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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

People who cheat and get in line in front of you!!! I think they're called 'crowders'?

This past weekend, I went to my hometown. Considering Walmart has killed all local business, I had no choice but to go there for my shopping needs. As my sister and I stood in line, one woman crowded in front of us. She thought she could join her party without waiting for her turn to ring up her own cart full of things. I immediately spoke up and said, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't standing in line." No response. I continue by saying, "Thanks guys. Thank you for crowding, I really appreciate it. It really means a lot for you to crowd." Nothing.

I knew they could hear me. So, I started to step closer and closer to them and crowded their bubble; their comfort zone. They kept scooting away as they rang in their items. After they paid and as they walked away from the checkout area, I said it louder, "thanks again, guys. Thank you sooo much for crowding. I really appreciate it!" They ended up going to the opposite end of the store to exit.  >:D

I have a very low tolerance for certain things.


edit: PS. mirrya1 - You are now SFB. :)

I hate it when people do that. They always act puzzled like, "oh? i wasn't standing here this whole time? wait, where am i?"

conversely, i have been the subject of shopper scrutiny one time. you see, i was in the 12-items-or-less line. an older couple behind me spoke loud, "don't you think she has too many?" "i don't think she should be in this line" "that's definitely too many. why do people think they can get in this line!" "LET'S COUNT"(now the cashier started unloading stuff from my basket)"ONE." "TWO." (later) "...ELEVEN. Oh."
I ignored them. It paid off.

I'm so sorry..I just saw this! I don't check this thread too often. Great story, FB!!  ;D  I don't know what the deal is with some. Common sense and manners have gone out the window. The lady who crowded in front of me did the "silly me, I'm not sure where I am" look that you described.


why are some spices so much more expensive than others, like in terms of brand? i've always wondered that... is it because the flavoring is weaker or "watered" down or something?

I dunno. I generally have good luck with cheapo brands, except vanilla. I'm baffled why spices like McCormick stuff are like $6 a jar, though.


why are some spices so much more expensive than others, like in terms of brand? i've always wondered that... is it because the flavoring is weaker or "watered" down or something?

I dunno. I generally have good luck with cheapo brands, except vanilla. I'm baffled why spices like McCormick stuff are like $6 a jar, though.

i agree with the vanilla extract for sure! i really do wonder if the more expensive ones are better or your just paying for the pretty bottle and well known name?! if you have a Target by you with a decent size food section they have tons of store brand spices super cheap!


It's because MacCormick spices were the first to be readily available, like in rural area supermarkets etc., so now they trade on "old established brand" status. Same thing when I was a kid with Kitchen Klatter flavourings.


It's such a waste! I mean, a little expensive bottle of chili powder is basically only enough for a pot of chili. Cooking from scratch must look expensive based off those things.


my dance coach said i have to dye my pink hair back to brown. she said it's for uniformity, but there's a girl on the team with tattoos from head to toe, there's a black girl, there are thick girls and thin girls, blondes, brunettes, girls with curly hair, girls with straight hair, etc. Why am i the one who has to change? in person i said it was fine because i thought i could get over it, but then i realized how unfair it is. so i sent her an email and told her how i felt in a very polite way and hopefully she'll see my point of view.

i know it's stupid and it's just hair, but i've always been asked to change how i look. and i thought that now that we're all adults we could actually accept people who are different, but apparently not. i told my mom and she was getting ready to get her friend that's a lawyer and come up here and have a talk with my coach. haha. i just wish that for once my appearance didn't matter. i wish it was just about talent.

and don't get me wrong, i totally understand wanting to look like a team. but that's why we have costumes and uniforms. if there can be a girl with tattoos all over (which in my opinion sticks out much more) then i should be able to have my hair the way i want it.



