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Vegan Poo

I know this has been discussed before, but I just have to say how amazing taking a vegan crap is. I swear I can sit, poop, wipe, and wash in under 60 seconds. and yes, my hands are clean!!!

Even when pregnant (and your are SUPPOSED to be constipated) I was still going 2-3 times per day with no problem.
After surgery where most people are blocked up for a week, I went on day 2!

One thing I miss is the quality readin' time in the jon. Now I don't even bother picking up a book or mag because I know there's no time!!! :D :D :D

both mine and dh's poop smells MUCH less....I can't remember the last time the house was wafting with shit smell from a messy poo.  ok, I'll say shit don't stink! :-D ::)

being vegan just has so many benefits.  ::)

I have a weird question but this seems to be the best, and least embarrassing, place to ask.  Is there anything in brown (cheep) lentils that would cause dark brown poo?  I am on day 2 of a stomach bug and have only eaten lentil soup and fruit for the last 36 hrs or so.  I am slightly concerned because it is a lot darker than normal for me unless I am eating certain things that I know cause it to be darker.   (the red beets a few days ago were "interesting" but they are out of my system)  I do eat some lentils on a regular basis but not this many.  I am just wondering if it falls within normal or if I should be concerned about something else going on like some internal bleeding.

dark poo = okay
black = go to the doctor
obvious blood in stools = emergency room

Personally I think you're probably dehydrated, even if you drink tons of fluids when you're sick, your body has issues (I know this because of experience), I drank over a gallon of water a day when sick and was having issues. Even mild dehydration will cause you to have darker stools, so will lots of unused iron in your stools, could be the fiber. Hell, it could be lots of things.

Bottom line is: I'm almost 100% sure you're fine, so stop stressing because that'll only make it worse. And if you get constipated (dehydration + dark poo usually leads to constipation) try to "drink" 2-4 tablespoons of oil, olive or mineral oil works best. Its tried and true, my grandma swore by it. Although again be careful, diarehha while sick is just as bad as constipation LOL :-D


i have no poo stories but my farts have been silent and deadly for the past few weeks... seriously smells like decaying veggies


i have no poo stories but my farts have been silent and deadly for the past few weeks... seriously smells like decaying veggies

have you been eating a lot of processed sugars lately? If so thats probably why. Eating too many sugars can cause an imbalance in the gut and even if you're eating a ton of veg and fruit can cause a fermentation nightmare.
If the answer is, no you haven't. Then I dunno, probably normal :P if it starts to be uncomfortable (not just your nose) then I would suggest reviewing your diet


i have no poo stories but my farts have been silent and deadly for the past few weeks... seriously smells like decaying veggies

This happens to me too aml!!!
Then they are odorless for a bit...then back to the sbds!


I've had gastric bypass a few months ago and serious constipation is a common occurrence for bypassers.  It's not unusual for them to live taking Mirilax and Benefiber and such every day to keep things moving.... and sometimes that doesn't even work well.

Me? I go every 1-2 days and sometimes twice a day.  Easy and comfortable and quick!

And yeah, my poo has little to no smell.

My husband's, who is still lacto-ovo could kill someone with the stench.



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