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Roll Call!

Edit.  The following intro is a bit old.  I unfortunately ended my long term relationship after nearly ten years.  Just couldn't be worked out.  I got the house and the dogs and am relatively happy now.  I finished my online RN to BSN program and am a genuine college graduate at the age of 48!!!  Woot!

Edit #2 - I finally reached the ripe old age of 50 and am feeling fabulous!  I always get the "you don't look 50" thing, and I attribute that to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I deleted my Myspace page.  I do have Facebook and love to have vegwebbers for friends. You can private message me and I'll give you my name.  Or you can find me on the vegweb fan page.

Edit #3 - Finally went vegan.  The last couple of years, I've been slowly getting there, replacing household and personal products with vegan items such as vegan soaps, candles, cleaners.  I've bought vegan shoes, belts and wallets.  I'm loving it!  Decided to let my hair go naturally grey instead of coloring it so I don't get the "you don't look 50" thing as much anymore.  LOL  I now have a desk job in the admit-transfer center and hate it hate it hate.  I just can't be stuck behind a desk, and I'm the lookout for something else.

Edit #4 - Found a position at the hospital I currnetly work on an ortho floor.  I think I'll like returning to the bedside and not a desk job.  w00t

It's been a while and I thought it might be nice to for everyone who posts here to tell a little about yourself.  I took a little sabbatical from this site (went back to eating meat for two years..........bleech), but lurked from time to time, but have been a part of this site for gee, can it be 8 or more years????  But I don't know a lot of you. 

I am a nurse.  I am a male. (yes, a person who will remain nameless called me a "she".)  I am gay.  I've been in a monogamous relationship for the last nine years with a great guy who now travels a lot. I was an ovo-lacto veg*n for about 12 years before slipping, I plead insanity.

I'm currently in an online program to go from an ADN RN to BSN RN and hope to finally graduate from college at the age of 48 next year. 

I have a very boring blog here:

You're turn.  Tell me your business!

So the place on Lark st. is called Peas and Beans, and it is near the intersection of Lark and Washington.  The food is very good, and there are a decent amount of options.

Btw, Bombers is giving away free burritos tomorrow at 11am till 4 I think.


Hi everyone!  I'm new.  I'm Lyle, aka Wormy, from Southern California.  I'm a pre-optometry, biochemistry major, philosophy (<3 peter singer) minor at the University of California, Riverside.  Been a vegetarian for almost three years, and since then I've replaced most of my non-vegan stuff with friendly alternatives.  The first couple years I lived mostly off bean burritos but lately I've been trying to cook other stuff too.  Hence why I joined the site.  ;D

I love reading, mostly junky sci fi/fantasy  ::)  I have made a couple websites deticated to book series, Xanth and Harry Potter.  Right now I'm reading the Sword of Truth series.  Some of my other favourites are incarnations of immortality, the belgariad, inheritance, hitchhikers guide, and stuff by michael crichton and dan brown.  ;)

I first became a vegetarian because of my idols.  An author, piers anthony, who I've always admired is a vegetarian, and although he doesnt speak of it much in his books my interest in him still managed to get me thinking.  Also, Natalie Portman, who I had a bit of a crush on was a vegetarian too.  Plus an ex girlfriend from a couple years past was, and a friend of mine from the internet, and I think when I sorta put these things together I realized that maybe veg*ns weren't a bunch of mindless idiots as I had always ignorantly thought.  ::)  So I read some things online and decided to stop eating meat until I got to the bottom of the situation...  Went to the bookstore and bought Animal Liberation and Dominion of Ma...  Fell in love with Peter Singer, philosophy, and vegetarianism.

So  ::) Thats me.


My name is Gina and I'm currently a college student at this crazy liberal arts college. Most of my friends are meat eaters, but I had several who were veg*n and I became one myself last year. I'm currently ovo-lacto veggie but I do have vegan periods. However, whenever I'm home, it's such a pain to eat vegan because my parents are not supportive at all. I am part of a veggie co-op on campus so we have a meat free environment to use which is pretty sweet.

I am extremely involved in environmentalism and we've done a ton to get our campus green! (all our carry-out stuff including plastic cups are biodegradable. The campus built a green building and are switching to wind/solar power, etc.) I'm also very interested in LGBT issues. I am a psychology major, neuroscience and women/gender/sexuality studies minor.

Oh, and I love spicy food.

