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Reasons to smile

I guess not everyone needs to find a reason, but... What made you smile and/or laugh today?

My first LOL of the day was caused by this LOLdog.

I went to the uniform laundry room at work yesterday, to ask if I could try on a size smaller in my trousers. And they fit! The laundry lady asked me if I needed a new shirt, too, so I tried the next size down in that, too. And it fit! Wow. My pants had been slipping down my hips a little for weeks, but last week they got ridiculously slippy. So happy to have confirmation that my body's changing shape/size a little. :iloveyou:

Humming along to the occasional good song at work... it's amazing how much it can lift my mood. ;)b

Overhearing customers' reactions when they can't decide whether flowers are real or not. It's hilarious either way - when they think fake are real, or real are fake. ;D

Claire, your vid makes me smile :)


This is still making me smile a week later...totally surreal with rain flowing in my hair and everything.

also I had a sexy dream recently that made me smile too! hah


One of my fave students passed the exam that was standing between him and his degree. In spite of his terrible handwriting! (It's an essay exam).

He also says he wants to come by next week "just to talk." I hope he wants to sign up for conversation classes; his written English is superb and it's a shame he's afraid to open his mouth. Also, he's not hard on the eyes. I'd love to sit across from him for an hour or two a week.  :D


my reason to smile:  meeting bp tomorrow morning!


My reason to smile is that I have a stinking cold.. why smile you might ask?.. Well, its always a perfect excuse to eat loads of comfort food, put the duvet on the couch, stay in your pj's for the entire weekend watching your fave tv programmes, box sets and movies! (AND you get out of doing the chores!) Am I sad?? Yep!


My reason to smile is that I have a stinking cold.. why smile you might ask?.. Well, its always a perfect excuse to eat loads of comfort food, put the duvet on the couch, stay in your pj's for the entire weekend watching your fave tv programmes, box sets and movies! (AND you get out of doing the chores!) Am I sad?? Yep!



"¡Feliz Viernes!"

...or happy friday!


Tofutti cheeze pizza  :)>>>


Lunchtime yoga totally changed my day!  :)>>>


Seeing someone encounter a crumpet for the first time ever... and spreading and eating it UPSIDE DOWN. :-D


Oh, I almost forgot: finding a jar of homemade sweet/hot red pepper relish in the bottom of my pantry when I moved house. Mmm, so yummeh. :)>>> And the fact that it was still good, even though I never did the proper sealing/preserving thing on the jars. ;)b


Seeing someone encounter a crumpet for the first time ever... and spreading and eating it UPSIDE DOWN. :-D

I've never had a crumpet.  How do I tell which side is up?


Seeing someone encounter a crumpet for the first time ever... and spreading and eating it UPSIDE DOWN. :-D

I've never had a crumpet.  How do I tell which side is up?




are crumpets similar to what we call "english muffins"?

it looks like a toasted english muffin to me!


If they are the same, I'm totally calling them crumpets from here on out.  And maybe even if they're not.


my reason to smile:  meeting bp tomorrow morning!

my reason: having some tight blackmail on you two now :P

just kidding. we had fun! fun at ikea...

my reason to smile:  finally meeting a vegwebber! 

and i LOVE having blackmail.  which should we show first?  the ones of you and brittney in bed together?  or the ones of you and me in bed together?  or how about the shower one? 

or what about the one of you riding the moose?  wait, that was a video! 

oh, who knew ikea could be so fun?!

my reason to smile part b: bp brought us vegan goodies!  wow!  thank you.  your "happy vegan chocolate chip" cookie bars came out way better than when i made that recipe in cookies (i only made it once).  you've given me inspiration to try it again.  maybe i like the bars better for that one?  (the cookies that i made were decent, but i have made better ones using other recipes... but the cookie bars that you made were absolutely delicious!) 

maybe now brittney will let me add walnuts to our cookies?!!! (she loved it too, by the way!)

(i use parentheses a lot, don't i?)


If they are the same, I'm totally calling them crumpets from here on out.  And maybe even if they're not.

i think maybe we're wrong.  but that doesn't mean that we can't still try to look cool while saying that we're having an afternoon tea with crumpets.  we'll sound dainty or something... even though we're totally just drinking normal tea from an unfancy cup and eating english muffins.

no one else has to know!


Crumpets and muffins are quite different, and both have their benefits, and best toppings. Some folks seem to prefer savoury toppings (or fillings) for muffins; for instance, in the Egg McVegan (which I have not, and cannot try because I don't have access to good, much less meltable vegan cheese). I usually just toast and spread my muffins with regular toast spreads, including marmite.. which could be called savoury, I suppose. Mebbe I should try a grilled cheeze(sauce) and marmite muffin sammich someday. ;D I already love marmite + avocado on toast, so.


The US version of what is there called an "English muffin" is indeed a crumpet. (I've lived both places and had both things, so I know.)  And I must say, the American ones beat the crap out of the ones I've bought from Marks and Spencer, when we had one. They were rather like plastic coasters, those ones.

I submitted a couple of recipes for vegan versions of some tea-cake type stuff but who knows when they'll be posted; I'm still waiting for my Arroz a la Cubana from February to be posted.


ftr: i asked brittney what she thought was in that picture and she said, "it looks like an english muffin" then i exclaimed "THANK YOU!"... so although they are not the same, at least i'm not the only one!



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