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Detoxers Anonymous

I wanted to start a thread for those detoxing, fasting, and cleansing.  What format are you following? what are you doing/ drinking/ avoiding? How far along are you, and what are your goals?

For me, I am doing a 5-day smoothie/ juice fast; I am planning to drink juices, smoothies, and water with various combinations of greens and powders (hempseed, flax, maca, spirulina, etc.).  I also am going to drink at least 64oz of water w/ lemon a day.

Then, on Saturday, I will assess how I feel and where I stand on things...if i need to continue, or if i feel 'cleansed'; if i see my digestion regulating itself (or at least starting to), etc.

I will document my progress on my blog (its new, just getting started with the whole raw- blogging! :)

Good luck to you!

I'm physically and emotionally (probably this is the bigger part) unable to fast.  Just can't do it and I've tried.  So I wish you luck!  I think five days is a good fast!

My "detox" is going to consist of cutting out all junk food, to include sugar, and most processed foods.  Strictly vegan with lots of fresh fruits and veggies and raw salads.
Sort of halfway started now, but am really getting into it come Jan. 1. 


good for you tweety! :) i would suggest trying to swap dates for your sugar and bananas in recipes that call for sugar. it enhances the flavor.  good luck with your detox! i want to see your progress. you should provide updates in this thread!


i hear that day 2 is supposed to be the hardest day, but so far so good....
i am starting to see the benefits of my raw green juice/ smoothie 'feast'...

question: have you ever fasted? what was the easiest day for you? the hardest?


i did the master cleanse (i only lasted 4 days) and the hardest day for me was day 3... your fast doesn't sound as extreme so good luck :)


i did the master cleanse (i only lasted 4 days) and the hardest day for me was day 3... your fast doesn't sound as extreme so good luck :)

ohhh wow you're brave...i couldn't bring myself to do master cleanse; i'm happy with a little lemon added to my water and my smoothie-juice 'fast'...i don't think i could handle a fast of anything more than one day, other than that...and i've read that multi-day no nourishment at all fasts aren't the healthiest---or the most practical....


I'll be starting a three day juice fast this Saturday (Jan. 2nd).  I don't really follow any specific plan other than to stock up on fresh organic veggies and fruit and give my little juicer one hell of a workout.  It isn't a masticating juicer and just doesn't juice wheatgrass, so I'll have to hit Nature's Finest or Leafy Greens for wheatgrass shots in the late afternoons.
I find it more difficult to do juice fasting in the winter months because the fruit availablitiy is limited and a lot of it tastes like the cardboard that it is shipped in from Mexico and Brazil.  I'm hitting the Farmer's Market for locally grown organic and hydroponic produce Saturday morning. 


Good Luck Storm!!

My juicer, for some reason, is able to handle wheatgrass; don't know how and i'm sure it gives it a work out.

So what is your favorite fruit/veg combo for juicing??


I'm crossing my fingers that I might get lucky and find a better juicer at a thrift store soon.  I find that mid-to-late January is the best time for thrift shopping because people get rid of their old stuff in early January to make room for all the new stuff they got at the holidays.

My current favorite juice combo is oranges, apples, beets, carrots, and ginger.....heavy on the ginger! 


hmmm...i will have to try that combination, storm... and will DEFINITELY have to Thrift-Stalk this month!!! :)

so yesterday, i had 3 smoothies all day, tons of water.  got hungry once.

today i packed 3 smoothies for an 8-hr day, had 1 at breakfast, and will have one (or more) before the night is over.  only 1 cup of water.  i didn't get hungry...but i did get a headache and felt strong food cravings (not hunger-- just food cravings). interesting.

so i guess the lesson i take from that: drink more smoothies. drink more water.

oh, and the only reason i pack smoothies as opposed to juices for work: to avoid rapid oxidization.


my FAVORITE juice is beets, oranges and carrots. omg sooooo good!!! my grandma makes it for me and i'd be happy just drinking that the rest of my life. lol


my FAVORITE juice is beets, oranges and carrots. omg sooooo good!!! my grandma makes it for me and i'd be happy just drinking that the rest of my life. lol

hmmm that does sound goood and kudos to your grandma for being a juicer!!! :)


Hey ladies! I am so excited about this thread! I was just going to put up a thread about detoxing--so yea! I did a detox when I fist got back home, it was a vitamin/supplement regime from Whole Foods--I didn't really like it, it was for two weeks and contained a lot of fiber pills and the like--I just felt really bloated and not really cleansed...So, I am looking for a new/different type of detox I can take that I might have better results with.

