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Member since April 2003

Dragonfly's Bulk, Dry Uncheese Mix

What you need: 

3 cups raw, organic cashew pieces
2 cups nutritional yeast (I like Red Star or Vegetarian Support)
3 tablespoons seasoning salt
3 tablespoons garlic powder (not garlic salt)
3 tablespoons onion powder (not onion salt)
8 tablespoons arrowroot powder (can use cornstarch, but it is not stringy like arrowroot)

What you do: 

1. Using a very dry blender, blend the nuts until they are very fine.
2. Add all ingredients, and blend in batches of about 1 cup.
3. Mix in a dry container.
4. To make sauce, add heaping 1/2 cup mix to 1 cup water, and stir over heat until thickened.
Use less water and add salsa for queso dip. Pour over hot veggies and/or pasta. Spread on vegan bread and toast for grilled uncheeses, or look up my enchilada recipe and use it that way.
You can keep this tightly covered in the fridge for about 6 weeks.

Preparation Time: 
15 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


Just wondering: Is there a homemade substitute for Season Salt? I refuse to buy it. If I omitted the season salt altogether, would it still be good?

I just used sea salt, but way less than the amount of seasoned salt called for.  Maybe 1/2 or 1/3 as much.


Just wondering: Is there a homemade substitute for Season Salt? I refuse to buy it. If I omitted the season salt altogether, would it still be good?


Yet another positive review. Finally tried this....I used a mix of cashews and quick oats and used my coffee easy.
I was licking the spoon!  :D 

After doing this I used it over couscous, potatoes and carrots for my bf..i was too full from sneaking spoonfuls of it!  Wow...he says...dig dig spoonful after spoonful in his mouth...the plate was perfectly clean afterwards!

Oh this would be a great gravy... yeah I said with potatoes right.  Oh thank you  you'll cook it tonight he says! Jeez...more cooking!!  ;D

When I told him about the ingredients he was happy how healthy it was with good fats and all. My man is not scared of fat like me.

I'm bringing some to my bf whose son LOVES anything cheese to show her that there are alternatives that are healthier and better for you.

I LOVE that it is a dry mix and I can just take it out of the fridge and in less than 5 minutes.....

Thanks dragonfly!


Thanks Nicklamon and Reddhedd - the website was really useful. As I suspected savoury yeast is the same as nutrional yeast although perhaps not fortified with B12. I had to laugh about the comments on the website regarding marmite and vegemite being particular to NZ and OZ! Both are delicious stables of every Kiwi kids lunchbox! Yum.


Everyone should check out this website:  It defines the different kinds of yeasts out there.  There are 2 products called brewer's yeast.  One is active and used for brewing beer, but the other is a byproduct of the brewing process and is inactive.  The inactive variety can be used as a substitute for nutritional yeast.  I've made recipes with inactive brewer's yeast in place of nutritional yeast, and you can't tell the difference. 

There is so much confusion about this topic--so check it out!


Oh - a quick question from a New Zealander - is nutritional yeast the same as savory yeast or brewers yeast? I haven't seen a product called nutritional yeast in NZ (like Red Star) but we do use savory yeast to flavour things up so I'm thinking they are the same (?)

Brewer's yeast is bitter and gross tasting; only used for making beer. It must be 'savory' yeast that is the same as what we call 'nutritional' yeast. (and both are diffeent from what is used to make bread.)

  I mixed some up yesterday, stirred in some salsa and my kids loved the spicy 'cheez' dip with their bean burritos.  This really is an awesome and versatile recipe.


I agree with everyone who has said this is 'strangely addictive'! When I first made I wasn't so sure -because it definitely doesn't taste like cheese. However it hasn't taken long for the mix to disappear onto and into all kinds of dishes! I particularly like it with a bit of a chili kick and it seems from all the reviews that the recipe itself is pretty forgiving. Next time I make it I'm going to play around with a few variations of nuts and seeds etc. Anyway its good - 'strangely addictive' infact! And should be on the most reviewed list. Oh - a quick question from a New Zealander - is nutritional yeast the same as savory yeast or brewers yeast? I haven't seen a product called nutritional yeast in NZ (like Red Star) but we do use savory yeast to flavour things up so I'm thinking they are the same (?)


I know I already commented on this one, but I had to update!

cooked noodles + dry uncheese mix to taste + melted vegan butter + a little bit of water + ketchup  = HEAVEN!!!! it tastes just like mac n cheese to me, cause i always used to eat it with ketchup! only i think i actually like this even better!! YAY!!!



I made this, exactly as the recipe read, two weeks ago.  My husband and I loved it on burgers, and made cheesy fries.. YUM!  Kids,  not so thrilled with the onion flavor.

    Today, I got more cashews, and made a half batch of the recipe, but left out the onion and garlic. I combined it with the leftover dry mix, and made potatoes au gratin for dinner.  OMIGOD!!  Fantastic, and all my kids came back for seconds..and would have had 3rds, but I insisted some be saved for dad after work.

  Dragonfly, my hat is off to you. This is awesome, way better than real cheese sauce.





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