So.... go?
Posted by Cephi on Sep 30, 2007 · Member since Feb 2007 · 371 posts
Anyone on this board play go? I play online on KGS, as Cephi. I just made 7kyu (yay) but will probably backslide to 8kyu soon. Anyone else on KGS? If so, what's your name there? And if you like go but aren't on KGS, you should check it out; it's free to play and view games.
(If you don't know about go, it's a strategy board game, kind of like chess. It appears in the movie Pi, and in the movie A Beautiful Mind; and it is without a doubt the game of stones that many characters play in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time novels.)
;D I didn't understand much of any of that. The last game I played was Frogger on Atari.
Go is extremely popular in Andalucia, where I live! A lot of Chinese people have migrated here and their kids play it in school. Apparently the younger you learn the better you play and some Spanish kids who have learned it from schoolfriends are amazing!
I always wanted to learn to play mah-jong but you need 4 people and the sets are expensive. I don't think I could draft 3 other people into learning with me. (We recluses don't have a lot of friends who play boardgames, and my husband spells it "bored games.") I tried online but they assume you already know.
;D I didn't understand much of any of that. The last game I played was Frogger on Atari.
;D ;D ;D
Oh how I miss Atari. Asteroids. Space Invaders. Combat (ha! those crude graphics of planes and tanks!). Frogger was so much fun.
I've never played Go either, though. ::)
;D I didn't understand much of any of that. The last game I played was Frogger on Atari.
;D ;D ;D
Oh how I miss Atari. Asteroids. Space Invaders. Combat (ha! those crude graphics of planes and tanks!). Frogger was so much fun.
I've never played Go either, though. ::) has all those games. My 4-year old LOVES Asteroids. has good games for kids too.
My husband plays go when ever he has the time. He's currently 2kyu.
I searched high and low for a flipping go board for my lil brother for Christmas two years hours and hours of store after store after store...half of them had never heard of it...the other half didn't have it...So I fainally found one and secured it...and I stood in line to purchase it...and i called my dad in elation to tell him that i got it...
and he says..."oh yeah...I picked one up weeks ago at a card show...I guess i forgot to tell you...." :-[
i think i got him a gift certificate to EB games instead. ::) He wanted to teach me but I had to leave for school again!, I don't play...sorry for the rant... :-\
;D I didn't understand much of any of that. The last game I played was Frogger on Atari.
OMG! I love you HH! You ae my new hero! :P
I had a huge headache with that too Zealia! I couldn't believe that game stores didn't have the board... it's only one of the oldest and most popular games in the world! Granted, not as much in the west as the east, but still! If you specialize in selling games... sheesh.
The story of when I finally got my board is weird too... I was visiting an old high school friend over my university's winter break. He and I don't speak all that often, and I don't remember ever discussing go with him. Another old friend of ours showed up, and eventually it came up that he played go. Excited to be around another player, I asked the first friend if he happened to have a go board in the house. He looked at me strangely... and gave me my christmas gift, which was a go board! :o He refused to believe that it was coincidence... he still thinks that another mutual friend of ours spilled the beans to me about my gift! ;D
Omega, I am jealous of you... I wish I had a 2kyu player around that I could bug for games!! :D ;)
He'd have to give me a pretty big handicap though...
Over here you can get Go sets and Mah Jong at the Asian grocery, in the side aisles where the rice cookers and stuff are...or ask. I bet if you asked they would at least know *where* to get one. A MJ set here costs like $100, and as I say, I can't find 3 other people to go in with me... :-\
Heh, a friend of mine pulled out a board once, taught me how to play, and I proceeded to whoop him. I refused to play with him again. ;) We worked with kids at the time, so he brought the board into work and I showed a bunch of kids how to play. His set either didn't come with instructions or he lost them, so I was never quite clear on the rules. I used to look in every game shop for a set but eventually gave up. I'd love to pick it up again, it seems really cool!
I taught my boyfriend how to play, I've never won since. I dont like to play it too much anymore, its not that exciting when I know I'm going to lose. but, nevertheless, it was a fun game!
I taught my boyfriend how to play, I've never won since. I dont like to play it too much anymore, its not that exciting when I know I'm going to lose. but, nevertheless, it was a fun game!
Make him give you a handicap! Go beginners are often reluctant to take handicaps (especially westerners) but it really is a standard part of go culture. (Same thing with resigning. This is not nearly as much a part of chess culture, as I understand, but in go it is considered very rude not to resign if your position has become hopeless.) As you say, where's the fun when players are of such different strengths? An appropriate handi should make you win about half the time. That way, the game is challenging for both of you.