You know what really grinds my gears.......
Posted by shelloid on Oct 04, 2009 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you? Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?
Ok I'll start:
I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down. Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT. There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.
It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.
i wasn't sure if he really didn't know, or likes to post definitions because it seems smart.
and you can fry in olive oil... i heard of the low smoke point too, but after looking it up it seems that its smoke point is somewhere above regular frying temp (350-375). i wouldn't broil something with it, though. i think i read that the "low smoke point" thing for olive oil was originally based on some sorta unrefined oil that is not the type you buy off the shelf. or something.
and canola has a good omega 3: omega 6 ratio. that's what i use for deep-frying, because the alternatives are too expensive (olive) or not as good for fat composition (soy). I used peanut but then my costco stopped carrying it :'(
Uh, I guess I should have a reason to be angry/annoyed... um... school is starting in a little over a week, and the week is full of orientationy stuff again! they said the first year that it was our only orientation, and then they went and decided to have a useless "speed reading" course as orientation for our second year, and now this. We're going to have a lecture on "professionalism" by a professor who got in trouble for being unprofessional to students a couple months ago. I'm sure it was already set in stone by then, but...the irony.
And the speed-reading course was so useless that even the admins and professors who were all gung-ho about bringing it to our school stated so afterward.
Hopefully this will be more useful...
At least I know they can't possibly have an orientation week for fourth year. I'll make sure to have a rotation on the first week of August, at least -_-
wow, not hard for me to come up with something to complain about ^_^
Cool, thanks, I'll try that!
Excellent. But if I had an option to do kettle corn, I think I may just do that. I have electric stove - with those coil burners - and it the heat is not the same and it bangs then up to much to shake the pot around. I have actually experimented with a "one-stop-shop" cooking container and eating bowl. I did this with big glass bowl and tried to cover it with various materials. Could not get it to work. Major issue was that the glass got very hot and getting the lid to stay on. So if you do experiement with that and find a way I would love to know - my next guess was construction paper, but never tried it.
I guess that's what I get!
buuuuaaaaahhh!!!!! The good news is, it seems just related to this thread. So, if I only read message in here a few times per day, I only lose the game a few times per day.
I remember, now that I am thinking about it, some girls in high school trying to explain something like this to my friends and me in study hall. I was making fun of them and none of us really got what they were talking about - guys are generally pretty dumb at that age. I think now they were quite possibly explaining the game. I guess I was able to walk between the raindrops all these years because I did not get what they were talking about, and now the party's over. See what I get for paying more attention?!
*is totally gonna lose the game*
charlie, love you sense of humor... :)
popcorn is amazing cooked in coconut oil, apperantly that is what movie theaters used before cheaper alternatives were found. my soon to be SIL loves when i cook her popcorn this way. anyway back to the topic of the thread....
i called my aunt whom i dont talk to often b/c she stole my first daughter from me (looooong sad story) and my uncle answered the phone, said she was still sleeping. i said ''hey i was just wondering how everyone is doing...'' he said ''yeah......... you should call back later in the afternoon when she (my aunt) is awake.'' its this type of shit that crushes me over and over again everytime, such a feeling of being fucked over by family, this is the very reason i really dont speak to any of my family, them or the others anymore at all.
Thank you. Just trying to spread sunshine sometimes ;)
About popcorn, now that you mention it, I cannot wait to try coconut oil on it next! I am out of coconut oil right now, so I when I get some its gonna be popcorn city and I will be mayor!
About family story, I understand now painful that is. Perhaps a letter/card of some sort would break the ice or re-establish the communication.
I used peanut but then my costco stopped carrying it :'(
Uh, I guess I should have a reason to be angry/annoyed... um... school is starting in a little over a week,
Good info on the oil, FB! I will put it all to good use. Am leaning toward coconut for the popcorn. Peanut? I used it to fry turkeys along time ago and know that it has a very high smoke point, but do not know any of its health properties...?
Well good luck with this semester. It will be over way faster than you think and you will find yourself my age wishing you could go back.
wahahahaha nooooooooooooo
actually yes, i imagine you're right, since i won't actually have to worry about screwing up on my own or anything (vs after graduation). But from this perspective, 3rd year will be hard in a different way from 2nd year --> SCARY
idk about peanut oil. seems to have more polyunsatured (vs monounsaturated) fat than olive oil, but i couldn't find the value for omega 3 in it, so... eh. i give up.
Here's a table detailing the various kinds of fats:
Seems like peanut oil has no omega-3s but isn't too high in omega-6 either.
And... what really grinds my gears is people who put their stuff on the seat next to them on the train when it's still filling up.
i'm going to guess it has some (i think everything does?), as do a lot of those ones with a "0". huh. maybe too little to measure on that scale?
i hate it when people do that, too. I figure some people are paranoid about other people on public transportation, but when there's a big crowd, it becomes more about wanting to have the two seats to yourself rather than safety.
