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package arrival!!

sooo thank you to the lovely, as yet anonymous, person who sent me my package!  bf sent a message that says it is at the apt and in the fridge (i can't imagine how he didn't open it...but good on him  ;))

i am so so so excited to go home and seeee!

so i will post tomorrow with formal thank yous.  although my hunch is that it's AC since she sent hers so early.  or maybe not!

:)>>> for packages

I'm jealous of your british vegan goodies. Catski is awesome!


Awesome stuff! I love how you can see the postcard in the background!  :D


Catski will you be my vegan package person next time???? oh.....we can't pick our package person can we..... (jk, i loved mine  :)>>>)

ps- Catski I almost went to university in Liverpool (i could be spelling that wrong)....


Yay! It arrived safely! I was going mad trying to fit it all in so nothing would break in transit, total first package swap nerves. So weird to see all that in someone else's picture. Kelsi, I'm glad you liked it all! I was totally relying on British novelty value and I had to represent my people and send you tea.

Can you believe my package isn't here yet? Well, actually, I can believe it because Royal Mail is rubbish. But seeing you ladies all excited over your goodies is making me quite impatient :)


Catski will you be my vegan package person next time???? oh.....we can't pick our package person can we..... (jk, i loved mine  :)>>>)

ps- Catski I almost went to university in Liverpool (i could be spelling that wrong)....

Oooh that's not far away from where I'm at uni. Although you'd have ended up with one hell of a strange accent. Liverpool + American... eep...


Thank you Ponycakes! I got my package today!
Here's what was in it:
-Great looking Mediterranean cookbook
-Beautifully painted box for recipes or whatever else (in pretty greens!)
-A sweet note
-Cinnamon swirl muffins
-Lemon teacakes
-Ok's Coconut granola bars
-Two types of crunchy (they still were!) chickpea snacks
-3 Lara bars
-Clif bar
I've tried everything (I may have plopped down by the door and nibbled right after I opened the package  ;D) and it is all super tasty.  The muffins are all crunchy with cinnamon and sugar on top, and a little inside, too, just like a cinnamon bun. The teacakes smell lovely, as soon as I opened the container the lemon smell wafted up, delish! I can't stop sneaking bits of the granola bars, even though I want to save some for a snack at work tomorrow. The chickpeas are great, I love the spicy ones the most! I've never had Lara or Clif bars, so I'm looking forward to trying them. I found the first recipe from the cookbook and I'll be making it tonight! Thank you!

yayy!! im glad you liked everything and it was all still yummy :)


Catski will you be my vegan package person next time???? oh.....we can't pick our package person can we..... (jk, i loved mine  :)>>>)

ps- Catski I almost went to university in Liverpool (i could be spelling that wrong)....

Oooh that's not far away from where I'm at uni. Although you'd have ended up with one hell of a strange accent. Liverpool + American... eep...

you and i might have to do a package exchange...if you want to. I think it would be SO COOL to get some fun stuff from another country!


you and i might have to do a package exchange...if you want to. I think it would be SO COOL to get some fun stuff from another country!

The first time my twin and I came home from visiting the UK our backpacks were filled with different British "biscuits" and candy to give out to friends and family.  I'm sure the customs people thought we were junk food junkies.


you and i might have to do a package exchange...if you want to. I think it would be SO COOL to get some fun stuff from another country!

The first time my twin and I came home from visiting the UK our backpacks were filled with different British "biscuits" and candy to give out to friends and family.  I'm sure the customs people thought we were junk food junkies.

For some reason I've always been somewhat obsessed with UK (and yes Irish) culture, its very intriguing to me.... I've never been to either place though so.... I actually had a UK flag on my bedroom wall next to an obnoxious sex pistols poster in high school  ::)


you and i might have to do a package exchange...if you want to. I think it would be SO COOL to get some fun stuff from another country!

Oh, I'd be for that. I have some little shops near me with great, unusual little goodies and American vegan things must be exciting and different :)


you and i might have to do a package exchange...if you want to. I think it would be SO COOL to get some fun stuff from another country!

Oh, I'd be for that. I have some little shops near me with great, unusual little goodies and American vegan things must be exciting and different :)

are you a member? can you email me? I'm serious, we should do it!
here is my yahoo in case you arn't a member: eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%73%68%61%75%6e%61%5f%72%61%6d%61%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%73%68%61%75%6e%61%5f%72%61%6d%61%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))
let me know if there is anything american inparticular you are interested in but I definately have some ideas of very american things i could send you  :)


Allychristine, I just wanted to let you know that I received your thank you note yesterday.  You're very welcome.  I'm glad that you enjoyed your goodies.  This swap was so much fun!


I fear for my package's well being.  :-\


me too...kmk :(


:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


JEWEL! Lady, you are a legend! My package arrived a couple of days ago, redelivered after my useless brother failed to answer the door the first time round. It was a little battered but everything was packed up as it should be.


2 x Larabars (eating the apple one now with a cup of tea, why do we not have these in England?!)
Texas trail mix
Amazing berry granola
Sunflower seeds
Cinnamon tea (for improving brain function, ha ha, thank you!)
Krispy Grahams
A cute card

She also sent along a pumpkin loaf and blueberry muffins, but unfortunately because of the hot weather we're having here and the delivery being delayed, they didn't make it :( So sorry to report that, Jewel! You must send me the recipes - I'll photograph my efforts and we can pretend they arrived okay!   ;)

What a lovely package, I was super excited to see something from America. I was opening up the bags and putting everything into plastic boxes in the kitchen and my dad came to snipe some of the trail mix - he says well done and thank you, it's delicious. Suffice to say it's now hidden in my room...

Here's a picture:


yey!!!  thank you Laurabs!!!!!!!!!!! 
my pkg came today, and I'm amazed at how much thought you put into it!  you really listened to what I said I liked .
here's what I go:
muffins......and a girl at work wanted me to tell you, she liked them!  and she will never eat my "crazy" food!
flax pumpkin crunch
vanilla oreos
vegan necklace
vegan buttons and iron on transfers
Raymond Carver book, and a book mark she made for me
a Moby cd she burned for me
I hope I'm not forgetting anything......thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! :)>>>


oooooh, this sounds so funnnn!  how do i get in on this package sending/receiving thing?!!


oooooh, this sounds so funnnn!  how do i get in on this package sending/receiving thing?!!

We will do another one sometime, probably around the holidays.  The organizers will make a thread for it, and you sign up!  Voila!  Easy peasy.  The organizers will probably be me and/or bp and/or someone else with exchange experience.


I'm so glad you like it, Lubimiller! I was really worried it would never make it's destination - I sent it so long ago!

And I had fun putting it together!



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