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Reasons to smile

I guess not everyone needs to find a reason, but... What made you smile and/or laugh today?

My first LOL of the day was caused by this LOLdog.

I went to the uniform laundry room at work yesterday, to ask if I could try on a size smaller in my trousers. And they fit! The laundry lady asked me if I needed a new shirt, too, so I tried the next size down in that, too. And it fit! Wow. My pants had been slipping down my hips a little for weeks, but last week they got ridiculously slippy. So happy to have confirmation that my body's changing shape/size a little. :iloveyou:

Humming along to the occasional good song at work... it's amazing how much it can lift my mood. ;)b

Overhearing customers' reactions when they can't decide whether flowers are real or not. It's hilarious either way - when they think fake are real, or real are fake. ;D

laurabs posting in the chit chat thread made me grin!  :>


Cams booked his flight for our next visit.  :)>>>


I visited my sister in Brighton this weekend and it was lovely and sunny and great.  We spent funs times catching up and chatting and drinking.
This morning when I woke up she offered me banana muffin that she had made especially for me - and guess where she got the recipe for vegan on Vegweb!  They were good!
Then she took me to a cool pub for a yummy vegan sunday roast!!
My sister really made me smile this weekend!


The end of my summer was amazing <3


my reason to smile currently: knowing that my mommy loves me and that this little monster growing in my belly is going to be MUCH, much loved by so many.  :)>>>


My friend from high school that I mentioned a while back is still eating vegan!  Today he said he's been making at least 2 recipes from vegweb a week.  I'm trying to get him to sell his soul to the forums.  >:D  Yay for vegweb recruits! 


I picked up Dream Theater tickets in a pre-sale this morning....and we're centre of stage, three rows back... it's gonna be A M A Z I N G ! ! ! ! ! !


my reason to smile currently: knowing that my mommy loves me and that this little monster growing in my belly is going to be MUCH, much loved by so many.   :)>>>

Lucky child, lucky mom, lucky grandmom, to have each other.
Love each other.


--my tinnitus is markedly better.

--Hubby did NOT burn himself badly today. He was frying something in deep oil (well, deep-ish) and suddenly there was a crash and very, very colourful swearing. I dashed out and he had seen the pan begin to slide and leapt backwards. He is unhurt but there was olive oil all over the floor, DW, walls etc. I was so relieved he wasn't burned that I didn't mind mopping up the spillage. I think the stove isn't level, and now he is eager to get it checked.


....I'm still breathing.  Some days, that's the only reason I have....and it's enough.


my reason to smile today is that I'm smiling. :)


-My chem professor is amazing.

-This guy i know was insanely excited when i emailed him this huge list of vegan food for on the road.

-My boys in my band (i claim them as mine) still text me every dayyy. And one of them calls me a butthead and then i tell him hes mean so he calls me cutie, thats the start of many of our convos, and it makes me giggle.


For the first time in over a year, red onions are back on the market!! I don't know what happened there, but I haven't been able to get any since about February of last year. I went crazy and bought 5 lbs of red onions and a big bunch of "fresh onions" (like scallions on steroids).


yabbit, we've had a lack of onions here too lately, not for that long but the past couple months the few i've seen have been so icky.

rts- Texting marc and zach until 230am <3
-College is rad
-I only have classes 3 days a week so i get to sleep in tuesday/thursday.


Oh we've had the normal white or yellow onions, but red ones and scallions have been unobtainable. I just made Ful with red beans, which came out waaaay to spicey. (There's a reason you're supposed to use favas!!)


it's  F R I D A Y !  !  !  !


Aaaand it's C A T U R D A Y ! :D

Also, the carpets of daffodils in the botanic gardens, past which I cycled today, are freakin' beautiful. :)>>>


I just ate a local nectarine so ripe that the juice ran down my hand.  :)


The situation in my community is being resolved. The cieling of my world has stopped cracking and I feel like a human being for the first time in over 2 weeks.

And I've lost almost 3 lbs of the 4 I had put on this summer.


God is good.  My family woke up today and none of us are sick!  We paid what we had to pay, bought what we had to buy, gassed up the vehicles and have some $$$ leftover to start the week. 



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