Sometimes people on the bus sit on the aisle seat, with the window seat empty, apparently in hopes no one passing by will go to the trouble to ask them to move over (it works, and the empty aisle seats fill up first). sigh. but at least they do eventually move over.
My parents and skype. They've been calling me on skype pretty much once a week for 5 1/2 years, and it still seems like I have to explain something about skype to them EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm no computer supergenius, but seriously, skype is not that hard. Some highlights:
It took about 2 years for them to understand that they were calling my skype account, not my computer. Anytime that I was using a different computer (for example, if we were visiting DH's parents), they always thought they had to call the person who owned that computer and were very confused when I told them they could call me as usual.
It took over a year for my mom to understand that if her webcam was on and mine wasn't, I could still see her (or vice versa). Also, when she tries to show me something, she holds it up to my face on the computer screen instead of the camera, so I can't actually see it.
It took over a year for them to figure out the difference between their mic volume and the speaker volume.
Now, for the last 3 weeks, after more than a year of successful skype calls, my dad has decided to turn the volume all the way up on his computer, which skype then regulates to reduce feedback, so they can't hear me. And I can't explain it to them because they can't hear me, and they can't figure out the chat thing so I can't use that to explain either. I will have to send an email. But the last 3 skype calls have been just them talking, and if they want to know something from me they ask in the form of a yes or no question so I can nod or shake my head. Not cool.
Those were so freaking funny, PG! At least your parents will send emails tho.
My dad died last July having never been on the internet. Stangely every time I would sit down with him to show it to him, he thought that if he touched the wrong button it may bring the whole web down. Like all of cyberspace was running on my desktop.
My mom has tried a few emails, but it is SO obnoixious because every time she sends one she calls 1 minute later to confirm I got it, and see what I thought. I am like, "That is why you send an F-ing email, so that you don't have to call, and I don't have to answer real time. See, I get to get to it when I want to, when I have time. I reply then you get to your reply when you have time. It is store and forward, not real time communication! Your call invalidates the whole flippin' thing!!!"
No, I don't say the F word with my mom, but damn!!
My ex-mo-in-law would never keep more than one window open at a time. So, when over the phone I would ask her to copy the IP address from the email I sent to her network settings, we would go down this rabbit hole every time...
What email?
The one you have open?
On your desktop. Copy those num...
Yeah, go to the task bar and click the....
Task bar?
You know, the gray bar at the bottom...
Oh, yes, the email numbers, I clicked the X on that.
You closed it?
You said you did.
No, I clicked the X.
Why did you close it?
To have more space in my computer.
But we were going to copy settings from it!
I am going to have to go get a sweet tea.
Tried forever to get her used to having more than one window open. I joked with guys at work that she had "Window 98" installed ;)
pg ~ My Mom is the same way with her cell phone and DVD player.
HA! I completely understand this! I am constantly helping my grandparents with their computers. My nan is slowly learning but there's no hope for my pop, thank goodness he never actually uses the computers.
I've had to tell my mom how to copy and paste several times, as well as how to drag windows/items. Before she'd get confused when she opened a new window in a web browser, because the other one "disappears." She also tended to open a new window for everything, rather than just change the url (i think she didn't know you could do that....). So if she was at her mail, needed to go to another site, but then wanted to go back to her mail, she'd have three windows open, two for her mail. Sometimes there were 10+ windows open like this, to the point it slowed down her computer. She also never closed applications, and I had to show her how a number of times. I think she finally got the hang of that because it was making her computer run so slow ("I think I have a virus!" "Have you ever downloaded anything?" "No" "I don't think you have a virus" "But..." "You also have a Mac, and almost never go on the internet...")
Now she has instructions on how to copy and paste, printed out and posted next to her computer.
Also, this whole time she did manage to do things on the internet, albeit very inefficiently. -_-
Now she's progressed to facebook, and can tag pictures and stuff. Except sometimes she messes up, and I'll see there's a picture of her posted to the news feed, and instead of being tagged she has her name written in her own comments. Yeah...
Speaking of pictures, we got her a digital camera a couple years ago so she would finally stop using crappy disposables, and so she wouldn't have to keep prints of every photo. There were 200+ photos on her camera, because she didn't want to go through the "hassle" of putting them on her computer (she never tried...). When her camera got full, she finally did something about it, except that was getting photos printed at a drugstore. So now her digital camera is more like a regular camera, except with a much larger roll :D AND I have to wonder if taking the memory card out, putting it in the printer, and selecting photos to print MUST be more complicated than hooking up the camera to the computer and pressing one button to transfer everything. Right?
I'm imagining she gets help every time for printing her photos. Sigh.
Several times her printer has been broken.
By broken I mean out of ink.
myy mother would have me 'fix' her computer. It didn't go online, just had a poker game installed. she would hand me large stacks of 'round things' aka AOL discs, to help in the fixing process. then i would change the screen saver timing or whatever stoopid thing that was 'broken'
and instead of being tagged she has her name written in her own comments. Yeah...
