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Runners of Vegweb!! It's Race Season!

Hi Everyone!

I thought there was a thread already for this--but I couldn't find one in my search--so I appologize if I missed it!

OK runners! I declare that race season and training has begun! Does anyone have any planed races yet? How is everyone's training going? What are your goals for this season? Tips? Advice? Leave it here!!!

My frst planned race is not until May 31 (although I am looking for an earlier one!) and I haven't decided whether I'll run the 10k or half marathon portion of the race yet. My training has been going really, really well lately too! I ran 9 miles yesterday and my unofficial time off of my stop watch was 1:19:21--but I had approx 3 mintues of stop time for lights and traffic, etc. so 1:16 would not be completely unrealistic--but again, it's just time off of my watch. I feel really encouraged by the numbers though and I am excited for my run tomorrow--I'm planning a 6.5 mi course. I have never run so much in a week before--the best thing I ever did was get off the treadmill and start eating up pavement!! I can't believe how much longer, faster, and farther I am running!! I got in 20 miles in 3 days--more then I would usually do in a week at the gym!

This is only my second season running and I don't have any IRL running buddies so there is a lot I still don't know about the sport, and since I have no one to compare myself too, I'm not sure where I am in my progress--I set goals and just try to meet them as best as I can. Last season I ran 3 races--1 10k, 2 5ks and I medaled in my last race (a 5k). This season I hope to do at least 4 races, one of which I want to be a half marathon--I hope to medal again, but certainly not in the half--that I just want to finish!

Tomorrow it is supposed to be warm (in the 50's) but raining--does anyone have any experience with rain running? Any advice or things I need to know??

I really hope this can be a supportive place for runners and anyone interested in running (beginning, coming back to it, elite-pro) to share experiences, goals, victories, failures, training, advice, gear reviews, articles, and anything to do with the sport!

Love that blacktop and be safe on the roads runners!

awesome thread! i actually have a 10K race tomorrow! i am definitely not ready for it though. this is the first season that i can train just for running, and not worry about swimming, so i started out training too hard, and i hurt my shins.  i had to take a week off from running, and this week i just got back into maybe 2-3 miles, very slowly, and still a bit painful i took 2 rest days before tomorrow, so I'm hoping to just go slow and see how it goes.

Good luck on your 10k JF!! Keep us updated!!

I did 6 miles outside today!  ;)b  I was actually quite impressed by myself.  I do remember one of the reasons I stopped running outside though.... the sun! :(  My skin absorbs color like you wouldn't believe and I have to be careful about 2 sunspots on my face that will show up if I get too much sun.  Note to self: keep 70SPF sunblock and a visor in my locker at work!!

Yeah! 6 miles!!! Great job LLG!!! Ohhh! Yeah! Sun can shut down your run real quick if you absorb it quickly--I do too so I know your pain! That's a great idea to remember to take sunblock and a visor to work with you!

We should come up with "runner must haves"! So far I think we have on the list"

Cell phone
Cash/credit card

I have this nifty little "first aid" kit that I got as swag from a race--it's the size of an ID and has a couple band aids, a little packet of sunblock, some antiseptic, alcohol swab, etc--and there is a little place to put your id in it too! It's perfect because it fits neatly into my butt-pocket! Yeah!

So today was another forced rest day for me--but I'm so glad I took it! I was really sore from that mixed yoga class I took last night--but I feel a lot better, and actually pretty stretched out-I am jonesing to get out there and I am planning a 10 mile run tomorrow--I feel really good (except my shoulders are still REALLY sore from yoga!) and I think it will be a great run--it's going to be cold though, about 25 degrees, and snowing...but I'm going to head out to a metro park so I won't have to worry about traffic--they have a 3.5 mile paved bike path that I'm going to run 3 times!! Ideally, I want to run them constitutively, but if I need to break in between I'll have a place to walk out and grab a drink of water and what not so either way--I'm super psyched for it!!! If I feel really, really good--I'm going to push for a fourth loop--if I can make that, then I know I'll be able to run a half!


My long run ROCKED today! I did ten miles in the snow--was kissed by snowflakes the whole time!

1:16:53 not too shabby!


My long run ROCKED today! I did ten miles in the snow--was kissed by snowflakes the whole time!

1:16:53 not too shabby!

:o That's insane!


My long run ROCKED today! I did ten miles in the snow--was kissed by snowflakes the whole time!

