Detoxers Anonymous
Posted by vabeachraw on Dec 28, 2009 · Member since Jun 2009 · 705 posts
I wanted to start a thread for those detoxing, fasting, and cleansing. What format are you following? what are you doing/ drinking/ avoiding? How far along are you, and what are your goals?
For me, I am doing a 5-day smoothie/ juice fast; I am planning to drink juices, smoothies, and water with various combinations of greens and powders (hempseed, flax, maca, spirulina, etc.). I also am going to drink at least 64oz of water w/ lemon a day.
Then, on Saturday, I will assess how I feel and where I stand on things...if i need to continue, or if i feel 'cleansed'; if i see my digestion regulating itself (or at least starting to), etc.
I will document my progress on my blog (its new, just getting started with the whole raw- blogging! :)
OMG, I haven't checked this thread in a few days and YAY, CAPTURE IS HERE! I've been missing you lady!
One of these days I'm just going to breakdown and buy a book on detoxing. I always sort of wing it so I probably do it wrong. I am still planning a juice detox, but as some of you know from the raw thread, I delayed it because I got over-zealous at the Farmer's Market this past weekend and filled my refrigerator with greens and herbs and fruit. If I had a decent juicer it wouldn't have been an issue, but it doesn't juice anything leafy.
hahaha my juicer *probably* shouldn't be juicing half of the stuff i put into it...wheatgrass, speltgrass, leafy greens... oh well, o' bessie, she's a trooper.
BTW, this is totally off topic but I'm gonna brag anyway.....I get to meet Tweety next weekend at the Farmer's Market! Yay me!
Oh Storm! I am totally Jelly! I wish I could meet you at a farmers market :( :( you too Tweety <3
*lol* Ol' Bessie sounds great VBR! I run a crap ton of shit through my Jack too...oops...he's still running he must not mind too much!
I am finishing up day 2 or 60 on my raw-vegan detox! It is not a huge accomplishment or anything--but it feels big to me because of all the shit that is going on or going down right now in my life--so I am really proud of myself for not caving to any sugar or junk food early on.
I am definitely detoxing though--I have horrible headaches and i am not sleeping, not that I ever sleep well, but I will be bone weary exhausted and still not be able to sleep--I feel terrible all day and I just started classes and already feel overwhelmed with my grad classes *sigh* I am really, really hoping that these feelings and symptoms pass. As I mentioned in the raw thread--I start yoga tomorrow and I just really hope that practicing will open up a lot of healing channels for me and help to reduce the stress and anxiety in my life <3 here's hoping!
So much love to you comrades--keep surviving the good fight! <3
yeah storm i am sooo jealous! that's awesome!!! too bad none of you live in VA!!!
i think the only great thing about detoxing, is it gets the toxins out of you. unless you believe in that theory where it just redistributes and stirs them up. but i don't necessarily believe in that.
i'm so excited!!! so i've been without fruit for a week, due to car troubles, late work hours, and an inability to get to a decent grocery store, but yesterday my roommate picked up a case of clementines and 3 bunches of bananas for me while he was at the store!!! RAWKIN!!! so today is going to be a high-fruit day...a few bananas for breaky, and a few clementines.
Damn. I am detoxing hard. Headaches, bad insomnia...just feel like SHIT.
On the bright side--I made some kick ass raw nachos today! And I also made the creamy curry veggie soup from goneraw and it is AWESOME!!!! You must try it out!
Damn. I am detoxing hard. Headaches, bad insomnia...just feel like SHIT. On the bright side--I made some kick ass raw nachos today! And I also made the creamy curry veggie soup from goneraw and it is AWESOME!!!! You must try it out!
yea ill def try it out!! so...the job interview went well, but i simply cant work for $8\hr. highway robbery...
Storm! I'm so glad we didn't try today because I'd be calling you and way am I walking around in this freakin' cold weather! Looking forward to next week.
Capture...I hope you find healing physically and emotionally. Sounds like you really are doing all the right things, you just need some time.
VBR, that totall sucks. $8.00 is something you make in high school for spending money, not something to live on.
I totally sucked this week and gave into cravings....sugar and salt. But what can you do but try again. I wish I could juice fast, but I know from experience that I'm just physically incapable, or I'm just not strong to force myself through the pain. LOL
I'm off to the gym here. I am so totally going to make that creamy curry veggie soup.
I'm off to the gym here. I am so totally going to make that creamy curry veggie soup.
you will not be dissapointed. it is sooooo good!
VBR--what the HELL?? $8 that sucks.
Tweety, you are sooooo right! I was planning to go just long enough to get my weekly veggies, but I bagged out and went to Nature's Finest instead. I wonder how many of the vendors even showed up.
VBR, I concur with everyone else: $8.00/hr. is an insult. I'm so sorry it isn't going to workout for you.
Capture.....I LOVE YOU!
sooo....ive convinced my roommate to consider beginning to think about possibly going semi-vegetarian....
progress has been made..
i racked up on fresh organic stuffs this week, $40 bought me:
-a tub of unpasteurized miso
- a larabar (i was hungry...impulse buy)
-a fresh pineapple
-coconut kefir
-a bag of oranges
-a bag of apples
-romaine lettuce
-red wheat berries (over 1lb)
-buckwheat groats
i made a commitment to avoid buying prepackaged, overpriced 'fluff stuff' ie cacao, spirulina, lucuma, goji's, maca, green powder, e3live...yeahhhh, a trip down the raw foods section reveals very few raw 'food'...i had that startling revelation the other day and thought, wow, sad tht so many buy into the whole 'you have to buy prepackaged things that say they're raw, in order to be raw' mentality... especially with detox products.. dont get me wrong, there are great detox products out there, but i've noticed a lot of people throw the term 'detox' around on labeling, as with the words 'natural ingredients', and it misleads a lot of people (mostly, people who don't hang around the vegweb forums) haha.