That is funny! I have seen some people doing stuff like that and have wondered what the heck they meant. Now I have a better idea!
Several times her printer has been broken.
By broken I mean out of ink.
Ah, yes. My ex-mo-in-law's printer would break quite often too.
By broken I mean powered off.
Sometimes it would be really, really broken.
By really, really broken I mean unplugged.
My mom doesnt understand webcams and she freaks out sometimes when I'm talking to people and I turn the computer at her.The first time she was dancing because she would see her self, then freaked out when I said who I was talking to can see her too.
I'm aggravated because a cell phone tower has been down since late yesterday afternoon and I am really frustrated that I can't send/get messages and I guess if people call it says my phone is off or something. And I have plans tonight and need to figure out how the heck everyone is getting to where we are going, if I need to drive or not and AGH. I really hope work doesnt need to call me for anything.
LOLOL!! All of this brings back the memories.. On my mom's side - I would have to help fix computers or teach new them new programs. I would have to help my uncle mow the yard. I would have to help my uncle with some construction work. I would have to purchase things in Columbus that couldn't be found in my hometown and bring them home when I visited. The list goes on......
On top of all this - if I didn't do these things, they always tried to make me feel like shit for not doing them. Nevermind there was a cousin of mine who went to school for computers who they never asked. Nevermind there was a cousin who was never asked to help my uncles..even if it was his dad who needed help. Nevermind coming to Columbus to visit me while picking-up your needed item.
And because I'm venting......
I would sometimes not show up to family birthday parties. If I didn't show up and/or didn't buy a gift, I was made to feel awful. Nevermind that no one ever said anything about other family. They always said it was different when I did or didn't do. Why?! Why the fuck put that pressure on me?
When I announced my departure to Portland, my mom threw in my face, "did you know your uncle has been diagnosed with depression?" I don't know if she was calling on me to be therapist for the family? She said I wasn't supposed to know. I responded, "his problem and the problem with this family is that no one talks. There's no communication!!!"
Believe it or not, folks, I was one of the only ones who actually communicated in my family. I finally came back to my path (as some of you saw in the forums) and found my JFM-ness and I'm out here in Portland, trying to learn more. I want to help people find their path. Do I have some issues from my time in Ohio? Fuck yes. I'd be a liar if I said I escaped unscathed. But I'm fighting back and I refuse to let them control me..even though they sometimes do. Ha! But we all have issues. It's how you respond that's the trick.
Sorry for boring you all! :)
aw, manipulative melodramatic family time. i hate that.
it sounds like they expect a lot of you! maybe because they know you'll cave and do X, or you have an air of competence, or both. =/ I'm glad you got away and can breathe now.
I asked my nan to give me the drivers for her printer so I could install it onto her laptop...she handed me a floppy disc.
FB - I honestly think it's both. I think they trust my competence or my input on something and they play into my want/need to feel involved or needed. I've seen this in my personal relationships. I've felt loved even when I've been used in a one-sided situation. I still slip sometimes but I refuse to be put back there. It's a team effort, not a Josh-only effort!
Minke - Is that real?!! What a bunch of ignoramuses!!
I stayed home today from a family function because I was so angry at the behavior of certain members of the family and knew that I would end up saying something I (by I, I mean my husband) would regret. Dh just sent me a picture of a Happy Anniversary cake. Happy Anniversary thhf...enjoy this beautiful egg and butter filled cake on YOUR anniversary. : / I know it is the thought that counts ...I guess. I don't actually even care about the cake at all... it is just the point. I am probably just being bitchy...sort of my thing lately.
Inlaws, pthththththtptttt!!!! I frequently also avoid such encounters, on the grounds that if I don't I'll say something that my husband will regret. >:D
That cake was clearly not something that someone who knows you (and therefore knows your food preferences) would actually offer you, with any expectation that you would actually like it... It was clearly meant to please someone else, &/or (depending on the family members' personalities) maybe to deliberately put you in an awkward social situation and make you uncomfortable; so, yeah, whatever you did instead was probably the best choice!
Grrr, families!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one with technologically-challenged parents. I thought of another skype thing...they have 5 skype accounts between them. I set up their original skype accounts, with very easy-to-remember passwords that I even wrote down for them, but they immediately set it up to sign in automatically when they log in (which is fine). But then the computer died or something, and they had to re-install skype, and couldn't remember their passwords. And instead of clicking that little thing that says "forgot your password?" they made brand new accounts. And for some reason my mom did this twice (I told her after the first time to click on "forgot your password?" if it happened again, but obviously she didn't listen), although my dad only did it once. It has to be easier to get a new password sent to your email instead of making a whole new account. ::) Then I told them to delete their old accounts because it was confusing, but they never did, so eventually I just deleted them from my contacts list. But if anyone tries to search for them they will be very confused.
It's a little funny sometimes, but FRUSTRATING.