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Vegan WIN

So. My omnivorous husband is a construction worker/builder's apprentice. And the other day he said him and some of the 'guys' got talking about food, he let slip his wife is vegan, cue: "so what, that's like, just salad and shit?" at which point he gears up and explains the huge variety of hearty, delicious, varied, tasty and filling food I make, and points out we barely ever even have lettuce in the house, and that we eat a lot more interesting food than any of them.

I call that a vegan win.

Share yours....

This may be more of a 'base hit', but...

Started new job recently; except one cool chick from India, all others there eat a very SAD/sad diet, don't even *know* any other veg*ns in real life (understand the concept, mind, just don't actually *know* any). So, polite curiosity + friendly responses from me = now 3-4 coworkers 'happen by' regularly at lunch time to see what I'm eating, and (coincidentally) be offered tastes! teehee, it makes me smile... I bring extra now, for just such purposes; so far I have introduced first-time samples of Brazil nuts, veggie spring rolls, spicy pepitas, nooch crackers, curried lentils, and -- in one case -- SUNFLOWER seeds, for pete's sake! coworker aged 50something years, who eats exclusively boxed processed random animal-derived edible-foodlike-substances, had NEVER tasted SUNFLOWER SEEDS... my mind is officially boggled; how do people live with such a limited diet?! lol

Also recently, at pool: niece's friends (age range maybe 5-8ish) came over while we were having snack; no one but said niece had ever tasted (raw/ whole) almonds... much initial caution/ concerned looks! but a feeding frenzy quickly ensued, and the bag was shortly empty. Consensus: 'these things are GOOD!' and 'what are they again?' and 'do you have any more?' Goldfish crackers: bite me!  ;D


Just did an impromptu 15 minute nooch "what do you do with that stuff anyway" class at the local hippie co-op...for the gal who runs the place and her partner!  and...of course...sent them to vegweb, telling them how much I  :)>>> you guys!

then went across the street to the used bookstore and scored a copy of Dr. Neal Barnard's "Food for Life" for $2US out of the cut bin, and spent another 10 minutes extolling veg*n awesomeness to the little old ladies behind the counter. 



take that colitis *insert smiley making obscene gesture here* UP YOURS!

El Hubbito promptly (well, after we had a good happy cry)  took me to the bistro in town that we like and our favorite barista was super excited to show me the new veg*n items on the menu...I had the most AMAZING marinated portobello and caramelized onion panini with teese!
In case this doesn't sound like a veg*n win...please to remember that I live in central KS, and shop in a town with 3 grocery stores, one health food coop, and 13 stockyards.  :P


It's sounds  like a HUGE veg*n win!  Congrats on the good health report; nothing is a bigger win than that!  I'm so happy for you!

I'm working for a company now that tries to help people reverse disease using diet (mostly), based on Dr. Jensen, Dr. Bernard, and Dr. Gerson's work.  Amazing to see how the changes come when people change what they eat.

Congrats again!  And may it continue so!


THAT IS AWESOME! (not the healthfood coop: stockyard ratio, obviously, but... everything else you just said!)

Great win! So glad about your health news!!!

:w00t!: :w00t!: :w00t!:


Great news, irreverent!!!!


wow! irreverent, that is stupendous!!


thanks, all!  I was so excited I had to share!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

:)>>> all vegwebbers!


Ok, a little backstory before the actualy "win."  Yesterday and today I was at my friend's lakehouse.  At least once a year as many of my college friends as possible meet up there for the weekend.  It's always a huge party and tons of fun.  We used to survive the weekend on frozen chimigangas, salt and vinegar chips and store bought blueberry muffins...but mostly beer (and the like).  In the years since college, we've all grown a bit in our food choices and culinary skills.  So now, everyone pretty much tries to impress each other with their elaborate lakehouse dinners.  ha.  By the way, to them, elaborate means as much meat and cheese stuff as possible combined together.  But this year, my potato salad, mocha mama cookies, and cookies and cream cupcakes received more praise than the meat!    Two of friends who are obviously omni, but really good cooks, even asked me for the potato salad recipe!  One was really interested in the concept of "eggless mayo!"  Vegan win!

