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Vegan WIN

So. My omnivorous husband is a construction worker/builder's apprentice. And the other day he said him and some of the 'guys' got talking about food, he let slip his wife is vegan, cue: "so what, that's like, just salad and shit?" at which point he gears up and explains the huge variety of hearty, delicious, varied, tasty and filling food I make, and points out we barely ever even have lettuce in the house, and that we eat a lot more interesting food than any of them.

I call that a vegan win.

Share yours....

awww! that reminds me of when i was talking to my grandma and she told me about how someone was telling her about how vegetarians are unhealthy and she said "well, one of my daughters is a vegetarian and my granddaughter is a vegan and they are both very healthy!".

i thought that was cute. especially because the first time i saw her after i became vegan she said "well, it's crazy to see you're not wasting away!"


My husband went from saying "I feel like a *** eating all these fruits and vegetables" and "Real men eat steak and potatoes and a side of steamed veggies" to... "I don't mind if you want to raise the kids vegetarian"

Mind you, we don't have children yet, but want at least one, and for him to state that it would be okay and I didn't even have to mention it or put up a fight...!?  :o

I think that's a win  ;)b


I stayed at my aunts for christmas last year. I forget if it was christmas or christmas eve but i made tofu tenders and put them with the table of food. I got my share and left them there hoping others would eat them. My grandpa had one and was like "who brought the chicken? its good!" Hah.


About a year ago, I was in a conversation at my rock gym and it somehow came up that I was vegan.  The person I was chatting with mentioned that perhaps I could climb better or be stronger if I ate meat.  I responded by saying that the owner of the gym is vegan, and out-climbs both of us.  He is also 60 years old, and in great shape.



apologies for the *bump* buuuuut:

Quotes from the husband this week:
"aww, I didn't get much tofu in my dinner, I wanted more!"
"I was eating my chicken pasta at work and thinking, I wish there was some seitan in here."
"macaroni uncheese is super food"

and last night, he was at his apprenticeship course till late, so I made his sandwiches for work today, while I was doing it, my mum noticed I wasn't putting any meat in, and so she added some ham to about half of them.  He looked at them this morning and was alll 'waa? there's ham in these?', I told him mum had put it in and he just said "but I'm learning that I don't need meat in my sandwiches", I told him of my plans to make seitan 'lunchmeat' a la vegandad, and he got excited.


Unfortunately my vegan win stories are all variations on a theme, but I figure aside from pushing the agenda at work , he's my biggest potential influence, so why not?

Anyone got any more....?
: )


I have onee.
I semi shared this on another thread. But whatev. haah.
A band came over to my house right after i baked cookies. The night before they were talking about how weird vegan food is. And when they showed up they started asking me about being vegan again, and saying how because things are vegan they scare them. They were saying this as they were eating my cookies. I told them the cookies were vegan and they FREAKED, one guy stopped eating them. But one of the guys got mad excited saying next time theyre in fl i should make them vegan food even if it scares half the band.
Oh and one of the guys said tofu scared him because he used to work at a restaurant that had tofu and he felt like he was eating sponge bob (haha.). And i told him they probably just didnt prepare it the right way. And this was as he was trying a cookie and i told him there was tofu in them. Haha. He was like Whatttt?? But then he got a little scared.


The short dialog clips of transitioning into veg*anism are priceless.

I do think its odd that protein dense foods equate more maleness.
When there is a long list of veg*an professional athletes.

The day will be glorious when, in the same year, I win both the TDF and the wolds strongman competition. ;)


My sister-in-law and her fiance are insisting on a vegan wedding cake for their wedding in September, because they could not bear the thought of their vegan niece (my daughter) not being able to eat the cake.

Vegan win!


Thats awesome!! My mom wont even get a vegan wedding cake for her wedding!


Small win.  My vegan-fearing, non-apologizing co-worker just came to me to apologize for not having a vegan cake at a cake event that's happening today.


I guess this is a small win: whenever there is a get-together with either my family or my BF's family where people are bringing food, I get requests for things I have made previously to share. Common favorites are potato salad (made with veganaize), cupcakes, PB chocolate rice crispy bars.

