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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

wow, sarah, he's a dick.


Idiot people and their stupid billing practices.  BILL MY INSURANCE COMPANY NOT ME!  Also, Comcast you can go suck balls.  If you do not tell me about install charges I will not pay them.


If you're going to walk/run in the middle (or anywhere!) of the trail, at least keep your music down so that you can hear me TELL YOU I'm about to pass. This way, I can pass without braking and almost running you over as you stay in the middle of the wide trail. Idiots.


went into the ER for my stupid knee, they did an xray, then told me it came back completely clear and i might need to get a scope b/c everything looked fine from the xray. i go see my dr. tell him about the xray and how it came out clear, he looks up the report on his laptop and tells me the put on there that there is definant tissue damage.... wtf?? why couldn't they tell me this?


People who just don't get it. I have a friend who thinks she's an AR activist and just recently went vegetarian but thinks that veganism is stupid. She says the only reason why she is vegetarian is because of factory farms and believes that people are supposed to eat animals and even said she agreed with eating shelter animals (you know, the cats and dogs you adopt at shelters). She's "all about" saving marine animals but thinks it's alright to eat other animals. What???

Then she has a friend who friended me on FB a few weeks ago and he's on FB right now bitching about someone who I assume is a vegan. Quote from him: "I'm just amused yet somehow annoyed at this way these people claim the f-in moral highground because of their dang table fare. Same crap different day." YOU ARE PASSING YOURSELF OFF AS AN ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST! I think she has room to be surprised that you eat meat and I can totally see why she wouldn't want to be promoting you or your band. Especially if you see nothing wrong with it and are on the defense so hostile like that, which leads me to assume you know that eating meat is wrong. And now both of them and some of his other friends are on a vegan bashing bitch fest.


Wait, wait, wait!  Your friend thinks it's ok to eat shelter animals?!?!?!  Dogs and cats!?!?!  What the fuck????  Who does that??? 


I guess some philosopher wrote about it in a book and she supports his argument. I think the mindset is that the kill shelters are going to kill them anyway so instead of letting them go to waste they would become food for people.

But why not prevent it in the first place? Shelters would just become the next factory farms. Spay, neuter, adopt and take care of your animals- prevent it before it happens. Not to mention that I don't agree with kill shelters anyway.


i don't even want to get into the eating shelter animal thing...

as for the fb ''friends'', the delete button does wonders. i just did some clean-up.

sorry your having to deal with jerks.


wow wtf


I agree with Jessimaka333. Delete her ass...and her friends.


You know, the shelter animals thing actually came up in a class a few months ago. We were talking about the issue of horse slaughter (short story - people were getting their unwanted horses slaughtered, and the meat is sold for consumption or pet food. it was made illegal, and now people abandon their unwanted horses, because they're so expensive to keep; or at least that's apparently the case, though some say that making the slaughter illegal hasn't increased abandonment).

Some argue that horse slaughter is more humane than having these animals abandoned, and having the flesh go to consumption is better than wasting the carcass (in response to why they shouldn't be killed by injection of euthanasia solution). Someone brought up shelter animals, and that we should apply the same reasoning to them. Someone said they thought it would be ok to eat euthanized shelter animals, since they're otherwise going to waste. Most people were aghast at this, but I see the point. While you don't want to create a market for another type of meat and an incentive to kill either horses or dogs/cats, once the animal is dead (for non-gustatory reasons) it's not really a matter of doing right by the animal anymore. However, a sense of disgust at eating them is probably reflecting moral repugnance at eating animals... I just wish people felt that way about all animals...

At least it's a consistent treatment of different species when a meat-eating someone thinks it's ok to eat euthanized animals or slaughtered horses.

As for vegetarians who think vegans are silly, i think it's partly one of those "I might seem like a part of that group, but I'm not like THOSE people!" that happens within animal rights and other causes (like feminists who put down others for not shaving or whatever).


As for vegetarians who think vegans are silly, i think it's partly one of those "I might seem like a part of that group, but I'm not like THOSE people!" that happens within animal rights and other causes (like feminists who put down others for not shaving or whatever).

I remember the civil rights movement of the 60s. There were a lot of "firsts" (first black employee, first black member of whatever organisation etc). In his autobiography Malcolm X refers to them as "those people"--meaning the type that would suck up to their employer/co-members/whatever by explaining repeatedly and in detail why they were different (ie better) than "those people" (ie the other blacks who were not trying to assimilate.)
We have a saying here: they cook beans everywhere. Which means that this sort of thing is common wherever you go. It's basically insecurity: chopping someone else's head off so you can be taller than they are.




{{{Josh}}} I know the feeling - driving one's self crazy a bit? But rest assured that you're great, and we love ye.

WRGMG: Crappy weather on my weekend. I believe the reason I can't get rid of this damned cold is because I don't get enough sunshine, due to my work hours. The weather people lied when they said it would be fine today. I woke to hear the rain pissing down. Harrumph. *coughsniff*


Ads like this one:
Particularly the line, "Our kids are a bit bored with him and I think a new family would get to enjoy him better."
People like that shouldn't have pets at all. "A bit bored."  >:(


Ads like this one:
Particularly the line, "Our kids are a bit bored with him and I think a new family would get to enjoy him better."
People like that shouldn't have pets at all. "A bit bored."  >:(

That's terrible!!!!


Ads like this one:
Particularly the line, "Our kids are a bit bored with him and I think a new family would get to enjoy him better."
People like that shouldn't have pets at all. "A bit bored."  >:(

That's terrible!!!!

since when are hedgehogs pets?! wtf?!

my sister wants to BUY a miniature bunny and i just want to slap her... i keep bitching at her when she brings it up because i know she is going to get tired of the poor thing probably pretty fast and there are plenty of regular bunnies at the shelters that need homes if she is so dead set on having a bunny... i told her i would be mad at her if she didn't check out the ones at the shelter first


{{{Josh}}} I know the feeling - driving one's self crazy a bit? But rest assured that you're great, and we love ye.

WRGMG: Crappy weather on my weekend. I believe the reason I can't get rid of this damned cold is because I don't get enough sunshine, due to my work hours. The weather people lied when they said it would be fine today. I woke to hear the rain pissing down. Harrumph. *coughsniff*

(((Heli))) Thank you and I love thee thou thine too! :)  I've been fighting against myself again but I'm going to push thru. I've got to. Failure isn't an option. :)

I'm sorry you're having bad weather on your time off. I'm hoping you get some sunshine very soon.


Movie trailers that make a film look like a comedy thing and when you watch it you realise they put the only 60 seconds of funny stuff in the trailer, and the rest is a stupid violent action mess.


WRGMG: When people post on Dine and Dish begging for recipe ideas for a party or whatever, and then never post back and tell us what they ended up making--it just seems so rude. "Oh, I picked your brains--bye!"



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