eating an animal anyways

never said I was polite I guess

also the farts have increased with going vegan...and tofu dogs will make me a veritable sewage pit

lol lol lol


Wow! My first post here and it's about, well, farting. My sister would say that's typical of me, because I have the sense of humour of a 12-year-old boy. I find farting absolutely hysterical, and I always have. And I've recently started acting, and I love that most of the actors I've been on stage with are as comfortable with it as I am. I mean, we have to be, right? Our most recent play just closed last Saturday--one rehearsal was totally disrupted when an actor threw herself onto the corpse of her daughter sobbing hysterically and let out a fart so loud it echoed. And during one performance I had to literally clench my butt cheeks together while I was carrying around a bowl that represented a baptismal font (long story) so I wouldn't gas out the guy playing the priest.

I've found in the nearly 2 months that I've been a vegetarian that I fart less actually than I did before, but it's louder. My mother is visiting, and she's an omni, and I love her madly, but as my sister said, we wish that her gas was as sweet as her personality. Yicch.  Her farts will peel the paint off the walls.  :o


I am at work right now, sitting in a little office all by myself & I happen across this thread....OMG, I am laughing so hard, I'm crying. If anyone walks in here, I'm ruined  ;D
Farts, as my husband (who loves to fart) always says, "That's why God gave you an exhaust!" :D



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