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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

Yes, it was indeed a patty like a burger without a bun. She ended up with it in her mouth for a minute to hold it while she did something else...and then she was like, 'ew gross! is this even real?" And then he said he didn't want it so I brought her the garbage can. It was like they found it on the street and she had no idea where it came from!  :o

I know....I didn't want to seem really anal to a complete stranger and be like, NO MEAT IN THIS HOUSE even though that is how I felt. I was so unprepared for the situation.  I think she was testing my reaction.
I think next time something like this happens I will speak up. Live and learn.


what a flake. :o


l2a, please go to her house with handful of tofu scramble and say,"Are you offended by tofu? Do you mind if I finish my tofu scramble at your house? Thanks!" and smash it all in your mouth in a really obnoxious and disgusting way.


l2a, please go to her house with handful of tofu scramble and say,"Are you offended by tofu? Do you mind if I finish my tofu scramble at your house? Thanks!" and smash it all in your mouth in a really obnoxious and disgusting way.



l2a, please go to her house with handful of tofu scramble and say,"Are you offended by tofu? Do you mind if I finish my tofu scramble at your house? Thanks!" and smash it all in your mouth in a really obnoxious and disgusting way.

This made me LOL!!!! thank you! I needed that. :)


When you have kids and someone else has kids you do not go into someone's house eating something unless you have enough to share with the other children...if it was cookies or something but who the heck walks around (drives around) eating meat patties, let alone bring it into someones is bizarre to say the least.  You are not uptight at all!  Greasy, dirty, disgusting, gross sausage fingers!  I find the whole thing disgusting.  Haha, maybe I am uptight! lol

I know American society has changed out of all recognition over the 30 years I've been here, but particularly among small kids, doesn't anyone teach the "no eating in front of other people" rule anymore? Or as my mom put it, "If you can't share, don't you dare!" It was basic equipment when I was a kid.


Exactly!  Lyle is just a little boy and I know it was meat but he probably doesn't get that.  You don't eat in front of little kids ...especially in THEIR house. 

Did you invite her over again l2a?  I don't think I would want to hang with this chick...if she is rude and has no manners I would imagine the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


the girl that's subletting my room this summer. she's about to get kicked out because a freaking MORON. she smokes weed in the apartment, breaks glass, has her boyfriend's dog stay over, writes rude things on my roommates' boards. ugh i really hate dislike that bitch. and if she gets kicked out, she's still paying rent. dumb hoe.


Yesterday at work an email was sent around telling people that it was a coworker's birthday today and that she wanted to go to a restaurant called the Lotus Blossom to eat.  I politely declined because I'd already made plans last week to eat with some of the girls I used to work with in the Finance Department and plus the restaurant they were going to had no vegan or vegetarian options.  So today my manager asks me if I'm going to the Lotus Blossom with them.  I reminded her that I'd already had plans to eat with the girls upstairs.  She looks at me and says, "Which department do you work for?...You should be going with us."  Which upset me to the point that I just ended up going home for lunch instead of going out at all so that it wouldn't appear that I was choosing sides. 

I ended up going back to my manager later in the afternoon to tell her that I felt her comment was out of line and that in the five months I've been in the department I've never been made to feel welcome.  My coworkers go out to lunch every day.  Not once, except for birthdays, have I ever been asked to join them and when I've tried asking people if they want to get Chinese I've been ignored.  For my birthday last month not one person went to eat with my manager and I because she took me to the vegetarian restaurant in town.  I don't know if that's because she didn't ask them (because she assumed nobody would want to go) or if they simply said no.  Also, when we have our monthly potluck, every single dish has meat or cheese in it and even though I bring a dish to share no one will eat it or even sample it because it's "vegan".  I also told my manager that her comments upset me because I'm made to feel like I'm not a "team player" for not changing my plans when this was a last minute arrangement that was poor planning on the birthday girl's friend who organized the lunch.  I feel it's almost a double standard that I'm expected to go and sit in a restaurant with nothing but a drink for 2 hours surrounded by people eating food that I find morally and ethically wrong (not to mention nauseating) but people won't go without it for one meal for me.  I told her that the reason I eat with my former coworkers is because they are friendly and still include me in their plans.

It's not that I expect people to ask me every single day to eat with them but it would be nice to occasionally go so that I can start to build a friendly working relationship with them.  Nor do I really care that they didn't go to lunch for my birthday.  I would simply like to have my beliefs respected and not to be made to feel like the odd man out.  I don't preach to them about the choices that they make that I don't would be nice to get the same in return.

I really hate working with women.  I can't stand the constant bitchiness and cliches that seem to form whenever there's more than 2 people.


Ughhhh mirrya, they're being irretrievably stupid! Getting along with coworkers is fine and good, but there should be no expectations outside the office. Stick with the people you get along with, by all means. They're the only ones who deserve your attention.


mirrya, please tell us your managers reaction.

ps..I agree, as I am sure everyone here does, with YOU in everything you said!


l2a, please go to her house with handful of tofu scramble and say,"Are you offended by tofu? Do you mind if I finish my tofu scramble at your house? Thanks!" and smash it all in your mouth in a really obnoxious and disgusting way.

Making sure to drop little pieces on the floor. Then wipe your hand on her couch.


mirrya, please tell us your managers reaction.

ps..I agree, as I am sure everyone here does, with YOU in everything you said!

yeah, what did she say???  I'm so glad you had the balls to say something!


wow mirrya, what jerks!!


Mirrya, it's so awesome that you went and said something and did it in such a respectful and dignified way.


ykwrgmg: people who constantly try to bring you down. my friend came over to my house and within 15 minutes told me i smell bad usually, my piercings are ugly, i used to be ugly, and implied that i'm fat. oh and implied that i'm stupid, too. ugh bitch. why ae people so cruel? i always try to make people feel better about themselves but it seems like everyone i meet just likes to make fun of me.


she also called me lazy because i said i wouldn't have time to run before we went to lunch. she's literally never exercised in her whole life.


Veganhippie, that person is not a friend. She's an emotional vampire. Kick her to the curb, like, yesterday.


Yepp, that's not a friend, drop her!


Not a friend.



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