Also (and I KNOW I shouldn't post it here...but seems like the same people *lol*) I am gearing up for a new raw! I have been overeating like crazy--stupid life crapping on me and just kicking the shit out of me and so I eat and eat and eat and I feel terrible--physically, mentally, emotionally...*yuck* not to mention it is waaaaay cold up here right now so I haven't been able to get out and run--so I sit around all day and eat. It is just so gross. Anyways...I have a few more days worth of cooked food I want to use up and then it is on to high raw. I have been doing a lot of planning to motivate myself and even wrote out a bunch of recipes that are hanging on my fridge and little notes that remind me of all the great stuff I can make and eat--like stuffed mushrooms, smoothies, raw stir unfrys and curries, sushi, etc. In my head, my goal is to do 60 days high raw--but it seems like the last several times I tried to do a high, raw detox I failed within a few weeks...but try, try, try again right?


Okay ladies--so much love to you! I am excited for all of us!!

VBR and Storm--how are you both doing? (STORM! I haven't gotten words from you in awhile--I miss you!!!)


CAPPY! YESSS keep trying! :) life is not about the destination, its all about the journeyyyyyy...

just keep trying to do the next best thing!  i too am semi-searching for the best detox for me... we'll see.  it may end up being that i simply just mono-meal it fruit-and-veggie style for a while.


just keep trying to do the next best thing!  i too am semi-searching for the best detox for me... we'll see.  it may end up being that i simply just mono-meal it fruit-and-veggie style for a while.

Yeah--seems like that always works out best for me too--I don't know why I like fancy supplements so much...they never really do what I think they are going to do. But I have a friend who works at a health store and I am going to ask her what she knows--she won't bullshit me so I'll report back any findings!


awesome!! i have come to the conclusion that i am tired of my current temp staffing job, and am seeking a lowly, simple but one that i feel  i would LOVE-- job as a gourmet vegetarian deli prep/ bistro worker.  i think it would be sooo much fun...the company is called Gourmet Gang, and they specialize in catering/serving etc gourmet veg*n foods and deli-style foods.  I wrote on my application that i am seeking such a position, and have experience--- considering i've been a vegan for a *while* now, and am a raw foods vegan.  I am going to write an additional cover letter to submit with my resume, and explain more about my passion for cooking and especially uncooking.  the job is closer to home (is bike-able), and its not a run-of-the-mill, mundane office job. i think i would like least for a change, and it would free up some time for me to go to culinary school! :)


i forgot to add- i feel like a career change in such a manner as to stop and say, hey i want to do what I want, and let the money issues fall into place-- instead of staying at a dead-end job that i hate, working for the 'man', just for the money--- is a suuper detox for me.  in fact, career-searching in my downtimes really does boost my mood and help with the work-related depression!!!


Best of luck on you in getting that job! 

I'm feeling real good!  I always feel good when I stretch a long period of days with good vegan eating without junk food.  I've been eating a lot of fresh (raw) fruits and vegetable salads with dark green leafies.  I even ate raw collards based on a recipe I saw on Youtube once.  I didn't think it would be good but it actually was.

I'm not doing 100% on my goals. I went out this weekend and had white pasta which isn't on my list, but I'd also like to have a social life and go out with the gang.  That's part of self-nuture to me.  I've had a piece of vegan candy or two.  Mostly doing well. 

I'm going to hot yoga tomorrow and sweating is a great detox to me.  Although the air is dry and cold and probably won't sweat much.  I sweat more when it's muggy, which is 11 months out of the year here in FL.  LOL


youuu lucky FL people!! then again i can't complain i live at the beach...


VBR!!! Yea!!!!!!!1 That sounds awesome!! I am so, so, so happy and excited for you! I really hope you get the position! it sounds great!!

I start my 60 day raw detox TOMORROW! jelly.


good job cappy! :) WOO HOO!

yeah i have to remember that dietary issues aren't the only place in my life where toxins can get in and reek havoc.



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