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Member since August 2006

Aly's Peanut Butter Cookies

What you need: 

1 medium or large banana
1/2 cup vegan margarine
1/2 cup natural or organic (only) peanut butter
1 cup Sucanat or brown sugar
1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 cups oats
1/4 cup chocolate chips, optional
1/4 cup raisins, optional
1/4 cup chopped peanuts, optional

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a large bowl, mash banana with a fork until fairly smooth. Beating it with a whisk after you are done mashing helps it smoothen nicely.
2. Add the vegan margarine and peanut butter to mashed banana, mashing the margarine with a fork. Add sugar and extract and whisk until smooth.
3. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and cinnamon. Add to wet ingredients, then mix in oats. Add chocolate chips, raisins and/or chopped peanuts, if desired.
4. Take a spoonful of the mixture and roll it into a ball, slightly flatten and place on cookie sheet.
5. Once all cookies are on the sheet, bake for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on your oven), or until the tops are slightly firm to the touch. Take out of oven, let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!
When following these instructions, these are probably as healthy as yummy peanut butter cookies get!
Source of recipe: I used to just bake things from boxes, but recently I occupied myself by baking from scratch! I tried a peanut butter cookie recipe and hated it, so instead, using only the same amount of baking powder, I experimented with making my own peanut butter cookies. My family and friends all love these!

Preparation Time: 
30-40 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


These cookies were awesome. I made them almost exactly like the recipe said except the dough seemed a little dry so I added some cinnamon apple sauce. Also i added some flax seed but that was just for health benefits. Also I'm a bit of a pb and j freak so I made them into thumb print cookies and placed a spoonful of raspberry preserves in the center of each one. You can't taste the pb all that much, but they were still really good. Very granola-ish. They were a big hit with all the vegan haters in my life. This was the first recipe I've used off the site and I will definitely be coming back for more.


dry rolled oats, dry quick oats, or already cooked "OATMEAL", which is what the recipe says...?
and yeah, why cut off the bit of fat off the cup?


These were absolutely delicious!  I followed the recipe exactly (an odd thing for me to do O.o) and they came out perfect.  They don't taste very peanut-buttery, but that was a nice surprise.  I brought a batch to work and they were gone by the end of the day.  My coworkers told me never to bring them in again; I would make them all fat.  Very addictive!  Next time I want to try adding some sliced almonds or raisins.  ~P:


Thank you thank you for this delicious recipe!

You're quite welcome ^_^. I'm glad you enjoyed the recipe!

Anyone have any idea why it says to cut 1 cm. off the top of the margarine??

It's actually not necessary. I just do that to cut down a bit on calories. A combination of peanut butter, margarine and sugar certain have quite a bit of calories. But you can totally leave it. It won't really effect the recipe.

Didn't have any margarine, so I used 1/3 cup applesauce with 2 T oil instead.  They came out chewy and tasty, but the banana flavor was very strong (then again, I did use a pretty large banana).  I could hardly taste the peanut butter.  And while they were still good, they're supposed to be peanut butter cookies.  So if I make them again, I'll definitely up the pb...

Sorry that you had some difficulties with this recipe! In my opinion the margarine tones down the banana flavor a little. And I also use a small banana, or a medium-sized one.

Peanut butter is certainly something everyone can adjust to their taste. I did not include more in this recipe for the sake of those who don't want a bazillion calories in their cookies ;). However, technically speaking, peanut butter has a lot of good fats, and especially when it's natural peanut butter, you're all good to go :). I'd maybe amp it up to 3/4 a cup peanut butter, and make sure that you used a smaller banana. That way you'll get more of the peanut butter flavor.

I thought it could stand being a tad sweeter...maybe it's just because my fam and I have just started the vegan diet and we're used to more sugar.  Who knows, but I added a tad more sweetener and took someone elses advice of more pb.  Definitely great!!!

Haha, I can sympathize there! I think I went into a state of sugar shock when I first went vegan. I never realized how much sugar was really put into all the junkfood I consumed on a daily basis. However, after a year of veganism, I found an apple pie from a Ralph's that was vegan (and on sale!!!) so I bought it... I ate one slice.... and thereafter had the biggest headache of my entire life. And yes, it was because of the sugar. Haha.


these are AMAZING! i wanted to try it as a "bread" or "bar" instead of a cookie, so i added 2 tsp baking powder and baked it in a square pan for 20 min. came out GREAT....... so moist in the middle but fluffed up really well. Love the banana flavor with the oats and PB. definitely adding it to my recipe book.


Tasted great.  I made a few changes and used someone elses substitute for the marg.  The dough was too gooey so I added about 1 c oats and a bit more flour.  Also, I thought it could stand being a tad sweeter...maybe it's just because my fam and I have just started the vegan diet and we're used to more sugar.  Who knows, but I added a tad more sweetener and took someone elses advice of more pb.  Definitely great!!!


These were great!  I made these with my sister, and we only had <2.5 cups of oatmeal, but they still worked well.  Yummy!  They had a nice strong banana flavor.


These are decent. A little dry, but they go nicely with tea. The dryness very well could have been my fault, I believe my banana wasn't quite ripe yet.

Made mine chocolate chip and used unbleached white flour in place of the whole wheat.



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