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What have you learnt today?

So it is said that we learn something new every what have you learnt today?

Today I have learnt that Barry White was a vegan.

Reminds me of the time I spent a week as simultaneous interpreter for an older (near age 70) Texan male who insisted on standing in front of me, with his back to me, when speaking. I'd step up next to him, and he'd step away. Like, 2-3 strides. Not only was his accent thick enough to cut with a knife and spread on bread, he had a bad cold to go with it. I finally asked him point-blank, "Look, do I smell or something? If I can't hear/understand you, I can't interpret for your audience, and there's no point in your being here at all."

By the end of the week he had given me the cold, which in my case morphed into the flu and laid me on my back for nearly a month.



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