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Vegan Poo

I know this has been discussed before, but I just have to say how amazing taking a vegan crap is. I swear I can sit, poop, wipe, and wash in under 60 seconds. and yes, my hands are clean!!!

Even when pregnant (and your are SUPPOSED to be constipated) I was still going 2-3 times per day with no problem.
After surgery where most people are blocked up for a week, I went on day 2!

One thing I miss is the quality readin' time in the jon. Now I don't even bother picking up a book or mag because I know there's no time!!! :D :D :D

both mine and dh's poop smells MUCH less....I can't remember the last time the house was wafting with shit smell from a messy poo.  ok, I'll say shit don't stink! :-D ::)

being vegan just has so many benefits.  ::)

hahah yeah, but none of them ever want to go and "swim" all alone, and i float away...faar away...from their "zone".


One of the many advantages of eating nothing but fiber-rich vegetables. I saw a bumper sticker one time: "Beef: It's what's rotting in your colon."


Ok. I heart this thread. Seriously.

This sounds ridiculous, but actually went veg to fix digestive problems. I couldn't ever go! I read a book that equated vegan with pooping and i was all over it. I found out that having dead, rotting meat in my large intestine was the problem! It is a miracle. There are so many benefits to being vegan, but this one takes the cake for me!


8 pages of poop: Only on VegWeb.



ain't that the shit??? :-D


ain't that the shit??? :-D


That's a knee slapper.


In the 80s my friend did a huge poopie wile we were surfing and didn`t tell me about till i almost had a new racing strip.LOL :D


I never have floaty poops but dh often does.  I wonder what makes them float? If I pooped in a lake it would sink to the bottom and then I would probably step in it...ick. ;D

I actually read an article once about "poop fluffers" (I kid you not!) that said flax seed, celery and apples were things that would make your poop float...

Here is the article (  Hmm, it says that a sinking poop means it has been in there too long...I find that hard to believe with vegans!


I never have floaty poops but dh often does.  I wonder what makes them float? If I pooped in a lake it would sink to the bottom and then I would probably step in it...ick. ;D

I actually read an article once about "poop fluffers" (I kid you not!) that said flax seed, celery and apples were things that would make your poop float...

Here is the article (  Hmm, it says that a sinking poop means it has been in there too long...I find that hard to believe with vegans!

I totally dont believe that. they are probably referring to the fact that fla seeds, celery, and apples all have high fiber contents.


I never have floaty poops but dh often does.  I wonder what makes them float? If I pooped in a lake it would sink to the bottom and then I would probably step in it...ick. ;D

I actually read an article once about "poop fluffers" (I kid you not!) that said flax seed, celery and apples were things that would make your poop float...

Here is the article (  Hmm, it says that a sinking poop means it has been in there too long...I find that hard to believe with vegans!

pfff. I totally dont believe that. they are probably referring to the fact that fla seeds, celery, and apples all have high fiber contents. Which obviously helps ya poop.

This is the reason your poop will float.


omg omg omg. ive never gone #2 in water before

Apparently I used to poo in the bath quite a lot when I was small - I must have been very small, coz I dont remember it.


this thread is amazing.  :D

Sometimes I go to the bathroom to pee and I realize I have to poop too and it's so quick, it's great! I like when it comes out nice and fast and it's all one piece. The only problem I have is when I eat too much sugar and then it gets kinda gross :cactus:


I will tell you once, in kindergarden, the teacher would not let me leave the classroom to go to the bathroom... so I poo'd my pants. Best poo I ever took (I had been holding it SO long). Anyway, I was so embarassed I put my shorts, poo in all, in the laundry was not happy  :>

ps- I still don't poo like you all. maybe it just takes time. i've only been veg about 2 months or so.


ps- I still don't poo like you all. maybe it just takes time. i've only been veg about 2 months or so.

your name is POOh bear! it will happen :)


I have poo envy too.  Doesn't matter what I eat - I can never go enough.  :'(  It's that stupid IBS thing again.  Hate Freakin Stress!


I have poo envy too.  Doesn't matter what I eat - I can never go enough.  :'(  It's that stupid IBS thing again.  Hate Freakin Stress!

I'm with you....I'm either D or C....never vegan poo though  >:(


I have poo envy too.  Doesn't matter what I eat - I can never go enough.  :'(  It's that stupid IBS thing again.  Hate Freakin Stress!

I'm with you....I'm either D or C....never vegan poo though  >:(

D or C?

dare I ask?  :D


You dared to ask, so here you go...IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can be either type D - diarrhea, or type C- constipation predominant or a combination of the two.  They call it a functional disorder(meaning there is nothing physically wrong with your digestive system - thank goodness), mine is highly aggravated by any type of stress.  Then I don't go for days and get really cranky, don't want to eat but feel like there are boulders in my stomach and I weigh 5oo lbs.  Sucks big time!  Hate it!


So is this a safe place for vegans to talk about their poo?


How did I miss this thread?? I just read L2A's first post about how her poop don't stink. It's true! My poops hardly ever stink. I was just talking about this with my non-vegetarian coworker who eats nothing but garbage all day long. She is always talking about how she is afraid to use the toilet at work because she doesn't want to stink it up. She doesn't want people to go in after her and make fun of her for pooping. It is really juvenile. She actually drives home everyday on her break so that she can poop in her own toilet! I was talking to her about it yesterday and I was like, "Does it really stink that bad every time?" And she was like, "Yeah, yours doesn't?" and I told her, "No. It usually doesn't stink much at all," and she looked very surprised and said, "REALLLLLLY?!" Everyone should just be vegan, I think.



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