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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

also correct response:

'fuck off you stupid bitch. I have a billion vegan friends who will slash you.'


Wow, Erin... First off, how is that ANY of her business whether you raise your children vegan or not??? And FORCE, seriously??? Geez!! Sorry you have such an unsupportive "friend. "


also correct response:

'fuck off you stupid bitch. I have a billion vegan friends who will slash you.'


my 'friend' asking me on fb if I plan to 'force' my child to be vegan.....shut the fuck up!

Wow, the more I live by this diet - and LOVE it btw - the more I see how so many are under such delusion as to eating healthy. The same friend probably has no problem though teaching their own children delusional religous ideas. I do think though that the problem is largely lack of information on the part of society - if I had any idea I could eat this good and healthy and enjoy it so much without sacrifice, I would honestly have done it LONG ago, srsly. I think it is up to me to let others know - when asked or challenged or questioned - that I eat very yummy food and very ample portions of it.

The good news is: this opens the oportunity for that FB friend to some get some facts from you about healthy living. I have really good friends who have done similar things on FB and I engage them in discussion because I truly want to know what ideas are sparking their resistance. Turns out, MUCH of the time it is the protein thing (and strangely a "We deserve to be at the top of the food chain" conquest/power/violence thing) that they are clinging to. The bad news is that none of them want to truly discuss it much, they usually just drop it with dismissiveness. I personally wouldn't recommend the cussing at them route, as it will only further alienate them, perhaps, I am not sure.


also correct response:

'fuck off you stupid bitch. I have a billion vegan friends who will slash you.'


WRGMG: Waking up at 6.30 on the one day of the week I could sleep till 9 if I wanted. For no particular reason. I lay there trying to drift off again and my head started going round and round with stupid thoughts that wouldn't shut up...nothing dramatic, just dumb.


Correct responses include:

Do you force your child to wear a jacket when the weather is cold?
Do you force your child to attend religious services / school / visit grandma?
Do you force your child to eat his/her vegetables and/or take a multi?

also correct response:

'fuck off you stupid bitch. I have a billion vegan friends who will slash you.'

what's funny is that this 'friend' is very overweight, a complete stoner, doesn't have a car or job - yet is concerned about how I'm going to raise my child.....I don't know why I even waste my breath on him, or why he's even still my friend (he was more Andy's friend than mine, but that was back in the day - we've only hung out with him a few times in the last few years)  I think my response was sufficient.  Now I'm done.


When stupid people say stupid stuff like this:
"But I can't stand vegans for a start because they have literally nothing they can eat, which is ridiculous."

This would be from me and a friend getting into a debate over veganism. I have been vegan for almost 2 years now. I have read almost every book imaginable, gone to 2 doctors and am also studying health and science. And when somebody tells me I'm wrong about my facts on being vegan and say stupid remarks like the one above, I get pissed and that rarely happens. I'm so sick of people not even willing to take their damn time to learn about being vegan, to learn about the reasons people turn vegan, to learn how it got started and for christ fucking sake's to learn that we do not sit on a fucking log all day nibbling on a twig of grass! UGH! I could've slapped him but instead I kindly explained to him how he should stop being an ignorant child and actually do something with his brain for once and learn some damn facts.

People annoy me sometimes.


WRGMG: Waking up at 6.30 on the one day of the week I could sleep till 9 if I wanted. For no particular reason. I lay there trying to drift off again and my head started going round and round with stupid thoughts that wouldn't shut up...nothing dramatic, just dumb.

OMG, I totally hear you on this one.  I have been sleeping quite badly recently (I think because I'm worrying about Gary), and yesterday I had the chance to wake up as late ass I wanted.....only to wake up at 6am - earlier than I have to when I'm going to work!  What gives!?

However, luckily I made up for it today - didn't wake up until 10.20!!  Woo hoo! That's the latest I've slept in months (possibly the latest in a couple of years)


eh, I don't necessarily agree with gay marriage .....or straight marriage..... or any marriage.  I don't necessarily disagree with it either.  I just know for me I don't see the point.  I've been in an incredibly happy relationship for over 10 years, why change it with marriage?
Fine if you want to do it, but fine if you don't....either way, I don't see what your sexual preferences have to do with it.

It's not that simple. Married couples are granted certain rights and privileges that others are not.


It's not that simple. Married couples are granted certain rights and privileges that others are not.

But these are more arguments for the rights of every person, especially singles, not just for gays, right?

