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How do you feel about Farting (or tooting as I like to call it)?

We already have a poop thread going, so I thought it might be nice to discuss another near and dear topic relating to veganism.

I've found mine to vary wildly, from the extremely rare floral aroma, to the rancid roadkill type.  I do tend to enjoy it when a significant other toots.  ;)

What do you like, or god forbid, dislike about the vegan communities'  affinity for flatulence?

Man, my cats can clear a room!  :-D :-D :-D

Personally, I don't care. I will pass gas where ever, whenever. Doesn't really matter to me

LOL  :-D My dad is the same way--he has no social graces when it comes to farting! He could be in a dead silent church and he would let one rip...oi vey!


holy crap - i can't believe this hasn't been mentioned (apologies if it has and i read over it, but i am deviantly procrastinating on a term paper right now so not all that attentive) - SHOWER FARTS??  hello???  dude, they are so rank!  i have asked a couple shower mates (like, over time, not all at once ) and my only conclusion is the steam amplifies the smell.  what the hell?  anyone else notice the glory of farting in the shower?

crop dusters:  f you.  man, seriously, i hate walking into your foulness in the video store, down the hallway at work, wherever, but ESPECIALLY the frickin' grocery store?!?  come on!  i'm shopping for food for f's sake!!  sheesh.

pet farts rival human shower farts.  imagine if pets farted in the shower.  oh dear lord.

ps tysm for this thread.  i have a 14-yr.-old sense of humor (someone else had 12, so take that!  ha!) and will always enjoy conversation about farts and pooping.  i clearly have been missing out on a lot in the last couple months!


The doggy breath is sometimes a symptom of illness...diabetics often have ketosis breath, or if the person has acid reflux you get a sort of sulphurous odour.

Which my husband does (AR) and at night his breath is a real killer, making it hard to snuggle up to him. I wonder if charcoal caps would help?? Any advice? I would ask my parapharmacist but the last time I was in there he was soooo rude to me I decided not to trouble him again for awhile. OK, maybe he was busy and having a bad day but I thought we were on good terms!

Ketosis breath is SO GROSS!! When people severely restrict their carbohydrates they also get it because the body starts breaking down ketone bodies for energy. I have smelled this at the gym before and it seriously makes me feel ill!!


crop dusters:  f you.  man, seriously, i hate walking into your foulness in the video store, down the hallway at work, wherever, but ESPECIALLY the frickin' grocery store?!?  come on!  i'm shopping for food for f's sake!!  sheesh.

Haha.  I totally crop dust my students.  It's unavoidable.  The morning kale smoothie starts to kick in just about the time first graders come to music.... ::)


I don't know if this only applies to me but... Whenever I'm in a quiet place like a library or mebbe a supermarket, and I think there's nobody around - if I let one go, someone always turns up within seconds!! forcing me to flee.  :o

Works like clockwork. It's Murphy's Law.  >:( ;D

EXACTLY. It's like people have fart-sensors and secretly WANT to smell it. And I was still looking at the applesauce too...

What's SBD stand for? I feel like this must be a term I need to use.

In case yer still wondering, SBD = Silent But Deadly.  >:D

I've been re-reading this old thread and its new replies and laughing myself to death all over again. Thanks!  :-D


Hey!  Sometimes crop dusting can't be avoided!  Like in the summer when you are sitting in the back of class near the rotary fans, or when there are just too many people around, or if you're running in a race and there is a pesky person trailing you...  ;)b


This thread is hilarious!

Farting is a natural thing, but I have to admit that it embarrasses me to no end and I really would not wish to fart in front of anyone!

My sister says she's become more gassy with age and fears a toot escaping at the OB/GYN...that would be SOOOOO embarrassing!

When my hubby and I were first dating, I made him laugh so hard that a fart snuck out. We still laugh abouot that to this day!

Oh and yeah, dog farts are NASTY! Our Lil will do this little poof and then look all innocent as if the foul stench couldn't have possibly been her! ;D


Okay, I have the best story for you.  My ex and I had been married for about 4 years, and well, at the time I had health problems (hard to explain, and WAY to explicit anyway for this thread, lol) anyway, he was working on me (dont ask) and his head was in my butt.......and I let one go, he literally fell off the bed.  Of course this was just revenge, as two nights before when he farted, he woke himself up it stunk so bad, then blamed it on me!  So of course I had to get him back, lol.


