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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

VH, check my post on RTF. I hear ya.


yabs- yup! ugh. it really is frustrating. no matter what you do, you're still the bad guy.


1. Vegweb lately.
2. Virus attacks from Vegweb.
3. Spurts of not being able to get on Vegweb.
3. Everyone is now afraid/pissed off at Vegweb so it's not as active.



1. Vegweb lately.
2. Virus attacks from Vegweb.
3. Spurts of not being able to get on Vegweb.
3. Everyone is now afraid/pissed off at Vegweb so it's not as active.


I feel like every time I decide to log onto VegWeb, it's been attacked. It makes me sad. I am glad though that the past few days I have come here, the site has been fine. I will try to come on more often during the day since I am a receptionist at my job and I get bored often.


So I ordered this tea from an Amazon seller, using DH's Visa. Estimated delivery was last Friday, no tea. DH made me contact the seller. So they cancelled my order and said they didn't have any more tea in stock.
This means waiting around for about 6 weeks for Visa to credit his account. And if the tea actually turns up, we'll have to do it all again.
NOW I find out that Barry's Inc. has a website you can order direct from and it's cheaper. A few months ago they didn't do international orders. Now they do.
In the meantime, no tea.


IRGMG when my plans get fucked up by other people.


People who text and drive in general and those who do and also feel that it is okay to do so when they have other people in their car.


Very much this.


I don't drive. I ride shotgun. But it even bothers ME when my driver is trying to pull out of a tight parking spot and there's a person who wants our spot so badly that they are right on top of us, making it almost impossible to manouver the car out of the space. Dude, at least back off enough so we can get out!!


3 people whom I considered my really good friends in the last few months, (2 of them within a day of each other) told me that my veganism offends them. And that I think I'm better than everyone for being vegan. And that I should "calm my veganism down". WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one that said it today is/was my best friend. In real life, people don't ever even know I'm vegan unless they specifically asked. I post stuff on tumblr all the time about veganism and i'm allowed to BECAUSE IT'S MY FUCKING BLOG!!!! i am so angry right now. she was my last real life friend, too that I hung out with on a regular basis. and i know for a fact that all 3 of them talk about me behind my back. i don't even wanna cry right now because i'm so fucking over this bullshit. they do things that offend me all the fucking time. but i would never tell them anything because they can post/do whatever the hell they want. i'm so fucking sick of everything.

someone please tell me people in new zealand are better.


NZers are very laid back and we know for a fact there are cool vegans there. Heli, theodamus and I assume Adagio is still around there somewhere.

VH, now that you have cleared the negative people out of your life you will have space and time for real people. I commiserate, I know how rotten "friends" can be. They will take something out of context that they stalked on the Net and throw it in your face. Because you know, the world is all about them. And of course they can't see that they're treating you like crap, all the time they are being holier than thou.

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3 people whom I considered my really good friends in the last few months, (2 of them within a day of each other) told me that my veganism offends them. And that I think I'm better than everyone for being vegan. And that I should "calm my veganism down". WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one that said it today is/was my best friend. In real life, people don't ever even know I'm vegan unless they specifically asked. I post stuff on tumblr all the time about veganism and i'm allowed to BECAUSE IT'S MY FUCKING BLOG!!!! i am so angry right now. she was my last real life friend, too that I hung out with on a regular basis. and i know for a fact that all 3 of them talk about me behind my back. i don't even wanna cry right now because i'm so fucking over this bullshit. they do things that offend me all the fucking time. but i would never tell them anything because they can post/do whatever the hell they want. i'm so fucking sick of everything.

someone please tell me people in new zealand are better.

hunny those people don't sound like friends because a real "friend" would never get offended by someone's eating habits. I personally would have said "oh yeah well you eating that hamburger makes my stomach turn but you don't see me bitching about it now do you".  >:( I say this example because I HAVE experienced this before. I have a big issue with holidays and my inlaws. My mother in law doesn't understand and gets irritated she has to make non greasey animal foods too. I offer to bring my own food and then she goes off even more about how I'm so rude??  I haven't a clue. I usually pack an extra suitcase and stuff it with salad mix and fruity meals. Inlaws be crazy!  :-D

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bump bump bump


it is really grinding my gears that I cannot post photos on a thread. I want to bore people with photos of Alan.