Moreover, individuals in a marriage pay taxes and fees that others do not pay, especially if, heaven forbid, the marriage must be disolved. My point is not against gay rights but to take a closer look at what marriage actually is; it is a very strange societal practice that twists both the concepts of religion and of government; and a practice that is clearly failing at > 60%.

Sometimes we get caught up in the fight over what we can't have while never questioning fundamentally why we want it. The institution of marriage itself is a means to surrender our rights as free born men or women, is it not? Ironically gays and lesbians will have fewer rights when they are married than when they were single, and still they beg the government to allow them to surrender their rights. The funny thing is, neither the church nor the state takes these rights, we give them away willingly! I realize it is unconventional, but really most of the arguments I hear for gay marriage seem like really just backward arguments against marriage, and very valid ones at that. Cheeers!


When you're having a conversation (telephone, email, text, private message or IM) with someone and they disappear without warning. If you don't want to talk..fine.

I'm not one to sit and ask why you're leaving, what you're doing, where you're going, who you're going with or when you'll be back. Just give me a simple heads  up (example: I gotta go). I've even tried to let people go when I can tell they're getting antsy and they say they don't want to leave but will put the blame on me when they don't leave. Fuck that shit!


A grown man my age who sets up a class and then starts cancelling with lame excuses. And what's worse, he gets his niece (a 23-yr old, one of my best students) to tell me! He can't even call and tell me, "I changed my mind, I'm not interested" himself. He makes her do his dirty work. Dude--grow a pair. You don't want the class--I'll live.


When someone thinks *their* opinion is the only right one, and thus the only one worth hearing or paying attention to. Especially about topics in which having a *right* answer is nigh impossible.
Conversation with my mother:

Her: Yeah these scientists  think that these telescopes they're sending into space are gonna tell them more about the Big Bang. NEWSFLASH, there was no Big Bang.

Me: Well....there could have been a Big Bang...I mean I kinda think God could have orchestrated something like that.

Her: No He didn't. Read the bible. There was no Big Bang.

Me: The bible just says that God created doesn't really tell you HOW....

Her: Well it wasn't a Big Bang.

Me: .....How do you know?

Her: Because if He used a Big Bang it wouldn't have taken 7 days.

Me: How do you know how long it would've taken?

Her:(in an offended, condescending tone) Because God can snap his fingers and make something happen, so if it was a Big Bang it would've been instantaneous. It wouldn't have taken 7 days.

(I wasn't going to delve into the fact that, by that reasoning, God could've just made the whole damn lot of everything in a snap so why did it take a whole 7 days.)

*head desk*

Moral of the story: Be open to other opinions. Especially when THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW. I mean...pretty sure none of us were like... AT the beginning of the universe...soo....yeah. *end rant* (all banter about this topic should be done in the Food Fight Forum. Someone else can start the thread if they feel so impassioned to do so.)


God can snap his fingers and make something happen...

God has fingers? ;)

These types of discussions used to really GMG as well. To be honest though, I get the same reactions from the believers in religion as I do from believers in science. For instance, the big bang...a theory, right? Yet it is taugt to us as fact. Lots of scientific theory is taught as fact. For instance I was taught that there are only 3 states of matter: solid, gas, liquid. I was not taught "These 3 are all we know so far, and we know very little fundamentally about these" but rather "These are the only 3, forever, and we know almost all there is to know about them." Turns out there are at least 2 other states of matter.

My point is that science often teaches its own form a belief system, just like religion. Fufuberry, I am not saying your stance with your mom reflects this type of zealotry, only that this can RGMG on both sides of the debate. Refreshing how not being tethered to any belief at all really reveals all forms of beliefs our society holds.


God can snap his fingers and make something happen...

God has fingers? ;)

These types of discussions used to really GMG as well. To be honest though, I get the same reactions from the believers in religion as I do from believers in science. For instance, the big bang...a theory, right? Yet it is taugt to us as fact. Lots of scientific theory is taught as fact. For instance I was taught that there are only 3 states of matter: solid, gas, liquid. I was not taught "These 3 are all we know so far, and we know very little fundamentally about these" but rather "These are the only 3, forever, and we know almost all there is to know about them." Turns out there are at least 2 other states of matter.

My point is that science often teaches its own form a belief system, just like religion. Fufuberry, I am not saying your stance with your mom reflects this type of zealotry, only that this can RGMG on both sides of the debate. Refreshing how not being tethered to any belief at all really reveals all forms of beliefs our society holds.

