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Open letters

Seeing as we've got confessions and problems and issues springing up in threads all over the shop, I thought it might be interesting to have an open letter thread. Cathartic, perhaps. From your mother ruining your wedding, to your boyfriend who can't stop peeing on the toilet seat, or even that guy on the bus who kept making that annoying noise with his mouth, get it out here.

I'll get the ball rolling.

To my dear darling boyfriend,

Just because you are technically 'clean' when you come out the shower, it doesn't mean that I am okay with using the same towel you've been rubbing all over yourself for a month. I know you have others. I bought you two myself. Drag them out from the murky depths of the laundry basket, wash them and allow me the temporary use of a clean one.

Love, Cat

Dear coworkers that are hanging out right outside the entrance to my cube:

LEAVE! go take your conversation elsewhere.



Dear hubbys waste of space best friend B-
Please don't ever come over my house again! I told you I don't like you, I haven't seen or heard a peep out of you for almost a glorious month! All of sudden you come over last night like the 'smoke' had cleared or something..... The smoke will never clear!!!! I do not like you, you are a waste of the air I breath, you annoying the living hell out of me and now I'm in a bad mood today.

-hubby's 'bitchy' wife

Dear hubby-
Please forgive me and try to be understanding when I tell you I do not want your waste of life friend over again.

-your misses


Dear lisaandini and CK-
Do you have a pdf reader so I can pdf my recipe and post as attachment. I took pictures and put in my recipe becasue I'm really that big of a dork.....

- indian food lovin PB


Dear hubbys waste of space best friend B-
Please don't ever come over my house again! I told you I don't like you, I haven't seen or heard a peep out of you for almost a glorious month! All of sudden you come over last night like the 'smoke' had cleared or something..... The smoke will never clear!!!! I do not like you, you are a waste of the air I breath, you annoying the living hell out of me and now I'm in a bad mood today.

-hubby's 'bitchy' wife

Dear hubby-
Please forgive me and try to be understanding when I tell you I do not want your waste of life friend over again.

-your misses

dear pooh bear,

can i ever relate to that!  there are wastes of space at my house alllll the time.  but bf finally realized the worst one was...the worst...and he's been cut out, thank goodness.  good luck with annoying friends of hubby.  that's a tough situation.



Dear lisaandini and CK-
Do you have a pdf reader so I can pdf my recipe and post as attachment. I took pictures and put in my recipe becasue I'm really that big of a dork.....

- indian food lovin PB

yes pdfs are good. pictures of food are very good


Dear triticale,

I did not know about you, and I was afraid you would be some hidden animal product in the bran flakes we just purchased. Thank you for being wheat + rye.



Dear Uterus,

Please stop paining me for no reason other than you dislike fibroids as much as I do.  We only have to make it through one more month together before we sever this relationship.  Then I will never bother you again.



Dear hubbys waste of space best friend B-
Please don't ever come over my house again! I told you I don't like you, I haven't seen or heard a peep out of you for almost a glorious month! All of sudden you come over last night like the 'smoke' had cleared or something..... The smoke will never clear!!!! I do not like you, you are a waste of the air I breath, you annoying the living hell out of me and now I'm in a bad mood today.

-hubby's 'bitchy' wife

Dear hubby-
Please forgive me and try to be understanding when I tell you I do not want your waste of life friend over again.

-your misses

dear pooh bear,

can i ever relate to that!  there are wastes of space at my house alllll the time.  but bf finally realized the worst one was...the worst...and he's been cut out, thank goodness.  good luck with annoying friends of hubby.  that's a tough situation.


Dear Allularpunk
Thank you, I knew you would understand! I don’t know that I will say anything at this point, but the next time hubby wants to invite him over I’m spilling my guts! He is NOT coming over my house again. If hubby wants to hang out with him from time to time they can go to his house!
So glad to here your waste of space will no longer be sharing the precious air you breathe!  ;)b I was wondering how your situation was going….