Which puts my Gear-grind into perspective, but here goes:
Where I live, if a person, man or woman, adult or child, says something that is recieved as "witty" or funny, why oh why do they think it will be even funnier if they repeat it 4 or 5 times?
We laughed once, don't milk it.
Or adults talking to little kids will repeat the same idiotic statement or question over and over and over and over. "Are you a pretty little girl? Are you, huh? Are you a pretty little girl?"
The toddler who gets a new word and runs it into the ground is marginally more bearable than a 45 year old adult who does the same thing. But only just.



Which puts my Gear-grind into perspective, but here goes:
Where I live, if a person, man or woman, adult or child, says something that is recieved as "witty" or funny, why oh why do they think it will be even funnier if they repeat it 4 or 5 times?
We laughed once, don't milk it.
Or adults talking to little kids will repeat the same idiotic statement or question over and over and over and over. "Are you a pretty little girl? Are you, huh? Are you a pretty little girl?"
The toddler who gets a new word and runs it into the ground is marginally more bearable than a 45 year old adult who does the same thing. But only just.



It's such a waste! I mean, a little expensive bottle of chili powder is basically only enough for a pot of chili. Cooking from scratch must look expensive based off those things.

exactly... spices are "expensive" if you don't know where to find them cheap...

VH that is really dumb... especially if people are completely "tatted" up...


VH, has she gotten back to you? What did she say?

My gears are ground into a pretentious, expensive powder.  :P

I'll censor myself for those of you who take offense to words that mean the same exact thing..  ::)

1. I friggin scrubbed my kitchen last night because it was friggin disgusting. Instead of just cleaning up a spill when it happens, or even shortly  after, my roommate friggin leaves it there. He spilled some apple juice or something all over the counter, cabinets, and floor a few weeks ago. He wiped up a little from the floor and some of the spill from the counter.. However, every friggin time I touch a cabinet to get my cookie sheet out, I gag because it's so sticky and revolting. I'm pretty friggin OCD which is why I try to just block things out... untillll.. I freak out and have to clean it, even if it's 2 am. My arms are sore from scrubbing so hard. It basically looked like all the ingredients in our fridge and pantry got out in the middle of the night and had a mosh pit. It was that friggin disgusting. Friggin crap all over the stove, splattered food all over/inside the microwave, crap sticking to the counters, crap even splattered all the way up to the light above the stove. So I cleaned. I scrubbed. I got on my hands and knees and wiped crap off cabinets.

This morning.. friggin crumbs and crap on the counters and stove.
I think I may just kill my roommate. Then it's just a one time mess to clean up.

2. When people post recipes that aren't at all what they claim to be. For example, "College Girls Easiest Cheesiest Tamales" @ (sorry recipe poster, but this is a prime example) How did you decide to call these tamales? Those are no where close to tamales. Those are NACHOS.


yeah she basically said that she's letting the tattooed girl stay on the team because she was on the team last year and she doesn't want to deny her the chance of being on the team because of her tattoos. ummmm...i was on the team the last TWO years. i fought harder than anyone last year to make the team stay alive. and yet i'm being denied the opportunity to be on the team because of my hair...and then she said she doesn't want to set a double standard. WHAT THE ACTUAL LITERAL FUCK?!

and omfg, tl, i would have exploded on him if i were you. i know you're adults and you're not his mom, but if he's not grown up enough to clean his own damn mess, then you should yell at him like the toddler he's acting like.


that is all such bullshit vh, i am sorry, and yes your moms lawyer friend should talk to your coach.