I have just the thing! IT IS CALLED HTML


I am never bored by more photos of Alan.
Can we really not post pictures? I haven't tried...


i posted a picture on betavegweb, but i just copied and pasted the code provided by a site. it was html, so i think the instructions on the site i linked to should work.


but I don't want to upload photos to somewhere else to then put a link here. I just want to post photos here.
I also don't want to post too many Alan photos to fb because
1) it will hurt her if I put pins in her
2) she probably doesn't want photos of Alan stuck to her
3) but really I don't want to be too LOOK AT MY CUTE PUPPY on facebook and become crazy dog lady


shell, i know being a crazy cat lady all these years has changed your perspective, but you know, there is no "crazy dog lady." at least, im pretty sure posting pics of an adorable puppy will only bring good things, such as OMGs and OMNOMNOMNOMs.

As far as attaching pictures, I'm not sure. I believe adding photos to vegweb is also going to be a "phase 2" thing.

if you don't want to share on facebook, you could use imgur or photobucket. another site to go through, but at least you won't be... "crazy dog lady"


(forgive me if you've seen me complain on facebook all night about this already, this is the uncensored version).
I fucking hate stupid ass drivers who don't pay the fuck attention to what they're doing and don't give a shit if they slam into some one who is trying to leave work driving about 5 OR 10 MILES A FUCKING HOUR in a parking lot because they're too busy driving the wrong way and deciding since they don't have a stop sign (because they're going the wrong way...) that they can slam into my fucking car and not give a shit of if I'm okay or the fact that I'm fucked and no longer have a car.
Seriously this lady t-boned my passenger side, my car frame is bent up and so is my axle so I get to scrap my car, and I'm sitting in my car screaming and crying because I slammed my fucking head on my steering wheel and this lady had to be driving way fast for a parking lot because I didn't even see her, and it was my work parking lot so I drive that parking lot ALL the time and am totally used to people almost hitting me there.
So she doesn't get the fuck out of her car to see if I'm okay, she just goes and moves her car and tells me to get my insurance. And then, with the front of her fucking car smashed in, LEAVES HER FUCKING CAR RUNNING FOR THE AC WHILE SHE TALKS ON THE PHONE FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS AND KEEPS SAYING SHE CAN'T FIND HER INSURANCE.
Like seriously. ugh.
Her car wasn't horrible, mostly just her bumper and she was leaking radiator fluid like crazy, but people RAN out of the fucking restaurant next to where she slammed into me to see how she was and totally ignored me.
Ignored me while I was stumbling around the fucking ground crying and picking up pieces of my car alone in the parking lot yelling at people to go around me.
These two guys who didn't suck stayed as a witness and made sure I was okay but fucking hell, so many people went to check on her and didn't even look at me.

Then, she proceeds to tell the cops that I "blew through a stop sign and sped up in front of her" Holy shit. God damn asshole. I stopped at the stop sign because I'm used to people running it and I'm not a shitty driver AND I was taking my steering wheel cover off of my wheel because it cracked and kept falling off. Then slowly proceeded.
She didn't say anything else to me at all except where is your insurance, and I Started screaming at her about how I'm already broke and now I don't have a car and my family is out of town and I don't know what to do and she was like I'M IN THE SAME BOAT OKAY.
No, you were driving like an asshole and ruined my car because you don't know how to drive. not the same boat.
At least she got a ticket and I should be getting a check to put towards a new car but fuck.
I just started classes again which are 8am and today is Sunday and I can't get a hold of anyone to try to get a free rental car out of this so I can get to work/school.

(Also, I'm fine, I just have a huge bump on my head and a handful of bruises, so at least that's good).



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