Dear AC,

Two things.
First, to answer your question, no.  I still have to wait on Katie since I get paid enough to support the both of us.  She's actively looking, but not having much luck.
Second, I'm sorry that my attempt to make you laugh failed so miserably. :-[
Maybe I will succeed next time.


Dear PB,

Send it up and if I can't open it, I will let you know. ;)b


Dear anyone I may be forgetting to respond to,




Dear Redneck Neighbor,

If I see you chase after another black snake with a shovel, I will take it away from you and beat you with it.....Asshole!!  I hope you get lung cancer from all those nasty cigarettes and by the way, love the yellow teeth.

The Bitch


Dear Manager,

Please hurry back from vacation so I can transfer units.



Dear Metabolism,
Get with the effing programme.
Wake up and smell the thyroid supplements.
WHEN are you going to realise how hard I am working to get in shape, and burn some of this fat?
I want results. Yesterday.


Dear lisaandini and CK-
Do you have a pdf reader so I can pdf my recipe and post as attachment. I took pictures and put in my recipe becasue I'm really that big of a dork.....

- indian food lovin PB

yes pdfs are good. pictures of food are very good

Dear CK and L -
Here you go!!!!!!!  ;)b

Ps- I added a bonus recipe, my garlic naan. It’s a gluten free recipe because I have celiac so to make it normal just use regular flour and omit the xanthum gum…. Xanthum gum is only needed in a recipe if you are using a gluten free flour.  I have tons of Indian recipes that I have veganized and adjusted spicing, ect to my liking! I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! :)>>>

Pss- I will also post these on my ‘favorite recipes’ thread in the cooking forum and will submit to vegweb….


Dear Allularpunk
Thank you, I knew you would understand! I don’t know that I will say anything at this point, but the next time hubby wants to invite him over I’m spilling my guts! He is NOT coming over my house again. If hubby wants to hang out with him from time to time they can go to his house!
So glad to here your waste of space will no longer be sharing the precious air you breathe!  ;)b I was wondering how your situation was going….


Dear PB,

oh, no, that situation is still not resolved.  unfortunately.  i was speaking of a different waste of space that i rarely see now, which is good.  the unwanted roomie situation is...  not really going anywhere.  unfortunately.



Dear Supervisor,

Please stop overreacting to EVERY piece of news I bring you and please stop blurting out things like, "Why would you do that?" or "What are you talking about?" when I answer your questions.  It's rude. 

Dear Rain,

Please try to go one day without falling.  Take a is summer after all.

Dear PC Meatless Chicken Breasts,

Why could I not find you at the grocery store the other day?  Now that I've experienced your deliciousness I don't think I can live without you...come back to me.

:) Panda


Dear Day,

I appreciate that you don't like to hurry, but there both Luke & Noah and Christian & Olli episodes are waiting for me on YouTube.  If you would please hurry through the next five hours so I can be home, that'd be great.  If you would like, you can make my weekend longer to balance things out.



Dear Bhindi Masala,

Please cook quickly.  I'm hungry.


do you serve bhindi masala over rice???? I've been wanting to try that.


Dear any and all Indian food,

Why do you have to taste so good? You bring me so much happiness and yet so much pain.  Oh tofu vindaloo I love you. :-* ;D  but I eat too much and my belly hurts. :o


Dear CK,

I really hope she finds something soon. I don't like that you hate every day. You make me laugh all the time. That video, however, did not.


Dear hh,

It seems like I was going to say something to you, but I don't know what. :howdy:


Dear YG,

There are quite a few spelling errors in your letter. Get with the progrAM!! I'm totally kidding...I get it.


Dear feet,

I'm sorry that you have to be stuck in shoes and socks all day. I have to keep a job. I don't understand why you are slightly stinking though. Please stop.


Dear lovable but stubborn janitor at my school:

We really need to recycle. I would like to take charge of a schoolwide recycling program. I promise it will be NO EXTRA WORK for you. I will have my kids help me set it up and collect the goods from all the classrooms. We can work on counting, sorting, and following a schedule. It will be good for them and for the earth.

We can store the bins in the tiny closet by the bathroom.

I fail to see any problems. Please let me do it!




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