Storm--I love you to lady :)>>>
Right on VBR! I hate that the raw aisle at the HFS is all that prepackaged, over priced stuff too! Some of it seems like stuff I would love to have/use...but damn. How can you buy into ALL of that stuff?? Seriously--I am loving being back raw and keeping it relatively simple <3 Yeah...we need to educate these raw-fools who don't know how to peal an apple *lol*
I felt really good today! No headaches and I slept (ME! Sleep!!) pretty good last night!
Raw makes me happy.
woo hoo!!!!!! yay for sleep cappy!!!
so i had coconut kefir for the first tastes AWESOME! i tried the SOY Delicious brand because its 1.) certified vegan so the kefir grains arent dairy-based, 2.) had an awesome vanilla flavor and 3.) was on sale this week at the co-op. I saved a bit because today i am going to the international market to get some young coconuts, to try and make my own kefir. i am going to see if it will work as a great 'starter' to get the probiotics growing.
i guess the best way to describe what effect i've noticed for myself, is that its almost like taking pepto bismol. even the texture of it is creamy and delish...and it sort of coats my stomach. hmm.
soo, update on the job situation-- i've decided to grin and bear it, and stick with the job i have because it's about to start getting really really busy--- we're talking 60+ hrs a week. so i did the math, and in a couple of months, i'll be able to buy a vita-mix! i know i know, the whole 'branding' thing turns me off, but i feel like it will soo make life easier, and definitely enhance my raw capabilities.
Storm, BayNews9 did a special on farmers trying to sell their stuff because it would freeze and die, so at least the farmer vendors were there and some peeps were actually there buying stuff. I'm worried about my investment in the CSA. I think some of their lettuce might not make it, but they are into their winter more eggplant thank God.
Capture, did you see my FB picture of the soup....I was awesome. I ate the entire thing in one sitting. I felt good though because it was all good food.
VBR, I buy the coconut kiefer occasionally because every now then I like to get some foods with probiotics in it. But you have to watch the sugar in it. I like having a goal when I'm working overtime. Makes it easier to do. Nothing wrong with a good brand name in my opinion, if it's a quality product. Keep working on the roommate. Living by example is sometimes the best way to promote veganism.
I'm back on track with health vegan eating, incorporating lots of fruits and veggies. I've made a committment to drink three cups of green tea a day and that's a challenge, because I also like coffee. Coffee is definately not part of a detox, but I'm so hooked I have to cut back gradually. I hate being a slave to addictions like coffee and food.
wow tweety- if coffee is your big addiction, consider yourself lucky. i had two: coffee...and alcohol.
RAW helps me maintain abstinence from both.
I bought the coconut kefir because I wanted to a.) try it and see if it had a positive effect on me, and to b.) get a base for a decent 'starter' though i've heard from one source ( that you don't even need a starter... so i used a small bit 1/2cup per the water from 2 coconuts, and i'm going to ferment until much of the sugar is gone. same with my kombucha; i ferment for about 3-4 weeks, so it's pretty unsugary haha.
i'm keeping my consumption of the fermenteds pretty moderate; about 6-8oz of kefir in the morning; about the same amount of kombucha in the evening; miso here and there; rejuvelac in my crackers and breads, and for a broth base; yea...just here and there, to keep the gut flora goin'.
Been sober 13 years....still going to 12 Step meetings once a week. Been there and done that addiction. LOL
I get addicted quite easily....smoking for 11 years (hated it..20 year smoke free), food (I compulsively overeat junk food which is how I've gained so much weight the last 10 years), coffee, alcohol......was never a "sex addict" because I don't believe in promiscuitity but could definitely see myself going there given the open door. LOL
wow tweety that's inspirational!! congratulations, keep up the good work!!!
i just cut my coffee habit after i felt the lack of a need for it...too much energy as it was from high-raw that i just, well, didn't need it. and after my adrenals norm-ed themselves out again, i just didn't want to go through with the crashes and crazy highs and lows.
Is it possible to have a delayed detox reaction? Here's the thing:
Up until my surgery in November, I was maintaining relatively high raw, usually around 80 - 85% with occasional 100% stints. I went in for surgery Nov. 17th and got plugged full of toxic meds. For the two weeks following my surgery I recuperated at my parent's house where I was below 60% raw, but I was maintaining a vegan diet. After I came home, I began to up my raw again, until I was 70 - 80%. At the New Year I went back to high raw (Jan. 4th to be exact). With the exception of hot tea and an occasional cup of coffee, I'm at nearly 100% for over a week. I have had no detox symptoms until last night. When I'm recovering from being sick or from bad eating, the toxins come out of my skin in the form of what appears to be a rash. Well, I look like I've been rolling in a patch or poison ivy! It's really bizarre. I don't feel badly, but I look really creepy. Could this be delayed detox from the hospital stuff?
I tried to take a picture of my creepy skin, but it didn't come out very well. You can kind of see the patchy redness.
hmmm....maybe partly because of detox, but also because of the really cold weather? thats' the only other element i can think of that's a possible catalyst...
Looks like some sort of contact dermatitis. Like you're having an alergic reaction to something. I don't think it's related to detox....just my opinion.