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Reasons to smile

I guess not everyone needs to find a reason, but... What made you smile and/or laugh today?

My first LOL of the day was caused by this LOLdog.

I went to the uniform laundry room at work yesterday, to ask if I could try on a size smaller in my trousers. And they fit! The laundry lady asked me if I needed a new shirt, too, so I tried the next size down in that, too. And it fit! Wow. My pants had been slipping down my hips a little for weeks, but last week they got ridiculously slippy. So happy to have confirmation that my body's changing shape/size a little. :iloveyou:

Humming along to the occasional good song at work... it's amazing how much it can lift my mood. ;)b

Overhearing customers' reactions when they can't decide whether flowers are real or not. It's hilarious either way - when they think fake are real, or real are fake. ;D

a phone call with my husband is making me smile right now in the middle of a severely average monday at work. That'll probably hold the grumpy off for another hour or two.


Camillus...sigh  :flower:


Camillus...sigh  :flower:

Aw! :)>>>

As for myself, I didn't smile so much today. But yesterday K and I had a good and smile-inducing Sunday. ;)b

eta: Okay, I thought of one. It is, perhaps, a reason to cringe as well as smile, but... ::) my thigh and abdominal muscles feel strained from, ah, how shall I put this? ..... unusual exercises. >:D


Not much to smile about on a Monday after highly relaxing and loving weekend.. however, a bag of Dorito's is doing the job nicely so far.....


Heli, do you mean the horizontal hundred-metre dash?  >:D

DH made me smile by saying, "I have such a headache in my back." Not smiling that his back hurts...just his way with English.


Heli, do you mean the horizontal hundred-metre dash?  >:D

You got it. ^-^ ;D


I just received a wonderful package full of vegan goodies from Camillus.  :) 


that is adorable.


Okay, I thought of one. It is, perhaps, a reason to cringe as well as smile, but... ::) my thigh and abdominal muscles feel strained from, ah, how shall I put this? ..... unusual exercises. >:D

Good exercise regimes are keepers.


I am going out for a fancy meal on Friday with N to an amazing raw food restaurant.
I am going to Paris on Saturday for 3 days and have found a vegan restaurant to go to on one night.


I am going to Paris on Saturday for 3 days and have found a vegan restaurant to go to on one night.

Super impressed. Vegan food in Paris? The French seem to be of the opinion that to eat animals is about as necessary for life as to breathe... the one meal we had out in Paris I barely handled watching my husband eat the most disgusting meat sausage he had ever tried, while I had to settle for a glass of red wine. Worst dining experience, ever.
So congrats on your find, hope it's awesome!


I found the setting where I only get one email notification for each new topic reply. I can't believe I didn't think to look before! Thanks to whomever said they only get one the "things you'd like to see on vw" thread.

I'm also getting along really well with everyone, and one person especially, at my new job.  :) Training is going well, also.


What made me smile today was waking up to see my beloved being chased out of the bedroom by a ninja bumblebee... Maybe I shouldn't laugh, but, as my beloved was in her underwear at the time it kinda added to the comedy value...! 


i received a package of THE MOST DELICOUS JAM in the entire world.  direct quote from both brittney and me.

thank you HH.  i think when i marry you will make you my official jam making wife!   ;)
feel free to send awesome jam to me anytime!


(i just wish i had bread... we were eating it with a spoon and only stopped because i said, "hey, wait... i want to save a bit for a sandwich!")

k+b+hh+jam=  :)>>>  :)>>>  :)>>>

eta: by the way, it was so good that she told me to get the recipe and when i told her that you already posted it she lit up.  now i'm going to have to start making jam... unless, of course, i move you into my super awesome lovely apartment that i just know you're dying to live in.  our couch pulls out and you'll sleep with bunnies and kitties!  an offer you cannot refuse, right?!


Today is my BD, and we are going to my fave Indian restaurant for lunch. And I have nothing to do till 8 PM.
And one of my students texted me a felicitation.


oh my gods, yabbit!  happy birthday!


What made me smile today?

The same thing that makes me smile everyday, my clumsy, cute as a button, 9 month old son.  How I got so lucky to get such a beautiful baby, I have no idea but he makes me laugh a million times a day.  Cuttest little round butt, beautiful blue eyes, crawls and gets into everything. 

Gotta go, getting to my laptops cord, not a good thing...OH NO!


Reasons to smile today... well... I got up early to go on my running machine.. i was very tired ... got on the running maching and was watching the news,  lost concentration watching an article about how vegetarians are 33% less likely to suffer certain kinds of cancer due to their diet... lost my footing....flew straight off the back of the running machine and into a chair.... ouch... but good news about the vegetarian diet!!!  ;)b


you landed on the couch so that you could take a rest and focus on all of that stuff you just took in about the vegetarian diet!


my reason to smile:

my confused babies.  my kittie just hopped like his bunny siblings. 


i'm pretty sure most kitties do NOT hop like bunnies.

mine's just extra special.



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