ETA:  They were not, however, impressed with my "Tings."  My one friend said they were "kinda bland."  Tings are NOT bland!!!  Oh well, more for me!  :P


ETA:  They were not, however, impressed with my "Tings."  My one friend said they were "kinda bland."  Tings are NOT bland!!!  Oh well, more for me!  :P

What's are "tings"?


Mirrya - They're like vegan cheetos. Just not such a scary orange color, and they're better.
Omnis I know eat all my tings.

My manger might get a vegan pizza for a pizza party Tuesday (if we get a super high greet score he does that). I was totally joking telling him its possible at papa johns. And he was actually interested. Hah. Even if he forgets, thats still exciting.
Also, I've been getting requests at work for cookies/brownies. Hah.


Just got home from a party/BBQ, and the most devout carnivore I know ate one of my grilled portobello mushrooms, vegan pasta salad and vegan 3 bean salad...AND LOVED IT!


My little sister is an ovo-lacto vegetarian and recently got into cooking. I felt like it might come off as a little preachy of me, but risked it and got her VWAV for Christmas. A few months later, someone gave me V'con, which I already owned, so I gave it to my sister. Soon after that, she started cooking out of it and VWAV all the time - they are the main books she uses now. She also bought VCTOTW recently, and the other day on FB, one of her friends (also not vegan) had posted that she got VCTOTW and was about to impress her coworkers with vegan cupcakes, and my sister commented on it encouraging her!

And yeah, they're already veg*n, but the win is:  they could bake any old egg-laden crap from anywhere, but they pick the vegan stuff, because they know it's BETTER.


sarah- where do you buy tings?!


sarah- where do you buy tings?!

Publix! I was surprised that they had them there.


Took some vegan burgers and hot dogs to a cookout, where there was only one other veggie.  I told the host I would be doing this and offered to bring anything else.  

When I got there there of course was the "grill of death" and he said...."here's your corner all clean and free of meat juice, and these are the utentils I'm going to use on them and the clean plate I'm going to put them on."

I just said WOW!


sarah- where do you buy tings?!

Publix! I was surprised that they had them there.

the cheeto tings?!?!?!

and sorry this was a month after lol


Took some vegan burgers and hot dogs to a cookout, where there was only one other veggie.  I told the host I would be doing this and offered to bring anything else. 

When I got there there of course was the "grill of death" and he said...."here's your corner all clean and free of meat juice, and these are the utentils I'm going to use on them and the clean plate I'm going to put them on."

I just said WOW!

OMG that is freakin amazing! Usually they just assume you don't mind your vegan burger covered in meat juice (which is why i will be bringing my own food next work barbecue)... awesome!


There is a vegan bakery in my town that is fairly new (6 months open) that I have been to once.  The desserts all look good and the cookie I had tasted good.  One of my classmates knew I was vegan and was about to hand me the bakery's card.  I told him I have been there and he goes on to tell me how he was very impressed with the desserts.  He had the red velvet cupcake and really liked it and would go back.

I like to bake but do not eat more then 2 cookies from a batch I make.  A few weeks ago I made some chocolate chip cookies for my classmates and got rave reviews.  Some even went on to say they were the best cookies they have had.  I never told them they were vegan cookies because it usually scares people away from eating them.  I also made an applesauce cookie from VCIYCJ and came home with none.  Vegan desserts will take over the worl one cookie at a time.  :)


last week i brought vegan chocolate chip cookies to my discussion group, and they ate them alll. there were like 20, and 8 of us. usual round of questions about what i use instead of egg.

the other day our professor had one of us choose another to explain the bloodwork that we got back. the other student picked me. i pleaded:
"but i made you all cookies!"
"but they were vegan!"(background "ooooooh...")
"BUT YOU ATE THEM ALL, JOE." (background "OOOOH...")

ok, not really a win, but sorta.


talked to a total carnivore customer of mine about my new vegan diet and he came in agian today saying that my diet intruiged him in a sensual way (ewwwwwwwwe:wow:) but!!!! he is thinking about trying out a vegan diet b/c i told him how great i feel on it :) so kinda win? got someone interested at least ;)b



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