So that's pretty much it about me for now. :-)


i'm new here

whatsup ya'll, i'm jeremy. i'm 19 years old, vegan for a year, meat free for 3 (plus one year when i was even younger, after which my family strong armed me back to meat, then i went back to veg)  i live in brooklyn with my wonderful girlfriend Leah, my best friend Adam, his girlfriend Ali, our friend Eric, and our kittens Nipples, Norbert and Shiney. we live in a cramped, but cozy railroad style apartment, so we've become somewhat entwined with one anothers lives. i'm an anarchist, but refuse to distinguish myself from other anarchist based on the other color i put on the black flag. i try to travel as much as i can. i ride my bike a lot. i like hardcore music and punk music. i like cooking when i can. i try to pay for as little as possible, if i pay for anything. free stuff, get into it!


Hi Jeremy!

You have a cat... named... Nipples?!  What's that story?


Hi everyone. I've been lurking and using recipes here for quite some time, and I finally decided that it would be nice of me to say hello and have a go at participation. ;)

I'm Kelly. I live in a little town near Raleigh, NC and have for most my life, save the 2 semesters I spent at UNC Asheville. I loved the city and the mountains, but had to return home for personal reasons. I always think about going back, but I don't think I'd want to be that far away from my family and friends again. I'm a bit shy so it takes me a while to make new friends.

I have been vegetarian for almost two years now, which I think is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Actually, you could call me 100% vegan at home, but sometimes when I'm out a little dairy is hard to avoid. I even managed to help convert my mother to a vegetarian diet in the last year by appealing to her health and desire for weight loss!

I live a pretty quiet life, but I do enjoy getting out and enjoying the more interesting things that the world has to offer.  I am passionate about music, books, and the more creative/witty movies and TV shows out there. My newest interest is gardening, and my sister and I started our own garden this year, with decent results.

Now let's hope that I don't let myself just go back to lurking, because I really would like to join in the discussions here!


Hi everyone. I've been lurking and using recipes here for quite some time, and I finally decided that it would be nice of me to say hello and have a go at participation. ;)

I'm Kelly. I live in a little town near Raleigh, NC and have for most my life, save the 2 semesters I spent at UNC Asheville. I loved the city and the mountains, but had to return home for personal reasons. I always think about going back, but I don't think I'd want to be that far away from my family and friends again. I'm a bit shy so it takes me a while to make new friends.

I have been vegetarian for almost two years now, which I think is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Actually, you could call me 100% vegan at home, but sometimes when I'm out a little dairy is hard to avoid. I even managed to help convert my mother to a vegetarian diet in the last year by appealing to her health and desire for weight loss!

I live a pretty quiet life, but I do enjoy getting out and enjoying the more interesting things that the world has to offer.  I am passionate about music, books, and the more creative/witty movies and TV shows out there. My newest interest is gardening, and my sister and I started our own garden this year, with decent results.

Now let's hope that I don't let myself just go back to lurking, because I really would like to join in the discussions here!

don't go back to lurking, join in the fun  ;)


Yes, ma'am!

By the way... what sort of little dance are you doing in your profile pic?


Yes, ma'am!

By the way... what sort of little dance are you doing in your profile pic?

weeellllllll... i was taking up the whole dance floor doing what i *thought* was some variety of square dance/waltz. not that i know how to do either of those anyway...  ::)


Not knowing the steps to a dance is no reason not to get up and do it anyway!

The only dance steps I know are to the Macarena.  :-[


hehe- I THOUGHT I knew the electric slide, but they played some crazy new fangled version at a wedding this weekend & I was all sorts of confused. Does anyone know what the "Charlie Brown" is?

Nice to meet you aquarhapsody- Welcome!


I thought I posted in this thread but obviously not.  I am a 24 vegan (for about three weeks- vegetarian for 10 years) from Minnesota.  I have a BA in Global Studies and I currently work for a student loan company (I did have an interview for a waaaaaay better job today wish me luck).  I love to cook.  I collect cookbooks of all types, I think I have over 100.  I am currently engaged to a wonderful man, he is a pastry chef and we have been together for over seven years.  It has been hard to stay vegan because he makes some delicious deserts, but he baked me a vegan pumpkin pie last week.  I love my cat, he thinks he is a dog likes to play fetch and we take him out on walks every night.  I love to travel but have not been able to leave the country in about a year, I know poor me :D.  Vegweb inspired me to become a full blown vegan (for the third try in five years).  So hello all.


Lisaanddini -- Thanks! Yeah, I never could do the electric slide, either. I could get about halfway through but then I'd get confused about which way to go!

Redjen-- I would love to see your cat play fetch.


Best of luck Redjen!!!!!!!!!    :) 


hehe- I THOUGHT I knew the electric slide, but they played some crazy new fangled version at a wedding this weekend & I was all sorts of confused. Does anyone know what the "Charlie Brown" is?

