Vegan Poo
Posted by little2ant on Jul 20, 2008 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
I know this has been discussed before, but I just have to say how amazing taking a vegan crap is. I swear I can sit, poop, wipe, and wash in under 60 seconds. and yes, my hands are clean!!!
Even when pregnant (and your are SUPPOSED to be constipated) I was still going 2-3 times per day with no problem.
After surgery where most people are blocked up for a week, I went on day 2!
One thing I miss is the quality readin' time in the jon. Now I don't even bother picking up a book or mag because I know there's no time!!! :D :D :D
both mine and dh's poop smells MUCH less....I can't remember the last time the house was wafting with shit smell from a messy poo. ok, I'll say shit don't stink! :-D ::)
being vegan just has so many benefits. ::)
so i pooped this morning
and i flushed
and when i looked in the toilet....
there was a whole, dried cranberry from yesterday's salad still floating...
i think i need to chew more... :o
Lol - really totally lol!
I do believe this post might be better suited over in TMI thread. :-\
there was a whole, dried cranberry from yesterday's salad still floating...
i think i need to chew more... :o
you think??
ill give it a try
All of VW is open to "TMI." No worries!
heh did it anyway
as much as i hate to lose my 'leet' status...
Poop doesn't float due to fat content - fat is absorbed in the lower (large) intestine. The only way you'd have fat still in there would be if you had diarrhea (and you see - erg - some droplets float to the top). It floats due to fiber content (I guess fiber is buoyant?) because fiber, pretty much by definition, is undigestible.
Poop is composed of dead intestinal bacteria, live intestinal bacteria, dead read blood cells (which gives it its color, plus from bile), and non-digestible food. The things I learn from microbiology class...
I see a thread about poo, I open it up, and the first thing I see is this:
I keep it chilled in the fridge. Tastes fine to me straight.
:-D :-D :-D
Yes it seems I am misunderstood sometimes :D
:( Ive not been eating enough to have any bowel movements. It makes me so mad. When I'm eating enough I have several a day, its one of my favorite parts of being vegan.
Oh but my stools REEEEEEEEEEK now that I am vegan. Like a million times worse than when i was omni or veg. Whats the deal with that?
mine are NOT pleasant either...i have no idea why. :-\
I remember one day when my fam was here, some one used our bathroom, left a not so lovely aroma, after that some one said "geeze who was in there?" my mom announces "IT WASNT SARAH, SHES VEGETARIAN SO HER %@&# DOESNT STINK ANYMORE" So we wound up having a like, 30 minute conversation on poo. Lovely dessert conversation i must say.
I thought of this thread. Aw.
I was highly irritable for the last couple of days. And I wasn't pooping. Last night and this morning I had nice, big, fluffy vegan poops and now I feel lots better. The end.
I thought of this thread. Aw.
I was highly irritable for the last couple of days. And I wasn't pooping. Last night and this morning I had nice, big, fluffy vegan poops and now I feel lots better. The end.
nice, big, fluffy vegan poops
like clouds! or cotton balls! or vegan marshmallows! mmmmm. marshmallows.
nice, big, fluffy vegan poops
like clouds! or cotton balls! or vegan marshmallows! mmmmm. marshmallows.
So double h has done doo-dooed a marshmallow...
No marshmallows! They were clouds! With rainbows showing through.
i've never seen this thread before. Like, OMGosh L2A - you are so friggin cool for starting this thread and HH - you're so cool for the resurrection!!!
I haven't read through all of the posts on this thread, so forgive me if i say anything that's already been mentioned but...if you really want to have some fun w/your poop (umm, so to speak) - eat a load of beets, and within 24 hours - let the fun and show begin (not that *i* ever do the "look back" no no no).
it is pretty funny being a vegan because that's the one thing i noticed is that, when ya gotsa go...WHOA NELLY, ya gotsa go, there's no "ands" "ifs" or "butTs" (heheh) about it...
I am eating my lunch and reading about your big fluffy clouds of poo....... :o
since we're bringing up old stuff, remember how SB talked about pooping in a bucket when his roommate was in the bathroom???
in the backyard
and also once in a plastic bag? oh, that sb.
and he calls it going boom boom!