I know! It just GMG when people aren't even open to other ideas. Like with my mom... I was  like "hey, ithis could be a possible alternative that doesn't HAVE to be pitted against your current ideas" and she was like "NO DIDN'T HAPPEN NOT POSSIBLE LA LA LA LA NOT LISTENINGGGGG". It doesn't bother me that she's anti-big bang theory ( I myself don't really have a stance), just that she's close-minded.


These types of discussions used to really GMG as well. To be honest though, I get the same reactions from the believers in religion as I do from believers in science. For instance, the big bang...a theory, right? Yet it is taugt to us as fact. Lots of scientific theory is taught as fact. For instance I was taught that there are only 3 states of matter: solid, gas, liquid. I was not taught "These 3 are all we know so far, and we know very little fundamentally about these" but rather "These are the only 3, forever, and we know almost all there is to know about them." Turns out there are at least 2 other states of matter.

My point is that science often teaches its own form a belief system, just like religion. Fufuberry, I am not saying your stance with your mom reflects this type of zealotry, only that this can RGMG on both sides of the debate. Refreshing how not being tethered to any belief at all really reveals all forms of beliefs our society holds.

CFF, I suggest you might enjoy reading The Diary of Samuel Pepys (you can download it for free from Gutenberg). He was a founding member of the British Royal Society which was basically the "scientists" they had in the 1660's. When you consider that they were just learning about the circulation of the blood, transfusions, etc. along with a lot of what is now basic mathematical formulas, prisms, even gives one furiously to think about what "science" means. Their ideas on "medical treatments" would be laughable if they weren't so frightening, when you think about the people who suffered/died  as a consequence. We have come on by leaps and bounds since the 19th century even...but there's still soooo much that we not only don't know, but are totally unaware of.


So my neighbor to the west - very nice older gentleman who almsot always goes above and beyond to be a good neighbor - raises cattle. Earlier this Spring he had a HUGE hackberry tree come down into my property, destroying a section of my fence, but it is shared fence in that it fences his cattle in too. My horses are in another pasture, so they can’t get out. The only thing that can get out is his cows.  I waited quite a while to see if he was going to fix it and since it seems I always have to fix the fences and trees for all neighbors, regardless whether they come down from mine or the other guys‘ property, I was perfectly happy to work on it, but at my leisure - ie only when I am really, really bored.

So late this afternoon, I grill my first veggie only kabobs. Smelled soooo yummy. I just got Banjo fed and get in the hammock to chow down on hot grilled kabobs myself, and here my neighbor comes wanting to talk about the tree. Arg!!!! So, I had to run the food back the house, or Banjo would eat it, get shoes and shirt on, and go talk about the tree. If he wasn’t such a decent, well-mannered man, I would have been really pissed. He does talk fooooreverrrr tho!!!!. But eventually I did get at those kabobs. Awesome!!


So my neighbor to the west - very nice older gentleman who almsot always goes above and beyond to be a good neighbor - raises cattle. Earlier this Spring he had a HUGE hackberry tree come down into my property, destroying a section of my fence, but it is shared fence in that it fences his cattle in too. My horses are in another pasture, so they can’t get out. The only thing that can get out is his cows.  I waited quite a while to see if he was going to fix it and since it seems I always have to fix the fences and trees for all neighbors, regardless whether they come down from mine or the other guys‘ property, I was perfectly happy to work on it, but at my leisure - ie only when I am really, really bored.

So late this afternoon, I grill my first veggie only kabobs. Smelled soooo yummy. I just got Banjo fed and get in the hammock to chow down on hot grilled kabobs myself, and here my neighbor comes wanting to talk about the tree. Arg!!!! So, I had to run the food back the house, or Banjo would eat it, get shoes and shirt on, and go talk about the tree. If he wasn’t such a decent, well-mannered man, I would have been really pissed. He does talk fooooreverrrr tho!!!!. But eventually I did get at those kabobs. Awesome!!

So is he going to man-up to his fencing responsiblities or leave it to you?


eh, I don't necessarily agree with gay marriage .....or straight marriage..... or any marriage.  I don't necessarily disagree with it either.  I just know for me I don't see the point.  I've been in an incredibly happy relationship for over 10 years, why change it with marriage?
Fine if you want to do it, but fine if you don't....either way, I don't see what your sexual preferences have to do with it.

It's not that simple. Married couples are granted certain rights and privileges that others are not.

Really?  I guess I have been lucky enough to live in 2 different countries where the rights for us not being married are the same as a couple who are married.  But I can't actually think of anything off the top of my head....taxes are the same for individuals as they are for couples.  Um, maybe government benefits may be different for couples as opposed to singles, but I'm not sure.



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