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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

WRGMG: when grocery store clerks assume that you don't want help bagging groceries because you brought your own bags. Seriously. 5 of them standing around doing NOTHING but talking while I  stood there and bagged up my own food. Even after the cashier was done ringing me up  he just stood there and watched me bag. Nice customer service! I  might call and complain later.


L2A add to this cashiers who literally throw your receipt, change etc. in your general direction while gabbing to a colleague who apparently has nothing to do but stand there next to the "working" cashier's station and chat. The "working" cashier doesn't even look at you while ringing up your purchases because they're too busy talking to their pal. And there are always 3 or 4 other reciepts lying on the belt that they have thrown in the general direction of other customers, so I have to pick them all up to check and make sure I haven't been mis-charged in the course of that oh-so-important conversation about other things.


I hate when I give them my bag, and they put part of it in a plastic bag......dude it will all fit, I swear!!


When they do that to me I either make them take it out of the plastic and put it in my bag or I stand there in front of them and take it out of the plastic and put it in my bag and then leave the plastic lying there.


When they do that to me I either make them take it out of the plastic and put it in my bag or I stand there in front of them and take it out of the plastic and put it in my bag and then leave the plastic lying there.

Yeah. I went to the pharmacy and bought my meds, a tiny box about the size of a pack of cards. He put it in a plastic bag. I said, "No, don't bother with a bag." He hands me the bag.
I take the box out of the bag, lay the bag on the counter, and slip the meds in my purse.


I have taken things out of bags or rebagged things many times.  They look at me like I'm crazy, but oh well....


Yes!! When recently visiting family, we went to the store and the lady would put single items into a grocery bag. She would spin the bagging carousel thingy over to me so that I could reach the items she's bagged. I kept rearranging the items so we could fit more items into each grocery bag. I think the cashier was upset. Don't be upset...just STOP WASTING!


My supermarket and all the other branches in town (possibly the whole country?) charges 5c each for plastic bags. I hope it makes people think twice about using too many. But the fact that they don't pack your groceries for you, and ask how many bags you need, makes it a bit tricky to guess and not use too many or not enough. I've been caught out once or twice.


WRGMG is this city's love affair with noise. In the airspace one apartment is blasting their TV at an unreal volume level, while in another the teenage daughter is sing-screaming top 40 schlock. (She fancies herself a contender for one of those TV talent-torture shows. Ugh.)
And out on the other side of the building, in the street, some local parish is holding their annual procession (marching band and all) and block party. It's actually some blocks away...but we can hear it loud and clear.
Ugh ugh ugh.


People who don't understand how to use elevators!  If you're in a building with 3 or more floors, and you're on a middle floor with the option of going up or down...DON'T GET ON THE ELEVATOR JUST BECAUSE IT OPENS!!!  One of the arrows lights up to tell you which way it's going.  If you want to go down, don't get on and go up, then back to the floor you were on, then down.  Especially when there are a lot of people waiting to use the elevator and it's too small to accommodate everyone.  Also, when you're waiting to get on the elevator, stand back so people can get off before you get on.  Don't push your way in right away and block the door so people can't get out.  Better yet, if you don't have a reason to use the elevator (like a wheelchair or a stroller), use the escalator or the stairs so that the people who really need the elevator can use it.  A little (un)common sense and (un)common courtesy would go a long way.


People who don't understand how to use elevators!  If you're in a building with 3 or more floors, and you're on a middle floor with the option of going up or down...DON'T GET ON THE ELEVATOR JUST BECAUSE IT OPENS!!!  One of the arrows lights up to tell you which way it's going.  If you want to go down, don't get on and go up, then back to the floor you were on, then down.  Especially when there are a lot of people waiting to use the elevator and it's too small to accommodate everyone.  Also, when you're waiting to get on the elevator, stand back so people can get off before you get on.  Don't push your way in right away and block the door so people can't get out.  Better yet, if you don't have a reason to use the elevator (like a wheelchair or a stroller), use the escalator or the stairs so that the people who really need the elevator can use it.  A little (un)common sense and (un)common courtesy would go a long way.

This. I live a whole 2 flights up. 8 steps apiece. And yet my younger students will take the elevator!! Kids in their mid 20s. When I was that age we took pride in never using the darn things; for 2 flights, some people would take 2 steps at a time.
Another elevator gear grind: Women who hold the elevator door open while they chat to mom or friend they are visiting, oblivious to the banging coming from above or below. (You can do this with older Spanish elevators which besides sliding doors have swinging doors.) AND people who don't make sure that the swinging door is fully closed when leaving the elevator. YES, I'm talking to YOU, stupid people on the 4th floor!!


i'm sorry PG that sounds ridiculous LOL... people are pretty damn stupid though, they tend to flock without thinking like little sheep :)


My father.

Every now and again, my dad tries to be involved in my life. Per his request, I just sent him a text, letting him know I'm at the hotel for the night. He then texts me, "What's the name of the hotel? What's the address? The phone number? Your room number?" I respond, "Hahaha!" He then texts, "I wasn't kidding."

So, dad, I know you supposedly love me and all but I am 28. I'm a big boy. I'm used to doing things on my own, alone, and making wise decisions. I realize you're trying to show you care by demanding bogus things from me. But why weren't you involved when I was trying to piece together myself while becoming my own man? Ya know - back when all that was noise in my head? As well as self-loathing and self-destruction 24/7. This seems a lot more important.


PS. Sorry for turning this into an Open Letter. Ha!


so josh.... What's the name of the hotel? What's the address? The phone number? Your room number? j/k it is bullshit they try to come in when all is good, but when shit is tough... they want no part. it must be some twisted parental pride thing.


josh, im sorry. <3 i can't really relate, but hugs anyway!


Parents are pretty much crazy most of the time. 


Thank you all of you!!  :)



I hate when I give them my bag, and they put part of it in a plastic bag......dude it will all fit, I swear!!

i just saw this, but OMG this!!


My mother. Not only does she not give me an answer most the time when i ask her question, but lately she wont eat dinner/lunch at all but one bite, and half the time breakfast. I personally buy her meat b/c she is the only meat eater in the house and she needs to eat. so I cook her completely seperate meals for dinner, and she sits there. i ask her multiple times if she needs help, she says no, i ask her if she is going to eat she says yes. still doesn't touch the food, then gets up and does a handwave that she is going to bed. i know the food is good, omnifriends are usually here all the time and try it/help make it. this is really pissing me off and i don't know what to do about it.


My mother. Not only does she not give me an answer most the time when i ask her question, but lately she wont eat dinner/lunch at all but one bite, and half the time breakfast. I personally buy her meat b/c she is the only meat eater in the house and she needs to eat. so I cook her completely seperate meals for dinner, and she sits there. i ask her multiple times if she needs help, she says no, i ask her if she is going to eat she says yes. still doesn't touch the food, then gets up and does a handwave that she is going to bed. i know the food is good, omnifriends are usually here all the time and try it/help make it. this is really pissing me off and i don't know what to do about it.

Jess, there is a point where kids become the parents and parents become the kids. You know she needs to eat, so don't ask her if she wants help, just help her. I bet if you "present spoon" or whatever it will go in, particularly if you try to chat or whatever while you do it. I'm not saying "do the airplane" but make her feel involved with you if you can.
Failing that, get some advice from a healthcare professional.



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