Farts are gross, but unavoidable. I have to admit, I have been guilty of crop-dusting(?).  >:D
Sometimes it is unavoidable.


i probably already said something in this thread, but i feel good about farting.


Okay, I have the best story for you.  My ex and I had been married for about 4 years, and well, at the time I had health problems (hard to explain, and WAY to explicit anyway for this thread, lol) anyway, he was working on me (dont ask) and his head was in my butt.......and I let one go, he literally fell off the bed.  Of course this was just revenge, as two nights before when he farted, he woke himself up it stunk so bad, then blamed it on me!  So of course I had to get him back, lol.

Ah yes...I too have been called the "human gas chamber" for easing the pressure at the wrong moment.


okay, okay - i KNOW sometimes cropdusting can't be avoided.  but sometimes: yes, by god, it can.  i've had people stand right next to me in a grocery store aisle, as i'm innocently reading an ingredient label or whatever, and they release and walk off.  no one on the other end of the aisle, or even aisles over - why me??  i promise i don't have a fart-inducing look or vibe in real life or anything.  otherwise i'm sure i'd have a gazillion times more instances of being in fart-bomb range.

are there kegels for the anus?


okay, okay - i KNOW sometimes cropdusting can't be avoided.  but sometimes: yes, by god, it can.  i've had people stand right next to me in a grocery store aisle, as i'm innocently reading an ingredient label or whatever, and they release and walk off.  no one on the other end of the aisle, or even aisles over - why me??  i promise i don't have a fart-inducing look or vibe in real life or anything.  otherwise i'm sure i'd have a gazillion times more instances of being in fart-bomb range.

are there kegels for the anus?

Oh my, this made me laugh so hard!


Since it relates, I'd like to tell a little story about the Great Northeast Vegweb Potluck 3 that happened a couple weekends ago.  I had planned on bringing all the essentials for homemade Beano to the potluck.  I figured that it would make a sweet picture, and also prevent Lucidanne's house from getting fumigated by the herd of vegans hanging about.  I got the fresh mint, lemon juice, and baking soda, but when I triumphantly displayed my intentions, nobody seemed interested.  Apparently this group of vegans were keen on sampling the fine essences that comes after scarfing down multiple plates of food.  Sweeeeeet!

I ended up forgetting about taking the Beano until we all had pretty much eaten our way past appetizers and main course.  I once again tried to rally everyone to get in a picture with me drinking beano, but only the brave Tigreviva joined.  Here's one of the pics...

Oh and by the way, if you do try the Beano, I highly suggest taking it BEFORE you eat food.  It sure as hell didn't help me.


OMG! that story made me laugh out loud Cammie! You are such a doll--I'm sorry no one wanted to drink beano with you--you know I would have if I could have made it!!



It would have been sweet if you could have made it Capture.  Don't worry, there'll be many more potlucks in the NE, especially if you happen to make your way here.  :rabbit2:

As a matter of interest, what food make you have the worst gas, quantity-wise, and quality-wise (smell).  This is a question for everyone, I'd like to compare notes.


Now I'm REALLY sorry I missed the potluck.  If I'd know farting was going to be involved, I'd have walked to Albany!  ;D


As a matter of interest, what food make you have the worst gas, quantity-wise, and quality-wise (smell).  This is a question for everyone, I'd like to compare notes.

Recent experience suggests that eating large quantities of chickpeas leads to chickpea smelling farts.  I really cannot say I oppose that smell.


I drank the Beano recipe last night before my dinner of ultimate vegetarian chili with a side of kale.  It was the first time I've tried it.  I must say, I'm impressed.  I was gas free for the rest of the evening and even through today!  I may have to start drinking this before my kale smoothies in the morning.  My first graders will thank me.  :-D 


OMG, TOFART TOFU. Soy-rich foods are the worst ever thing for tooting, for me.  ::) ;D  Beans: yes for quantity, not so much for quality, to put it as succinctly as Camillus put it.  ;)  Um, what else?... Drinking coffee around breakfast time makes my pee smell like coffee... er, is that TMI? Can there be TMI on this thread?  >:D



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