1:16:53 not too shabby!

That sounds like amazing fun...running in the snow.  I'm planning on resuming my running in a few weeks but I have to admit, I hate the heat and humidity in Maryland and you have to get out there very early in the morning.  Never the less, I miss being outside instead of the monotony of doing aerobics in the house.  Congratulations on your race! ;)b


My long run ROCKED today! I did ten miles in the snow--was kissed by snowflakes the whole time!

1:16:53 not too shabby!

:o That's insane!

That is like 8:10/mile!!!  You ARE insane!!  I wish I was that fast over longer distances!  I can only keep up that pace on my short runs.  I'm a whole minute per mile slower on my runs over 4 miles. :-\


My long run ROCKED today! I did ten miles in the snow--was kissed by snowflakes the whole time!

1:16:53 not too shabby!

Go Capture!


Awww! Thanks guys--I really don't think it is that fast though--in order to start getting in the upper echlon I need to be about another minute per mile faster as the very least!! 7min/mi is my long distance future goal--it's gonna take a loooong while, but hopefull I'll get there with in the next couple of years!

I planned a 6.5 mile run today but my back is killing me! Such a shame too since it is a beautiful sunny day and a crisp 32 degrees...*sigh* I hate forced rest/heal days...

Oh well, I'm going to bake a pie instead! Yea pie!


That is some good time Capture.
You are much faster than me.

I am more of distance bicyclist than a runner.

This summer I am trying long distance Kayaking.

Sorry to jump off topic.


YUM!  Pie.  ^-^

Also, I just joined a site called "exercise friends".  I'm trying to find a local running buddy.  I already sent a girl a message.  We'll see how it goes. :)


...I'm trying to motivate myself to go for my run today...I have 9 miles to do and it's only 27 degrees here...I really, really don't feel like suiting up for it, but I know once I'm about 2 miles into my run I'll be fine...just gotta get there...

This would be a whole lot easier if it was 20 degrees warmer...


What's going on with everyone else?


This isn't distance running...
but my 4x400 m relay is going to Nationals for indoor track. We just provisional qualified on Saturday.
I just wanted to tell someone.

Hooray!! ;)b  All of that oatmeal seems to have paid off!! :-D


That's awesome Shea!!! Come back and let us know how Nationals go!! That is SOOO exciting!!!!

OK! I did finally get my fat butt into my running pants and went out--it was a GREAT run! I did my hard nine--it's a tough course, lots of curves, a 3 mile slow gradient climb and 4 monster hills--it's a good course, lots of rally points and my half way point stops at a park so I can grab a drink of water or use the potty if I have to, I usually stop for about 3 minutes to change my ipod music and do a quick stretch out--I was blessed to have the sun shinning on me most of the way, but the wind was gusting into me the whole way back--it was tough running into the wind, definitely slowed me down--but I ended up posting great numbers for the run anyways!!

Last time I ran it my times were:

Half way 4.5 miles 38:18
10k mark 53:03
9 mile finish 1:19:21

This time my times were:

Half way 4.5 miles 35:37
10k mark 50:53
9 mile finish 1:13:09

So I had an improvement of 6:16!! I'm very excited by my progress! Last week I run a total of 37 miles, but this week I think I'm going to scale it back to about 25, I'm a little worried about stress fractures and I am in desperate need of new shoes (which I will hopefully get on Thursday). However, next week I am on winter recess and I plan on posting big again--maybe even up to 40 miles if I can make it!!


I have just started running again after about a thirty five year break! I have the same problem with the cold here like last night when it was about 15 degrees! My neighbours warn me that running in that weather will damage my lungs. I went anyway and ran about two miles. I can't believe your times, amazing. I have only timed myself over a I.3 mile course I have measured out and am happy to do it in less than ten minutes. But I started by running less than half of that and over the last three months have slowly increased the distance until I can now do a little over two miles. It is hard for me to believe that I used to run races of three miles under five minute a mile but that was a long time ago. I sure feel good running again though and you guys are an inspiration. Thanks.


Now if I could just get the dogs to stop barking at me.


Ahhhhh!!!  Traveling all weekend and just got home from work after 12 hours due to some QA testing we were doing means I haven't run since Thursday!!  This always happen!


Yay Shea! As a sloooow, sloooooooooow distance runner, I bow to sprinters. That's awesome!!