Which puts my Gear-grind into perspective, but here goes:
Where I live, if a person, man or woman, adult or child, says something that is recieved as "witty" or funny, why oh why do they think it will be even funnier if they repeat it 4 or 5 times?
We laughed once, don't milk it.
Or adults talking to little kids will repeat the same idiotic statement or question over and over and over and over. "Are you a pretty little girl? Are you, huh? Are you a pretty little girl?"
The toddler who gets a new word and runs it into the ground is marginally more bearable than a 45 year old adult who does the same thing. But only just.

ahh my sister kept doing that once..trying to be funny with the same annoying thing over and over. im sure she's done it more than once.
and the adults doing that to toddlers are usually using a high pitched annoying voice and baby talk. THAT bugs the crap out of me! Just talk to your child as if he were a real person!


yeah those are def not tamales, hahaha



Which puts my Gear-grind into perspective, but here goes:
Where I live, if a person, man or woman, adult or child, says something that is recieved as "witty" or funny, why oh why do they think it will be even funnier if they repeat it 4 or 5 times?
We laughed once, don't milk it.
Or adults talking to little kids will repeat the same idiotic statement or question over and over and over and over. "Are you a pretty little girl? Are you, huh? Are you a pretty little girl?"
The toddler who gets a new word and runs it into the ground is marginally more bearable than a 45 year old adult who does the same thing. But only just.

ahh my sister kept doing that once..trying to be funny with the same annoying thing over and over. im sure she's done it more than once.
and the adults doing that to toddlers are usually using a high pitched annoying voice and baby talk. THAT bugs the crap out of me! Just talk to your child as if he were a real person!

Aargh, baby talk.  My mom is the worst baby talker I've ever come across.  On her first visit after Vincent was born, DH and I both were ready to kick her out of the car just on the way home from the airport.  After 5 weeks of that crap I was ready to rip my ears off.



Which puts my Gear-grind into perspective, but here goes:
Where I live, if a person, man or woman, adult or child, says something that is recieved as "witty" or funny, why oh why do they think it will be even funnier if they repeat it 4 or 5 times?
We laughed once, don't milk it.
Or adults talking to little kids will repeat the same idiotic statement or question over and over and over and over. "Are you a pretty little girl? Are you, huh? Are you a pretty little girl?"
The toddler who gets a new word and runs it into the ground is marginally more bearable than a 45 year old adult who does the same thing. But only just.

ahh my sister kept doing that once..trying to be funny with the same annoying thing over and over. im sure she's done it more than once.
and the adults doing that to toddlers are usually using a high pitched annoying voice and baby talk. THAT bugs the crap out of me! Just talk to your child as if he were a real person!

Aargh, baby talk.  My mom is the worst baby talker I've ever come across.  On her first visit after Vincent was born, DH and I both were ready to kick her out of the car just on the way home from the airport.  After 5 weeks of that crap I was ready to rip my ears off.

haaha! that is HILARIOUS!!! I love that you are talking about kicking your own mom out of the car. sounds like she doesn't live nearby at least.


pg, at least you knew she had to get back on a plane to the other side of the world eventually!  Sounds... unpleasant though.  Five weeks is a long time!


Yeah, 5 weeks is a long time to have her here anyway, and when she was baby talking the entire time it was really horrible.  I felt bad for Vincent because I kept leaving him with her so I could get out and take Hugo to the park, or go grocery shopping, or anything to get away from the baby talk.  She could spend 2 hours doing variations of the same sentence.  "You're such a strong boy!  You are so strong!  You are getting so big and so strong!  What a strong boy!"   :P Her most recent visit was better because Vincent was old enough to enjoy having books read to him, so she didn't have to come up with her own material.


In my building all apartments give onto an airspace, where we hang our laundry, in groups of 4-per-floor. My stupid neighbours in the other half aaallllways say the same, stupid, too-loud, too-high-pitched things to the neighbour on this side's the same freaking order! "Hello, handsome! Oh, you're so handsome! I'm gonna eat you! I'm just gonna eat you!! You're just so handsome I'm just gonna eatchoo!!"

The sad thing is, the minute the kid starts school he will stop being "cute" in their eyes and will disappear off their radar screen. I have seen them do this with other kids. And he won't understand why they no longer even speak to him.


I may have been guilty of kind of baby talking (a slightly higher sing-song-ish voice) with Cat sometimes.  :-\

Most of the time we had adult conversations.



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