Nice to meet you aquarhapsody- Welcome!

This is how you do the Charlie Brown:
1. Put your hands on your knees
2. Bring your knees together
3. switch your hands, so your arms are criss-crossed. The opposite hand will now be touching the other knee now
4. Push knees apart
5. Brings knees back together and switch hands again, so they are uncrossed.
6. Repeat.
7. GET DOWN!!!!  ;D


I've been on vegweb for like a year now, and never posted here! Better late than never.

I am Melissa. My last name sounds like Etheridge.

I was ovo-lacto for about 10 years, but a few months ago, stopped eating eggs. Dairy might take some time though, everything seems to have butter, whey, or casein in it! I have posted one recipe...  Try it! It only has 2 reviews.  It smells a little loud when ya take it out of the marinade, but it's so juicy and yummy and easy to make, even when you're drunk!

I am 27, and my birthday this year was 07/07/07. I spent it on Coney Island.

I'm originally from Rockfish, NC, you've heard of it right? I lived in Nashville for 5 years, New Orleans for 6, and have been in New York City for the last 3. I live in the tragically hip East Village of Manhattan. NOLA is really my home, though.

I have a B.M. in Piano Performance from Loyola University New Orleans, and an M.A. in the same thing from NYU. Classical and Ragtime specialties. Can you say "eternal debt"?

I have driven to 42 or 43 states. This summer I took my first ever trip abroad to Europe, for 4 weeks, all by myself. I saw the queen, kissed the Blarney Stone, stole a 2000 year old bone from Pompeii, visited Mozart's grave, sunbathed naked on a mountain overlooking Vienna, stood on the former site of Hitler's bunker, hitchhiked for 5 days, and spoke lots of German and shitty Italian, which I don't really speak.

I play with the  a dozen-plus, all-girls accordion ensemble based in the Lower East Side. Besides that and piano, I also play/have played ukelele, oboe, clarinet, percussion, cello, harmonica, and guitar

I'm currently reading A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present by Howard Zinn, read this book!

I'ver never had  broken bones or cavities, but I DO have 6 tattoos and 9 piercings (used to be 11).  I've also intentionally given myself mono, pinkeye, and caterpillar stings. I'm weird.

My day job is as an art model. I find I like to be paid to be naked for strangers, hey, someone's gotta do it, right? Actually, the overwhelming Puritanical nature of most Americans is what pays my bills--if everyone felt comfortable doing it, it would be a volunteer-thing, not a paying job. My best friend is a Suicide Girl, I'm thinking about applying to be one myself in the near future. A portrait of me recently sold in a Soho gallery, so soon my head will be hanging in someone's living room. I also teach piano students. I used to bartend in the French Quarter right before I left New Orleans. Mmmm, whiskey.

My boyfriend of the past year and a half just moved to Ghana on a Fulbright, for the next 10 months. So we're doing the "open relationship" thing till we see each other again. Now that it's allowed, I don't want to! hahahaa! He left about 3 days ago, so you've probably noticed me on here alot lately!

d**n, that's a long post. Look me up on myspace, my display name is the same.

L8terz lolololololomfg


kissed the Blarney Stone

If you ever go to Ireland again....don't kiss the Blarney Stone.  My Irish friends tell me they pee on it and then laugh at all the tourists kissing it.  :P <---Yuck!


kissed the Blarney Stone

If you ever go to Ireland again....don't kiss the Blarney Stone.  My Irish friends tell me they pee on it and then laugh at all the tourists kissing it.  :P <---Yuck!

Yeah, I was told the same thing when I lived in Dublin, but nonetheless, I went and had a nice lick.  It is pretty funny, the top part of the stone is dull and grey, but the bottom part where everyone kisses is shiny and black.  I wonder if it is because of the constant streams of urine, or from the neverending line of sloppy kisses?


Hi Jeremy!

You have a cat... named... Nipples?!  What's that story?

she was a stray we took in, and when she came in she was preggo with three little babies, like, hardcore. so her nipples were like, real big and ready for babies, and so my roommate officially named her nipples. we usually call her neep though. her babies are jack, norbert and howlette


I've heard the same things about the Blarney Stone, but I don't see how it's possible. It's on the top of a castle you have to pay to see, and there is a guy who works up there, whose sole job is to help you hang your head over while you lay on your back and kiss the Stone. It's a rather compromising position! But yeah, it's not like out in the open, you would have to pay like 10 euros, go to the top, and I guess tell an employee to look away while you pee on this thing?? I ain't buying it! ;)



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