To everyone who doesn't like running in the cold: me neither. It FINALLY warmed up enough here to clear the snow and ice off the roads and I had about a week of glorious running, but tonight it is supposed to ice and snow again. Grrr!


A late congrats to Shea! (and to capture... and to everyone meeting their goals!)

--begin whiny rant--

OWWW, I think I gave myself a shin splint or something on Saturday! I had a fantastic run... was able to sustain running for 8 minutes at a time in 2 different spurts at 6 MPH each. (Lame compared to the rest of you, but a huge accomplishment for me!). It's not that much more running time than what I did before (3 spurts of 5 minutes), but just with fewer breaks.

Well, on my date on Valentine's day I felt a little tinge. On Sunday I went to a (relatively gentle) yoga class and then went to hop on the treadmill. Walking was fine but when I went to the running... OW!) So I walked a little more and spent the rest of the day on upper-body weights. Took Monday off, went back last night and did one 8-minute spurt and was hurting at the end. I walked for another mile or so, and (following directions I found on the internet) went home and iced it up. But this morning it's really cramped up... and now I'm feeling it in my knee from having to support my weaker calf.

UGH! How am I supposed to get ready to run when I can't run? This leg's given me issues ever since I twisted my ankle a few times one summer playing tennis. (This ankle cracks A LOT) I'm trying to follow instructions (ice, advil, lots of stretching, some light calf strengthening exercises)... but I'm finding myself in a fine balance between wanting to continue and not wanting to hurt myself further. And even going up the steps in my house makes me feel it.


--end whiny rant: I warned you!--


I'm not doing any races soon, but I ran ten miles on Monday.  Weeee!  8-)


Yay Shea! As a sloooow, sloooooooooow distance runner, I bow to sprinters. That's awesome!!

To everyone who doesn't like running in the cold: me neither. It FINALLY warmed up enough here to clear the snow and ice off the roads and I had about a week of glorious running, but tonight it is supposed to ice and snow again. Grrr!

*Ugh* Tottally oke up to that today! 19 degrees and WINDY as hell!! Booooo!!! now I'm going to have to drive up to the rec...I was planning on another 9 miles today but now 'll probably only get 3 on the treadmill...I haven't been on one in about 2 weeks...I'm a little interested to see how I do on it--but I'm really uninterested in staring at the brick wall..*blerg*

I cross trained yesterday--did 30 mintues of cardio between the stair master and a spinning bike, 4 sets of lunges, and then 2 sets of all my weights. I don't know what I'll do today...probably just run a few miles and then stairmaster I guess...

Oh yeah, I forgot, I took my second capoiera/yoga class and I did a lot better--I really enjoy it a lot and I can't wait to go again! And my awesome yogi wants to train with me! She is extra cool and I am excited for a nw friend! yeah!

KMK--10 miles! Woooo HOOO! That is Awesome!!!

Caroleena--Owie!!! Ohhhhh! Shin splints HURT! I'm so sorry that happened to you--take it easy and let it heal proper so you don't end up reinjur yourself :(

Foofie--*blerg* that sucks you've been too busy to run :( I'll try to do an extra mile for you today :) that counts right?

Printerguy--Awesome! Getting back out there can be tough--but it's good you're setting goals and progressing!!!

*blerg* off to the damn treadmill...


**Eh** My training kind of sucked today...I only ran ne mile on the treadmill--my feet and ankles really hurt from it so I just stopped--I didn't feel like injuring myself over a stupid treadmill run--so I got on the elipitical machine for 1/2 an hour and cranked up the incline and resistance--burned a ton of cals, but didn't feel like I did much--it's supposed to be wicked cold and snowy tomorrow through the weekend too...grrr...I WANT TO RUN!!!

I did get a new pair of running shoes today and my mom got me this uber nice Fila running pants and tank--it was very nice of her--I promised to wear it in my races. I actually read somewhere that if you wear "pro" clothing it will makes your compitetors nervous (because they will think you are all elite or whatever) and it will actually give you an advantage--so, I guess I'll get a chance to test that theory out's really weird to have such a nice set of clothes though--I usually just slum it in stuff I get from Target, cotten T's, running pants, pretty average, off the rack stuff--nothing like this!

What do you guys think? Is there an advantage or benefit to wearing what they consider "high tech" gear or are you just as good in regular stuff?



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