You know what really grinds my gears.......
Posted by shelloid on Oct 04, 2009 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you? Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?
Ok I'll start:
I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down. Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT. There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.
It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.
That's just...weird.
Tell her from me, never be with someone who doesn't respect you. And never be with someone you can't respect.
what yabbit said.
that is just awful. he is a sucky person.
i had a boyfriend who didn't think there were any good people. that we are all bad people and we're all going to hell. whatttt???
Thanks, guys! She appreciates the support. :) She is definitely better off without him! I knew it would be an issue because his family is ultra conservative. I was just hoping he could at least be mature enough to respect her opinion. Guess that was asking too much.
Wow, we're all going to hell, huh? Nice!! And hey, if we are then I'll bring some vegan marshmallows and we can all make s'mores, lol! In all seriousness though, I honestly don't understand some people... not sure I want to either.
hhahahaah i love me some s'mores!! yeah i don't get them either. whatever. they aren't worth our time.
that really does suck.
I kinda feel bad because I ditched one of my best friends from uni because of her beliefs but I just couldn't put up with them anymore.
She honestly believed that gay people were disgusting and if we were out, say in a pub or cafe, and she saw some gay people she would have to leave because it disgusted her so much and because it was wrong. Two men or two women holding hands made her feel sick. She thought I was crazy because I worked at a hospital that was one of the leading centres for gender reassignment - she did apply for a job at the same hospital but once she found out this fact she no longer wanted to work there. (I had nothing to do with the reassignment patients apart from occasionally dispensing laxatives to some but I was still crazy for working there!)
She was also quite racist (although had relationships with Indian and black men whilst I knew her) - I don't think this was quite as conscious as her homophobia. But she would talk about 'them' when talking about non-white people : /
Oh, and she also told me that I was going to hell because I didn't believe in God. In her view, even though I try to live a 'good' life and do the least harm, I would definitely go to hell, but she was fine because she believed in God and went to Church.
She has done drugs (think she still did some when I knew her), has slept with various men (including 6 people in one night), been in fights, swears, drinks, does whatever she wants. She is definitely going to heaven though.
So yeah, I decided once I got to know her better, that I couldn't be friends because of her beliefs.
Wow, abrimmer, your daughter is definitely better off without that loser. Hopefully she realizes that soon.
And Shell, if I had a friend like the person you described, I don't think I could stay friends with them either. I love how some people who profess to be good Christians think it's ok to judge everyone else. Whatever happened to the "judge not lest ye be judged" part of the Bible? Or does that only apply to non-Christians?
Shell, those weren't beliefs, those were her safety net. Beliefs change your life and shake you out of your complacency.
It's easy to be "disgusted" by someone; that way you don't have to really see them or deal with them.
Guess she had never heard of compassion. Or pharisaism.
shell, i'd kick that bitch to the curb, too.
and i know people like that too. I don't talk to them nor do i consider them friends. but i know them.
i truly don't understand people.
wow shell 6 guys in one night?! impressive LOL... def something to brag about :) she must be a walking std
Shell, I wouldn't have been able to be friends with someone like that either. It's one thing to disagree with someone's beliefs or opinions. It's quite another to treat people like they are garbage because of their sexual orientation or whatever and to think they are disgusting because of it. :( That's prejudice, period. That is something I can't and won't stand for. You did the right thing by cutting her loose.
permanentgrin... I'm with you on that one, judge not lest you be judged. I am a Christian and it really angers me when people profess their faith in God and then continually judge others, condemn them, etc. I always tell people that I don't practice that kind of Christianity. We're supposed to love others, not harm them with our words and actions.
I'm Christian too. But I went to Christian schools from kindergarten through high school, plus church every Sunday, and so many of the so-called "good Christians" there were the most judgmental people I've ever met. I don't go to church anymore. I can't be around people who think they're superior to everyone else just because they believe in the "right" God. Being a decent person is important too.
I think part of the problem is that people confuse "love one another" with "like one another." You can love someone, which means accepting them as they are and wanting the best for them, without "liking" them (meaning a nice emotional feeling of friendship). Love is a choice, an act of will, a decision--not a nicey-nice emotion. It's a verb.
And the same harsh people want everyone to like them as well as loving them because after all--they're right, right?
(Sorry, I've been up the rough side of a "christian" lately, too.)
I totally agree, yabbit. There's a huge difference between like and love.
We're fortunate to have found a church with a great group of truly loving people. We'd had a really bad taste in our mouths from all the past churches we'd been to, so much so that my hubby didn't want to go back at all. It's only been in the past 3 years or so that we've found our way back. Being judgmental is wrong on so many levels. None of us are perfect and we need to be able to accept the flaws in others as well as ourselves.
Have you heard about this thing called love? Apparently it's the answer to every question. :) I was paraphrasing some lyrics to bring a smile. But here's a quote that treehugginghippiefreak shared. I'm going to do my best to live by this:
"I love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state of being. So whether the other person changes, becomes different, friend turns into a foe, does not matter, because my love was never dependent on the other person. My love is my state of being. I simply love." ~Osho
The other week our laundry machines for our apt complex stopped working. I assumed that the issue was the breakerthingymajig needed to be reset, and contacted the management. This weekend, it seems they're working (someone's dry laundry was left in there), so I was doing two loads, and... they stopped working with about 10 min to go. ?? So >:( because it took quite a bit for whoever to come and reset them last time, and now I've got soaked clothes with no dryer, no way to get to a laundromat, and I need to pack these clothes for my trip tomorrow... :(
A college kid just called me and asked me to WRITE a text commentary for her before Friday. Not help her with it, do it for her. Because she has 2 other exams and won't have time to do it.
Like the prof won't know she didn't do it herself? Come on!
It's a known fact that translators are all whores (in the sense we'll do just about anything for money and a lot of people want it for free) but there is no way in hell.
If you were feeling mean you could always write it for her and make it a complete disaster! >:D
If you were feeling mean you could always write it for her and make it a complete disaster! >:D
Hahaha! Love this idea. Make sure you get the money up front though.
And if one more person comes up to me and tells me how I should dress or do my hair or my face (ie, be just like them!) they are going to draw back a bleeding stub.
I don't look like them, why should I imitate their style? Not to mention I think their style sux, not to put too fine a point on it.
No, I will not get my hair cut in a mullet, thank you. No, I don't want to wear skin-tight clothes that make me remember I am 10 lbs overweight. No, I don't want to put gunge all over my face.
I'm the original WYSIWYG.
Deal with it.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my friend irl posted on tumblr about how she's sick of her choices being insulted by someone's post. I asked if it was about me, she said yes, and it started a whole big thing. then i wrote on a different blog of mine something about that i don't feel bad for omnivores when they're offended by my posts because i get berated on the daily about being a vegan. somehow she found this and said it's not ok for me to post about her.
1- she posted something that was clearly about me, which is what started this whole mess.
2- it was on a totally different blog!
3- i never mentioned her name, and it was directed at everyone who has ever been offended by me mentioning veganism.
ugh. i really can't handle people.