I don't know if that means I'm a decent cook, or if vegan food rocks reguardless of who makes it. Either way it makes me happy :)


Ive been in a lazy mood lately, so i have boca chikn in my freezer all the time.
And the other day i got RIBLETS (drooooolllllllllllllll). But yeah, the win story....
When i made a boca chikn yesterday my mom tried a little bit (shes been feeling brave with my food), and she LOVED it, and said she might start getting them for lunch instead of these gross meaty meals she gets!
And then today i had a riblet and she sat there asking what the smell was becuase she knew it wasnt my food, and i was like, its a riblet. And i let her try a piece, she was in loveeeee.
So excited. Total win.


My husband made pizza last weekend and, as promised, he put Daiya vegan cheese on both his pizza and mine.  He loved it, and he's been eying the other packages I have in the freezer ever since.  (Now I just have to stop being stingy with it.)


Sarah, I got my omni bf to try Bock Chikn patties back in the day and he was a huge fan and always had them in his freezer. He was really skeptical at first because he'd tried the Boca burgers and thought they were gross (he was an Amy's burger fan) but yeah, those boca chikn patties are awesome. I'm glad your mom liked them!!

When said bf and I went to Spain last year I was equipped with a list of veg restaurants from happycow. We seeked out a number of places on that list and had some incredible meals. There were times when we couldn't make it to a veg restaurant and I'd end up eating salad and french fries and he'd have some gross meat. He ended up saying that all of the vegan meals we had were way better than the other meals he had. Vegan win!


When me and my family (dad, brother, sister, grandma, 2 aunts n uncles, 3 cousins) went to France, my aunt always had to ask for vegan food for me. It was usually something like potatoes + onions + tomatoes + rice, which is cool, but was getting redundant. We stopped at some random place in the countryside, and my dad was pretty convinced they wouldn't "have anything" for me (I guess 'cause in the US the countryside-type places are usually steak and potatoes... though of course that wouldn't be the fare in France necessarily, but still). Anyway, my aunt asks, and the server (Mom of the establishment) gets the chef (Pop of the establishment), because they were from Holland, and he used to get to cook vegan food all the time, but never got to in France, SO he wanted to meet me (eh?). Anyway, when my food came out, there was a mutual "whoah" amongst every one, and every body wanted to try my food. And my cousin asked if she could be vegan for lunch too, haha. My food was way more interesting... It was like a papadum shell with some awesome, saucy stirfry. And I got sorbet for dessert. Anyway, vegan win!


I cook mostly vegan food at my house. I was running way late coming home, so my mother made me a potato casserole of sorts that was really heavy on cheese. I ate some and told her that it was really bland. My dad says "it probably is bland compared to what you normally eat."


Last night, when i got to the concert the band (who had vegan cookies before that i made). The guys were so mad at me for not bringing cookies, and made me pinky promise that i'd never go to one of their concerts without bringing them amazing vegan cookies.
Heres the convorsation after i promised
Merch kid - "Dude, vegan cookies are the best!"
Singer - "I know!! Those were the best cookies ever, you better bring some next time!"


I have one of my friends seriously considering going vegetarian.  She's been posting articles on facebook trying to get other people to think and everything. And she's been getting really encouraging feedback from other people she knows.  yay!


So, i just got the phone number of the THIRD band member  8-)
And i was texting him and he said hes trying to go veg!!! But he didnt think he could while on the road, and asked me if i could help! soo excited!! I'm making him a list of places he can eat on the road that are cheap  ;D Yayyy.

And i thought i'd share one of RDs wins since she cant get on to share. She made rainbow cupcakes for this get together. And they were DEVOURERD, while the non vegan fancy cake her mom brought was untouched. Next time her mom said she was just going to pay her to make more cake instead of wasting her money. And this was in like the countryish area in Oklahoma!
Total win!


loving the WIN stories : )

Sarah, your rainbow cupcakes are going to be world famous.  They've spread from Florida to Oklahoma...where will they reach next? ; ) 



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