You know what really grinds my gears.......
Posted by shelloid on Oct 04, 2009 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you? Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?
Ok I'll start:
I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down. Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT. There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.
It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.
I'll go ya one worse, PG...our local LIDL has been closed for a month remodeling. So the 2nd day they are open I go in. They don't even have wire carts anymore, just those little lame plastic thingies that aren't really big enough. And then the cashier tries to tell me I "can't" take it out to where they force you to leave your personal box- trolley (for shoppers on foot, which are 90% of their customers.) I gave her "the look" and said, "So, what? Are you going to wait while I carry stuff 2 items at a time to my push-trolley which is out there in the waiting area?" Knowing of course she wouldn't like that!!
Pause. Pause.
"Oh, can use it."
WRGMG: A new trend of cell-phone addicts. Not only do they subject us to their side of a yelled conversation in the new thing is to put their phone on Speaker so we have to listen to the other person, too! Like I want to hear abut your latest fight with your ex, or whatever.
What's weird about the cell phone courtesy thing is that, when they became popular over here, there were a lot of the same issues, but I think since then people have actually gotten more courteous about it (and maybe a little more tolerant too). I remember there were always a couple of jerks talking loudly at the grocery store/waiting in line/restaurant/theater before the show/bus/starbucks/bookstore/EVERYWHERE, versus now it seems to be shorter quieter conversations. Of course there are still the occasional obnoxious user (usually on a headset/bluetooth thing, which is a whole other story, or being rung up by a cashier, which is a whole other annoyance for the cashier), but I think they're fewer.
What has probably helped is the reception issue, since "back in the day" if you wanted a signal you had to sit on your porch or find that perfect spot outside and TALK LOUD BECAUSE YOU COULD LOSE CONNECTION ANYTIME EVEN THOUGH THAT MAKES NO SENSE.
One thing I'm glad that has gone is the usage of that walkie-talkie feature on some phones. It's bad enough to hear one person yell; it's worse to have two and the CHIRP CHIRP.
FB there's probably less of it cause people don't even talk anymore, they text, so everyone is always staring at their phone instead of actually talking on it
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blue tooth people.... I call it technology induced schizophrenia
And another thing!
People here who don't put their chewed gum in the wrapper to toss it. No, they just throw it down on the sidewalk, and it gets mashed down and turns black (or sticks on your shoe).
They paved the area in front of our building with red and white tiles. Looked real nice for a few months. Now it's all covered with blobs of black...gum. Gross!!
"technology induced schizophrenia"
Damn, that's good!
people who throw gum on the ground will be destined to an afterlife in hell... i think that is despicable
What's weird about the cell phone courtesy thing is that, when they became popular over here, there were a lot of the same issues, but I think since then people have actually gotten more courteous about it (and maybe a little more tolerant too). I remember there were always a couple of jerks talking loudly at the grocery store/waiting in line/restaurant/theater before the show/bus/starbucks/bookstore/EVERYWHERE, versus now it seems to be shorter quieter conversations.
People here shout all the time anyway, even if they're standing right next to you. I can hear my neighbour upstairs talk to his wife in what he considers a "normal" tone of voice--from my apartment, with both doors shut, and with no straining. I'm not eavesdropping--it sounds like they're in the room with me.
WRGMG, on a related topic:
People listening to godawful "music" on cellphone-speaker in public places. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HEADPHONES?! >:(
WRGMG, on a related topic:
People listening to godawful "music" on cellphone-speaker in public places. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HEADPHONES?! >:(
It is insane obnoxious. People always do that while waiting for the prof to unlock class doors at school and people I work with do this on their lunch break or at closing. One guy does this in the frame shop and he turns the actual loudspeaker/store music off, Which is where the make announcements that we have phone calls or some one needs us. aghhhhhhhhhh.
People who cheat and get in line in front of you!!! I think they're called 'crowders'?
This past weekend, I went to my hometown. Considering Walmart has killed all local business, I had no choice but to go there for my shopping needs. As my sister and I stood in line, one woman crowded in front of us. She thought she could join her party without waiting for her turn to ring up her own cart full of things. I immediately spoke up and said, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't standing in line." No response. I continue by saying, "Thanks guys. Thank you for crowding, I really appreciate it. It really means a lot for you to crowd." Nothing.
I knew they could hear me. So, I started to step closer and closer to them and crowded their bubble; their comfort zone. They kept scooting away as they rang in their items. After they paid and as they walked away from the checkout area, I said it louder, "thanks again, guys. Thank you sooo much for crowding. I really appreciate it!" They ended up going to the opposite end of the store to exit. >:D
I have a very low tolerance for certain things.
edit: PS. mirrya1 - You are now SFB. :)
My doctor is not in. I know they're humans, but really. Every time I need to see the man he is on vacation. You're a doctor; not a banker. Learn the difference in office hours.
My sisters!!! Hello I carried my son for 9 months not you!!!!!! Why is it that they can't keep there views and opinions to themselves? Wouldn't it be nice for me to make decisions since he is my son!!! As if he's going to die because he needs "real meat". What the heck I'm not the one with a 105 pound 6 yr old. If I said he's not going to McDonalds he's not going. If your kids wats to od on chicken nuggets let her. My son is not going to go and thats that!!!!
Lol, your sister thinks McNuggets are real meat?
My sisters!!! Hello I carried my son for 9 months not you!!!!!! Why is it that they can't keep there views and opinions to themselves? Wouldn't it be nice for me to make decisions since he is my son!!! As if he's going to die because he needs "real meat". What the heck I'm not the one with a 105 pound 6 yr old. If I said he's not going to McDonalds he's not going. If your kids wats to od on chicken nuggets let her. My son is not going to go and thats that!!!!
damn right! and glad to see you back!!
People who cheat and get in line in front of you!!! I think they're called 'crowders'?
This past weekend, I went to my hometown. Considering Walmart has killed all local business, I had no choice but to go there for my shopping needs. As my sister and I stood in line, one woman crowded in front of us. She thought she could join her party without waiting for her turn to ring up her own cart full of things. I immediately spoke up and said, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't standing in line." No response. I continue by saying, "Thanks guys. Thank you for crowding, I really appreciate it. It really means a lot for you to crowd." Nothing.
I knew they could hear me. So, I started to step closer and closer to them and crowded their bubble; their comfort zone. They kept scooting away as they rang in their items. After they paid and as they walked away from the checkout area, I said it louder, "thanks again, guys. Thank you sooo much for crowding. I really appreciate it!" They ended up going to the opposite end of the store to exit. >:D
I have a very low tolerance for certain things.
edit: PS. mirrya1 - You are now SFB. :)
I hate it when people do that. They always act puzzled like, "oh? i wasn't standing here this whole time? wait, where am i?"
conversely, i have been the subject of shopper scrutiny one time. you see, i was in the 12-items-or-less line. an older couple behind me spoke loud, "don't you think she has too many?" "i don't think she should be in this line" "that's definitely too many. why do people think they can get in this line!" "LET'S COUNT"(now the cashier started unloading stuff from my basket)"ONE." "TWO." (later) "...ELEVEN. Oh."
I ignored them. It paid off.
when people show off about stupid not-worth-showing-off about things. Really like who gives a poop.
eta: hi larisuena!! Long time no see!!
Thank You everyone it's nice to be back!!
when people show off about stupid not-worth-showing-off about things. Really like who gives a poop.
THIS. Or they exagerrate the importance/difficulty of whatever they do, like it can only be done by a Special Little Group of Anointed People, of whom you are most definitely not one. It's bad enough on a cooking blog, but when you have to listen to it in person it's very hard not to make gag-me faces where they can see you.