You know what really grinds my gears.......
Posted by shelloid on Oct 04, 2009 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you? Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?
Ok I'll start:
I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down. Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT. There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.
It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.
my sister does this with all 4 of her kids. he oldest Klay she refers to as Klay Klay. it is annoying and the poor kid has developmental problems as it is he shouldn't be confused like that.
my sister does this with all 4 of her kids. he oldest Klay she refers to as Klay Klay. it is annoying and the poor kid has developmental problems as it is he shouldn't be confused like that.
My citizenship test is in less than an hour. DH is taking a half day off to watch Vincent while I go for the test. I asked him to be home by 1:30 so I'd have plenty of time to catch the train into town. HE DIDN'T EVEN LEAVE WORK UNTIL 1:30. So it's 1:55 and he's still not home, I can't make the train now so he's going to have to drive me (parking is horrible around there, so I'm not driving myself), and we'll have to wake Vincent up from his nap. As if I wasn't nervous enough already. He'd better get home really f*cking soon.
It'll work out and you'll do fine. Happy testing!
good luck pg, you are going to do great. just stay if it was possible at this point. (((pg))) i am excited for you, and wish i could come to your party!
How'd it go, pg?
I made it to the appointment on time and got 100% on the test. ;)b
I made it to the appointment on time and got 100% on the test. ;)b
If you get 100%, you should then be allowed to quiz staff where you took it. If they think Russell Crowe was born in Australia, they have to move to the US.
feeling like you really worked hard and deserve something that matters so much to you...and then you get spat on.
also, life really grinds my gears.
feeling like you really worked hard and deserve something that matters so much to you...and then you get spat on.
congrats PG and thank God ur husband didn't FSU... i would be livid!
lol, no not literally.
*high five* pg! Now we have something in common. I am also an Australian citizen... a Kiwi-Aussie, which I like to shorten to "Kwaussie (Quasi)." 8)
*high five* pg! Now we have something in common. I am also an Australian citizen... a Kiwi-Aussie, which I like to shorten to "Kwaussie (Quasi)." 8)
Yesterday we were at the dog park, and this other person showed up with their dog. They let him out of the car, he ran over to Hugo, took Hugo's ball, went back to his car and they drove off. With Hugo's ball. It wasn't just a cheap tennis ball either, it was a $10 squeaky ball that Hugo LOVED. Wtf?
sounds like neither the owner nor the dog have any manners.
Seriously. I don't mind other dogs playing with Hugo's ball...and Hugo always loves playing with someone else's ball...but give it back when you're done! What kind of person just drives off with a dog toy that's not theirs, when there are obviously other dogs in the park that it probably belongs to?
Jeez, what an asshat, pg! :-\
WRGMG: Stickers that won't peel off.
Seriously. I don't mind other dogs playing with Hugo's ball...and Hugo always loves playing with someone else's ball...but give it back when you're done! What kind of person just drives off with a dog toy that's not theirs, when there are obviously other dogs in the park that it probably belongs to?
So wait...they let their dog steal Hugo's ball and then just right away drove off?
Now if that happened here I would think that they were actually training their dog to snatch purses etc. Drive up, release large dog who snatches bag, scaring the hell out of the woman so she doesn't resist, dog jumps back in car and they're off.
Either way, no class.
sounds like neither the owner nor the dog have any manners.
they do say pets take after their owners LOL